A lifestyle blogger that I follow recently did a “10 Things You May Not Know About Me” post, which I thought was fun and interesting, so I thought I’d do one for you today.
- I’m an ISFJ, which translates to Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, and Judging. My strengths? I’m loyal, hardworking, and supportive. My weaknesses? I take things too personally and I tend to repress my feelings. I share the same personality type as Kate Middleton, Beyonce, and Captain America. (Fun fact: My hubby is the complete opposite of me, an ENTP.)
- I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior when I was 12. I grew a lot spiritually in college, thanks to some amazing mentors, but it wasn’t until the past few years when I really understood the gospel, thanks to our church’s solid teaching. I’m so thankful for God’s grace as I continue to grow in my faith.
- I love all kinds of fruit, especially pineapple (that explains the pineapple in the graphic).
- I was an only child until age 10 when God answered my prayer for a sibling and gave me my sister.
- I’m an aunt of 4: twin nieces who are in college, and one 3 year old niece and one 1 year old nephew.
- My favorite board game is Scrabble.
- I recently found out that I have some Christian pastors in my lineage on my mom’s side (which is surprising since Christianity was not widespread in China several generations ago).
- I only started becoming comfortable with telling people that I’m an author about a year ago.
- I read up to 3 books a day when I was a teen. I especially enjoyed suspense (I read a lot of Mary Higgins Clark back in the day) and of course, romance.
- I have to listen to music when I write. Depending on the scene I’m working on and/or my mood, I listen to everything from 80s and 90s boy band hits, to piano and string orchestral versions of BTS songs, to current ballads. I can listen to a song over and over and over again and not get sick of it.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed getting to know me better. Now, it’s your turn. Please share one thing (or ten things!) that I and the other InspyRomance readers may not know about you.
Giveaway: I’d like to give away a $5 Amazon gift card. One winner will be randomly chosen from the comments below. The giveaway will remain open until midnight on Sunday, May 31st.
Interesting facts. I like Pineapple too. (I love pineapple icecream)
I am an Aussie. I never collected stuffed toys besides Pinky (my pink teddy bear) Until was an adult. I visited a zoo in Sydney when I was almost 18 and bought a really cute pink hippo (I named friendly). Then for my 21st I had a couple people give me stuffed toys which at the time I thought was strange as I didn’t really collect them. I had also bought a stuffed quokka which was part of a fundraiser for the children’s hospital in Western Australia.
Then on my first trip overseas I came home with so many soft toys. I did buy a few for friends but I had to get a Mountie and other animals. So I have quite a collection now.
I’m a Queenslander.
I can sign.
I love fruit too.
I am one of seven children.
Hi Liwen! I enjoy getting to know authors on a person level. One grandma, who misses her grandkids, has been doing this with her grandchildren on a weekly basis and posting her preferences on Facebook. Interesting way to get to know people. 1. This German American does NOT like pineapple, except in Ambrosia Salad (pineapple, manderin oranges, coconut, mini fruit flavored marshmallows and sour cream). 2. While I enjoy good European chocolate, I do not like chocolate cake or ice cream. 3. Celebrating my BIG 7-0 today. 4. Carnations are my favorite flower. 5. I have lived on both sides of Lake Michigan, but prefer the small town atmosphere of SW Michigan. Best wishes. Enjoy your day.
Sounds like we are very similar in personality. I love most all fruits except Mango. I can’t eat pork or nuts as they make me ill. I love gardening and can for winter.
Welcome today. Thank you for sharing about yourself.
1. I am an introvert also. My husband and I read some books about introverts a few years ago that changed how we look at ourselves. Sp grateful, because both our children are introverts also.
2. I accepted Jesus at the age of 9, my mom made sure I knew what I was accepting and I had a long talk with our pastor and his wife (separately) I still am a believer.
3. I love all fruit except Kiwi.
4. I used to hate mushrooms, never tasted them. But now I love them. Same with Asparagus
4. I am the oldest child of five. Three brothers and the youngest is my sister. I was born a month early. 61 years ago, they really didnt know what to do with a preamy
5. We have two children – Richard is 35 and Heather is 33
6. I am the Aunt of 7 and the Great Aunt of 12
7. I quilt/sew/make greeting cards
8. I grew up on a farm. Was in 4-H and did barrel racing on a Palomino (named Goldie)
9. I have read my whole life. My favorite genres are Inspirational historical and cozy mysteries.
10. I love music all the time. One of my ways of praising our Lord. Even Christmas. At one time I played the piano and the alto sax
11. Right now we go to and serve at Wheaten Bible Church in Illinois
1. I think I’m an INFJ. I don’t put as much stock into personality tests as I used to, but they’re still interesting to compare. My hubby is almost
the opposite of me, too, but he’s right on the line of 50% introvert, 50% extrovert.)
2. I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior when I was 7. I grew up in a Christian home and church, but I always struggled with the assurance of my salvation. It wasn’t until I went to a Christian college that I finally got assurance.
3. I love all kinds of fruit, too, especially berries. I’d rather have a cherry cheesecake than a chocolate cake any day.
4. I have one younger sister, too.
5. I doubt that I’ll ever be an aunt, as my sister is almost 40 and has no interest in getting married.
6. I love word games, too, but I couldn’t choose just one favorite. I used to love to play Boggle with my Mom, but my boys won’t play word games with me anymore. ;)
7. I am 1/32 Cherokee Indian. What’s amazing is that my husband is also 1/16 Cherokee, and we didn’t even know it until after we were married!
8. I started telling people I was an author about 3 years ago.
9. I was always the winner of my local library’s BookIt summer reading program, always going over the 100 books a summer mark. I don’t like suspense, but I love classics, romance, and a little sci-fi/fantasy to break up the routine every once in a great while.
10. I usually listen to music when I write, but I have to listen to instrumental when writing or editing. Anything with lyrics distracts me because I sing along with every song I know, whether I like it or not! :D
I love this! I can’t believe you only recently started telling people you’re an author. I totally understand, but you are a great one!
Hi Liwen, thanks for letting us get to know you better, and I enjoyed reading about our readers. I have no idea what my personality type is, but I do love fruit of all kinds, but I hate avocados.
Hello Liwen,
I used to be friends with several men who smuggled Bibles to China years ago. I love your fun facts 😊
My sister and I are animal nuts and a bit nuts in general. Last year about this time I caught a baby rattlesnake with my bare hands. It was on my back deck, close to my children and dogs and I just grabbed it quick so it couldn’t bite anyone or escape to return later.
Yesterday I caught an injured hawk on our dirt road. I sent it off to be recovered in a raptor rehab center.
I don’t know what that kind of behavior says about my personality, but there it is. 😂😂
I also write Inspirational Romance. I’m a Novel Academy Student. I’m Indie publishing my first novel November 2020. I put a devotional out last year.
Thanks for the fun today.
I love dogs and ice cream. This was a fun post, thank you for sharing!
What fun to read these facts about you! We’re similar in that I accepted Jesus when I was 11 and really grew in my faith in college. I like to play Scrabble! And I was an only child until my sister was adopted (we got her from the hospital when she was 3 days old) when I was 11. When I was in 7th-9th grades, I read a book a day from the school library.
Hi Liwen, very interesting facts about you. Me, yes I love pineapple. No idea about the personality profile, but I am an introvert, however decades of politeness and an interest in others often have people assume I am an extrovert. I’m a step-aunt to four nephews. Love doing jigsaw puzzles and crosswords. Most of my lineage is farming and master mariners however we do have one line of Ministers on mum’s side. My favourite music is early music, especially the lute, but depending on my mood I enjoy most types of music.
1. I hate licorice.
2. I have 17 cats.
3. I am afraid of heights.
4. I love white water rafting.
5. I have won several cooking competitions.
6. I have rescued several dogs.
7. I probably like animals better than most people. 8. I am an adult colorist.
9. I want to revisit Aruba.
10. I collect “reborn” baby dolls which some people find rather creepy.
Hi Ausjenny! That is so interesting that you collect stuffed toys as an adult! What a great way to stay young. I’m picturing how cute the pink hippo and quokka must look. Thanks so much for sharing!
Hi Mary! That’s so cool that you can sign. What a great tool to have. Thanks for sharing your facts!
Hi Renate! A big happy birthday to you! What a great idea, to do this with your grandkids. I bet you are all learning a lot of fun facts about each other. I hope you have a great day celebrating today!
Hi Lucy! That’s cool to hear that we are similar. I wish I could garden like you, but I don’t have any green thumbs at all. LOL. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Lori! What cool facts! I feel like I know you better now. It’s always good to meet a fellow introvert. I also enjoy making greeting cards. Thanks so much for sharing!
Hi Lila! It’s cool that we have some things in common. I totally remember the BookIt program now that you mention it. So glad you’re telling people you’re an author now – it’s something to be proud of! Thanks for sharing!
Aww, thank you so much for saying so, Julie! :)
Hi Merrillee! I’m enjoying getting to know our readers better, too! We’ve got a great group here.
Hi Dalyn! Oh my word, you are so brave and adventurous! I bet you could include your animal stories in your books. :) So cool that you’re on your way to publishing your first book this year. Congrats! Thanks so much for sharing!
Hi Megan! You sound like my kind of person. :) I love dogs and ice cream, too. So glad you enjoyed this post!
Hi Margaret! How fun that we have some things in common. :) I didn’t know you have an adopted sister. That must’ve been a very big and special change to experience. Thanks so much for sharing!
Hi Dianne! Those are cool facts that you shared about yourself. Now I want to look up some lute music. :) Thanks for sharing!
Hi Rose! Whoa baby, you had my brows raised at #2! 17 cats?! That’s awesome. We have some strays in our neighborhood that like to take naps in our backyard. Such interesting facts. Thanks so much for sharing!
Wow! My 10 things:
1. I’m the youngest of four girls.
2. I have 10 nieces and nephews, 13 great nieces and nephews, with #14 due in September and #15 due next January.
3. I accepted Jesus as my Savior at age 11, was baptized on Father’s Day when I was 12 (my birthday was in between)
4. I’m afraid of heights.
5. I’ve only been on a plane once, when the docs I worked for took all of the ones that worked for them to Las Vegas for a weekend.
6. I grew up in a Christian home
7. I’ve read my Bible through every year since High School except for one.
8. I learned to read and had my first library card about age 4.
9. I love cats, but can’t have one during this season as caregiver to Mom.
10. Y’all may know, but may not, that I’m now stalking pretty much all of you on FB, Goodreads, Bookbub, and Amazon, and pray for y’all pretty much every day.
Hi Trudy! Wow, what a great list. Thanks so much for sharing! And thank you so much for stalking all of us and for praying for us. You are such a blessing!
Hello Liwen Thank you for sharing My daughter and I love to garden in the summer and I love canning and making homemade jelly I love Jesus and I am so Blessed with 5 Children 14 grandchildren and 5 Great grandbabies! All You Authors are amazing Blessings to you all!
Hi Sarah! So many grands and great-grands—what a blessing! Thanks so sharing!
Thanks for sharing fun facts about yourself. It is always great to learn more about authors beyond the usual bios!
Hi Denise! I’m glad you stopped by. Thanks so much for reading!
Ironically I have given both away. I mostly have ones from travels overseas now. I even got a hedgehog from Purdy’s in Canada. They make chocolate and candies and I got friendly with the shop when I was staying in Vancouver. They gave me the mascot of the shop (a toy hedgehog) and I gave them a small clip on Koala.
Liwen, I’m an ISFJ too :)
Oh yay! I High five, Natalya! :) Thanks for reading!
Such fun to know more about you, Liwen! I’m an INFJ. I love to read for escape. I have been an actor on stage, for training videos and voice work. My main career was writing software to support satellites for both launch and flight. My many hobbies all seem to have something creative about them, including photography, comic book art, graphic design, audio production and on and on. I can speak French (my mom was a French teacher), but my skills were much better as a young person. I accepted Christ at nine with many trials and growth spurts along the way. I think that, at any point in our lives, we bring all that we know about ourselves to all that we know about God. Both of those continue to grow all the time.
Thanks so much for sharing more of yourself with us. I just recently finished “A Sudden Spark” and enjoyed it immensely. It’s fun to know both the author and the work.
Nice getting to know you.
I need music in the background, too!
Lots of Fun facts! Thank you.
1) I work in a intense face-to-face customer based business so when I come home from work I am exhausted & content to talk to no one and just read and recharge until my next day at work. Lol. My hubby does fine without much interaction.
2) I couldn’t have cats as a child, so we have had at least one, sometimes 2 or 3 all of our marriage.
3) My hubby & I are pretty much opposites, but generally get along anyway. :D
4) I love most fruits – especially (tart) fresh raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, boysenberries & rhubarb.
5) I just started drinking fruit/hibiscus tisane teas & love it after my morning coffee “cut-off.”
6) I would choose good dark choc over cake or cookies anytime.
7) I love to scuba dive. I am constantly amazed by God’s creative hand there. Underwater is where I see Him most, and cannot help but praise Him! Even the coral & creatures proclaim His name! It’s amazing!
8) I once worked in a Wonderful Christian book store that had a great selection of Christian fiction, a delightful coffee/espresso/dessert bar, & a huge fireplace & several intimate sitting areas (in the early 2000’s).
9) I have a library card # that dates back to the 1960’s. My dad used to allow us to read an extra hour after bedtime with our lights on. Those who didn’t read had their light turned off.
10) I love to read & just recently found this group.
That is really fascinating to know you have Christian pastors in your heritage when Christianity wasn’t widespread there!
Hi Lincoln! Wow, what awesome facts. Thanks so much for sharing. I love that you are a creative person. Thank you also for reading Bria and Brandon’s story!
Hi Denise! Thanks so much for reading and commenting!
Hi Penelope! So glad you found InspyRomance! I love the ocean and fruit teas, too. Thanks so much for reading and sharing about yourself!
Hi Melynda! Right? I’m just amazed at God’s hand and grace over my family lineage. Thank you for reading and commenting!
How fun! Hedgehogs and koalas are both so cute.