Two years ago, I retired from the big corporate job and the hectic lifestyle that went along with it. Rewarding! Productive! Challenging! But also busy, draining, exhausting.
One year ago, my husband and I relocated to our paradise, the South Carolina Lowcountry, where I spend my days sleeping in (when the new puppy allows it), reading lots of good books, writing heartwarming Christian romance novels that take place at the beach, and yes, going to the beach as often as I can!
Many retired people feel the need to fill up their schedules, join a bunch of groups, volunteer on a regular basis, pick up new hobbies. And that’s absolutely fine! But me … I felt an overwhelming need to slow down and unwind. In my retirement, the last thing I wanted to do was recreate my hectic professional life.
For a year, I rarely set the alarm, took my time, walked the beach, prayed to God, wrote books and traveled. It was peaceful and restful, and just what the doctor ordered. But as I was contemplating my goals for 2020, I felt a new burst of energy. An excitement to try new things. A whisper in my ear from God that maybe it’s time to pick it up a little bit. The time felt right to stick my toe back into the waters of productivity.
I wrote a blog post about all my 2020 goals, split into categories of: Writing, Career, Health, Spiritual and Social. Let me tell you about a few that I’m making progress on already:
A writing goal: in my December InspyRomance blog post, I told you about my plan to shake things up a bit and instead of writing one book at a time, publishing it, and writing my next one, I was going to try a Rapid Release process. Write the first drafts of the entire series (5 books) before I release any of them. Then, I’ll release each one, a month apart.
I’m thrilled to report that so far, my plan is going extremely well! I wrote the short novella prologue (Book 1) in about three weeks’ time, and from there, I moved into Book 2 (a full-length novel). It’s looking like I will be done with Book 2 by the end of this week, which clocks out to 7 weeks total. After some “middle of the book slump” problems, God has cleared up my plot concerns and I’m excited about my planned ending. I’m also excited about researching Book 3. So far, no writing burn out detected!
Stay tuned for a future InspyRomance blog post for more about this series.
A career goal: A year ago, I joined the national organization American Christian Fiction Writers. I was excited about joining a group so focused on what I was doing. I knew there would be great resources offered and I would learn a lot. I was disappointed, though, when I discovered that the closest local ACFW chapter to me was a four and 1/2 hour drive away! Local chapters really put a personal face on a big national organization. That’s where you meet people, form friendships, help and support each other.
Before Christmas, I received a group email sent by the President of the SC Chapter, telling a bunch of us that she thought there was plenty of interest to start a second South Carolina chapter of ACFW, and she was looking for people who would want to join. Well, I definitely raised my hand in the air. It was just what I’d been praying for.
I attended her interest meeting, and lo and behold, I ended up being elected President of the new chapter! My husband laughed when he found out and said, “I thought you didn’t want to do stuff like that anymore.” But you know what? God knows what He’s doing. A year ago, when I was in my “I want to relax” mode of retirement, there’s no way I would’ve agreed to such a big job. But remember that nudge He gave me that it was time now to be more productive? It’s no coincidence that this important opportunity came up at the precise time it did.
Please pray for the Board of this new chapter and the charter members so that together, we can make it something absolutely awesome.
A health goal: I’ve always been a person who is either on a diet, trying to maintain a recent weight loss, or gearing up to lose the new 15 to 20 pounds I just gained. Who’s with me? So, one of my goals for the year is to do more healthy cooking. Instead of throwing something processed in the microwave, why not spend a little more time and discover new recipes, buy healthy foods and cook? I set my goal to try two new recipes a week and I believe I’ve kept to that. Here’s a look at some of my creations: vegetable beef soup, ratatouille and mini-turkey meatloaves. This house has been smelling pretty darn good!
So how about you? Did you set some goals in 2020 to be more productive? Do you want to share? I’ll pick one random commenter to win a giveaway: one ebook format of any of the books in my backlist.
kim hansen says
I set a goal to continue to eat healthier less processed and more cooked food.
Paula Marie says
Congratulations on pursuing your goals, Laurie! I love the SC coast!
Megan says
Congratulations on accomplishing someone’s your goals! I’m not a bit goal setter, but I have been trying to learn to slow down more. I haven’t succeeded very well so far, but I’m trying. Thanks for sharing!
Lelia (Lucy) Reynolds says
Congratulations on setting goals and trying to accomplish them. Blessings
Laurie Larsen says
Great! And how’s it going?
Laurie Larsen says
Thank you Paula Marie! I do too, always have! And now I’m lucky enough to live here. What’s your favorite spot on the SC coast?
Laurie Larsen says
Yes! It’s an important goal! I remember when I was working and writing and raising kids and singing in the church choir and volunteering at both school and church and going to all the games and concerts my kids played in … people asking me, “How do you do it all?” I always said, “I have no idea,” because I didn’t really think about it. I just did it. But now, I love the more relaxing pace. I realize now that I was stressed out about 90% of the time back then. Now it’s more like 5% of the time. Much better. Hoping you find your slower pace soon!
Laurie Larsen says
Thank you Lucy! Blessings to you as well.
Kimberly Rose says
I didn’t necessarily set any goals but after contemplating what I would publish this year I came to the same conclusion as you. I will be doing a rapid release of a series too. I am refocusing on health and eating well too.
Wishing you the best as you work in your goals.
Laurie Larsen says
Best of luck with your new release plan Kimberly! And your health goals too.
Lincoln says
It’s really neat to see that your rapid release program is working for you. Congrats! No specific goals for me but I have started my first novel. 15 short chapters in and still cooking along. The food looks delicious!
Laurie Larsen says
Hey Lincoln, congrats on writing your first novel and best wishes for getting it finished!! It’s a great feeling!
Ausjenny says
I did try to not buy candy etc and did great for about 6 days. I need to eat better but its a struggle. I have set a goal of eating less fast food and on average I am doing better than a few months ago. Part of my issue is I tire so easy and some of the go to foods (Like toast) I find I can’t or don’t want to eat. If I eat bread I tend to eat a few bites and don’t want it. I seem to have issues eating bread where as I often use to have toast or a sandwich etc for a meal now I can’t handle eating it very often. infact haven’t had toast in over 6 months or more. I need to change my diet cos my cholesterol is higher this time.
Trudy says
Congratulations are meeting some of your goals! I cook at least three times a week, the rest of the time we have leftovers! I bought a pork roast the other day marinated in honey and apple, so cooked in last night. I’d never have thought enough in advance to marinate one! Tomorrow night I’ll be cooking again!
Laurie Larsen says
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to eat whatever you want with no negative side effects? But the longer I live the more I see that that’s never the case for anyone! Best wishes for finding your perfect balance!
Laurie Larsen says
Oh I love pork roast and I also enjoy leftovers. Often, my husband and I will partner on meal creation: he’ll grill the meat and I’ll do the side dishes. That makes it less of an effort than being responsible for the whole meal.
Priscila says
I’m pretty sure I’ve missed some of the old posts because writing fiction sounds way more exhausting than picking up new hobbies. I’m impressed and happy for you that you’re meeting your goals and making new ones.
For 2020, I need to be more productive because I am starting a new job on March 2nd. So my one and only personal goal is to make sure I find time for my new family (we have a 5month old son) and don’t freak out while learning how to fit in the new place (which is. 40minute drive away from home in a good day).
Melissa Henderson says
Laurie, so glad you are our ACFW SC Lowcountry chapter President. I am thankful for your leadership and friendship. :-)
Laurie Larsen says
Best wishes to you Priscilla. Starting a new job is never easy, but throw in a commute and a new baby and you’ve got a challenge in front of you! I’ll be praying for the best for you!
Laurie Larsen says
Hi Melissa! Great to “see” you here! It’s been awesome working with you on the chapter board and I look forward to doing many more great things together!
Paula Shreckhise says
I set a goal to pare down my TBR pile on older physical books and kindle books. And still keep up with my new release review obligations.
I’m going to try to do a few more crafts in preparation for our annual craft sale at Church.
Narelle Atkins says
Hi Laurie, Congrats on staying on track with your goals! I’m currently teaching my son to cook from scratch and learn the basic skills needed to cook his favorite meals. Which reminds me that I need to take pork belly out of the freezer for dinner tonight, lol. 😊
Pam Whorwell says
So glad you have found and are founding a local ACFW chapter! Also a good thing to try to keep healthy! I also am trying to get and keep healthy. I am on the keto diet an have lost 50# and my a1c has dropped from 6.4 to 5.3. I still need to lose about 40# more but I have made a great start. I also am trying to spend more quality time with family and friends.
Paula Marie says
I spent a lot of time in Hilton Head in my younger years 😁
Laurie Larsen says
Hi Paula! Yes I’ve upped my goal for reading too. Having the goal (2020 Reading Challenge on Goodreads) reminds me that I have tons of great books sitting on my Kindle and my physical bookshelf waiting to be read. So I always have one started and even if I only have 15 minutes I grab it and read. Best of luck to you getting through your TBR list!
Laurie Larsen says
Hi Narelle! What a great idea! Boys should know how to cook! I have 2 sons and although I taught them to do landry in prep for going out on their own, I don’t think I intentionally taught them anything in the kitchen. But now they both enjoy cooking! I enjoy getting pics of their latest culinary creations in our group text and am amazed by their acquired skills!
Laurie Larsen says
Oh Pam! Congrats on your healthy weight loss! I bet you feel better all over — feet, joints, muscles. Great job. I love the thought of 2020, a whole new decade, being the impetus of starting new healthy lifestyle choices.
Laurie Larsen says
Love Hilton Head! Vacationed there at least 5 times! :)
Shirley Strait says
My goal for 2020 is to find my “new normal” after my husband died in December 2018 after taking care of him for 12 years. I recovered in 2019 and am now really finding my place again.