One of the cool things about being an indie author is the freedom we have to make changes to our books when needed. For example, I recently decided to give one of my book covers a makeover in hopes of making it more marketable. Because, let’s be honest, we do tend to judge books by their covers—tell me I’m not the only one! ;)
This particular book, Tropical Kiss and Tell, has actually been through two makeovers since it was published in 2017. Here’s a look at the first two covers I gave it.
These are the reasons why these covers didn’t work out well:
- Neither one grabs your attention at first glance, especially the feet-only one.
- Some of the text is hard to read.
- They don’t look professionally made (which they weren’t!).
These covers also didn’t properly reflect the genre of the book. Feet-only covers, like the one on the left, are common for Young Adult books, which this book is not. Also, a reader once told me the woman’s strapless outfit (on the right cover) seemed inappropriate for a Christian romance. While this may have only been one person’s opinion, I did appreciate hearing it. So with all of these reasons in mind (not to mention, a lack of sales), I decided it was time to make a change.
And I’m so thrilled I did! Are you ready to see the new cover? Cue the drum roll, please!
As you can see, I chose to have a single man on the cover because this seems to be the latest trend in romance. My wonderful critique partner, Kristen, lent her Photoshop skills to help me add fancy font for the text, as well as some gradient color at the bottom to make my name stand out.
Doesn’t this cover just draw you in? I personally love how it turned out! Whoever said, “Third time’s a charm” was right!
How about you? What do you think of this new look for Tropical Kiss and Tell? I’d love to hear your thoughts!
Giveaway: I’d like to give away two digital copies of Tropical Kiss and Tell (or another book from my backlist, boxed sets excluded). Two winners will be randomly chosen from the comments below. The giveaway will remain open until midnight on Friday, September 6th.
Love, love love your new cover!!! Great job, and very handsome model/eye candy!
Hi Liwen! As a reader, the cover is what draws me to a book. Love the new cover with its banner to identify the series, the tropical flower to go with the title, and the Asian male model. Very well done and professional looking. Fall has finally come. Today is the first day of school, only a half day; but back to routine for young and old. Best wishes.
Hi Liwen, I LOVE the new cover! I thoroughly enjoyed the story and think the new cover fits it well.
We had a warmer day today- Spring showed a little hint of coming soon, but the temperature is predicted to plunge again for the rest of the week.
I really like the new cover. The colors pop on the title making it easier to see and now your name stands out too!
I think your new cover looks great, classic, and stylish – and the cover model looks like he’s a cross between one of the heroes from Crazy Rich Asians and Mr Darcy, with his white shirt – both wins as far as I’m concerned! Looking forward to reading this one day!
Very handsome! I personally like the feet cover too, and I’m in my 50’s.
It’s not just for YA, I don’t think.
Love it! Much better.
I agree a cover draws you to a book but the story keeps you there. I love your new cover. Good choice.
I really like the new cover!! very nicely done, I already have the story (with an old cover, lol) so no need to enter me in the drawing!
I like the new cover!! It does look much better than the other two, though I must say, I usually don’t buy books for their covers. I look at the author and the blurb on the back. The only book I really judged by the cover with This Present Darkness, and talked myself out of buying it, I think three times. The reason I did buy it: there was a sticker on it that said I could get a full refund if I didn’t like it. I ended up loving it!! I’ve now read it three times. If I went by the cover, I still wouldn’t own it!!
Cover does stand out. I like he is dressed but shirt is not perfect.
I love your new cover. He has some tough decisions to make. Thanks for the chance.
Thanks so much, Sue! Even my mom said he was cute. LOL ;)
Hi Renate! Yay, so glad you like the new cover. And yes, I can feel fall in the air. It’s nice to be back in the school routine. Thanks for commenting!
Hi Wemble! Hooray! :) So glad you love it. Hope you enjoy the warmer weather today! Thanks for commenting.
Thanks so much, Lori! Yes, it’s cool how changing up the colors can make a big difference. Thanks for commenting!
Hi Carolyn! Ooh, you describe him well! :) Thanks for commenting!
Hi Michelle! Ooh, good to know. :) Thanks for commenting!
Hi Dalyn! Yay, thanks for the feedback! :)
Hi Linda, thanks so much! So glad you like it!
Hi Paula! Oh yes, and you wrote a review, too, which I so appreciate. Thanks so much for commenting!
Hi Trudy! Oh, I loved This Present Darkness, too. I read it so long ago though, all I can remember of the cover now is that it was dark and purple? It’s great you decided to give it a chance. :)
Hi Carol! Glad you think it stands out. :) Thanks for commenting!
Hi Lori! Haha, it’s funny you say that because he really does, especially when the woman he loves gets engaged to another man! Thanks for commenting. :)
While I agree the old covers feel like YA more than CCR, I have always wondered if changing covers actually increase.
Hi Priscila! I think they do, at least according to my own experiences and some authors I know. A lot of it has to do with trends … which definitely come and go. Thanks for commenting!
I love the new cove.
Actually, I like all three :) really!
Ooh, I love your new cover! Very eye grabbing! He’s quite a hunk, and I love how he’s not looking straight ahead, makes me think he’s gazing lovingly at his heroine who is off in the distance somewhere and approaching him! 🙂
Thanks for your feedback, Brenda!
Oh, haha, that’s good to hear, Natalya! :)
Ooh, I love that description, Caitlyn! Micah (the hunky male lead) would do exactly that if Lucy was walking his way. :)
Nice cover. Very classy. Keep the feet photo for another make-over. I like that photo.
I love the new cover! I actually own this book, but don’t remember if I’ve read it or not. I’ll have to put it in my thr pile and see if I have.
Thanks for the feedback, Jennifer! I’ll hold onto the feet one for future use. :)
Hi Melynda! Please do, and let me know how you like it. :) Thanks for commenting!
Love the new cover. Read the book even when it only had “feet” on the cover ;)
Hi MJSH! Ha, that means you read the classic version. ;)
My first thought was hot guy. then it was it reminded me of Hawaii 5-0. Or Hawaii.
I like the cover the one with bear shoulders also looks young adult to me. congrats on the new book.
Haha, that’s a good first thought, Ausjenny! Thanks so much for your feedback!
Hi Liwen!
I don’t know if I’m part of the minority here, but I did like your second cover. Of course, that doesn’t mean I don’t like your new cover, I do! I think the model represents well Micah’s character, and I love the font, the colors, how your name pops more, etc. Great job ;)
Thanks, Priscila! I do like the second cover, too, and it worked well for the “couples on a cover” trend. :) Who knows, maybe if that trend comes back, I’ll change it again. ;)