I will happily admit that I love Christmas. December is one of my favorite months of the year, and not because we receive presents.
There’s more to the season than that.
I do love searching for the perfect gift for each person, though. It’s a challenge to find sometimes, but that’s part of the fun. Unless you’re looking for a gift for me. That’s easy. I want books. Always.
Last month, I had a new book to release, and though it doesn’t revolve around Christmas, there is a holiday spirit that’s spread throughout the book.
Footprints on Her Heart is my third book in the Independence Islands series, and it’s one that I dearly love. The characters are sweet and thoughtful. They’re also quirky and playful. They challenged me in a way that not every character does, but at the end of the day, they became friends. The book revolves around Trent, Kara, and Trent’s animal shelter where they both work. You see, Trent’s shelter has become overrun with animals, and he’d like nothing more than for each and every animal to have a home by Christmas.
Together, he and Kara strive to turn his dream into a reality by setting up an adoption event that falls right before Christmas. This is troublesome for Kara since it pushes her way outside her comfort zone. But she’s willing to try.
I think that’s what I love most about this book. The willingness to try, even when it’s hard. God never said He would make our pathways easy.
Christmas is like that in some ways. It’s also a reminder of His great love for us. There’s a season of giving that comes with Christmas and that made its way into Footprints. The islanders know how to come together, even for something that might seem as unusual as an animal adoption. They’re willing to give their time, talents, and open their homes to animals in need.
Kara’s conundrum is figuring out how to lean more on God and less on her insecurity.
Trent’s conundrum is discovering peace for himself in spite of his past.
My conundrum is learning how to forgive a person’s actions when the person is not sorry.
Do you have a conundrum to overcome this Christmas season?
I am at peace.
I have read Carolyn Millers books in this series and have some others (all the first ones) on kindle. This one looks good with the animals.
I have a friend who said she learnt to forgive but it didn’t take away the pain and the issues caused by what happened to her. She explained it like if you have a limb removed you have gotten rid of the bad part but you still have the pain and feel of where the limb was. It made sense as it can be hard to forgive someone who isn’t sorry or sometimes doesn’t know you are hurting and to forgive doesn’t mean you forget but it helps you personally move one.
I had this happen a few years ago I was able to say I forgive you to someone who had no idea what I was referring to. I said I know you probably don’t remember or know how much it affected me but I do and I forgive you. (He really didn’t know what to say)
Not sure I have that issue this Christmas. I do have have a slight issue with a couple people where the truth got distorted (The truth of what happened and what was reported were different one person mentions the part she thought was an over reaction leaving out what she had said and done to cause the reaction). With out telling the whole story being told and another party not asking for both sides it led to one person that would be me being told they over reacted and it was over the top. Things are slowly mending but it will take time before I feel totally relaxed. The hurt and pain has reduced but it takes time.
PS I love Christmas. I love this time of year as its also Cricket season and its Summer
Last night I found out someone stole my credit card number. Now a fraud case has been started and waiting on a new card. SUCKS.
I’ve had quite a few conundrums this past year! However, with God’s help, I’m working on forgiving and moving on. I won’t be reaching out to them, as I don’t feel God leading me that way, and at this time, it would only open me up to more problems. I keep praying for them every day, though, which is what I am called to do. I’m looking forward to Christmas more than I thought I would this year, as I’ll be spending it with friends out of state.
I love these books, and I love reading books by a lot of Christian authers. There are so wholesome. I really love Hannah Jo Abbot and Kimber!y Jordon and Karen Kingsbury.
Just trying to get through the holidays without my mom for the first time.
Going caroling with teens on Christmas Eve – chaos LOL
I don’t even know what conundrum means, lol! I’m just looking forward to getting through the holiday season & have a quieter New Year. It’s been a year, that’s for sure!
But on the other hand, I have seen God work in our lives when I look back on everything that’s happened. He is someone I can rely on & know He will never change in an ever-changing world!
I’m just tired of this world and all it has to offer, Tabitha. But I’m stuck here, hoping Jesus comes back to get us out of this place soon :)
That is such a wonderful feeling!
That is such a hard thing to go through. I’m sorry you are having to deal with that. I pray you find peace and all the truth comes to light. Have a wonderful Christmas!
Oh no! I have had that happen before, and it is terrible. Were they able to catch it before any major charges were made?
I’m so glad you hav been able to find a bit of peace and healing this year. Prayers for you as you move forward. Enjoy your Christmas!
Those are some excellent authors! Happy reading.
I’m so sorry for your loss. I can only imagine the pain and heartache. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Oh, now that is going to be an unforgettable experience! Take lots of photos if you can. They’ll be such fun to look back on later.
Amen! God is with us ALL the time. May you have the peace and quiet you seek this holiday season. Maybe you’ll even get to curl up and read a book or two.
I have heard that same sentiment from several people at church. It’s a cold, cruel world we live in. Prayers for you as this world keeps turning and we keep living.
Thanks. I think the one who brought it ups is now learning to get both sides before accusing or saying there is an issue especially when the last time I was told I did something on hear say that was reported wrong. and I brought it up again. I think this person will ask what happened first. Also others are there to step in if it happens again or if asked to meet it will be do I need someone to support me? (I have just made a Christmas mask for the person who causes the issues as they love robins and I had some Christmas robin material. also we have to wear masks here).
Today I am going to put the icicles on the tree I think. Its still standing but it may tempt Libby more. cat that is
Oh that is awful. Praying it will be sorted quick.
Have room for another (of course not sure how I would get there) I really miss the caroling we did with the church at the aged care homes and to the older church members. I hope we can do it next year
I am struggling to figure out who I am. My Mom is now living in a nursing home. I know I am a daughter of the King. My Mom has always been my best friend. It is a different relationship now. I have now been the one who is responsible for making the decisions. I am also disabled so it limits the times that I can see her due to not being able to get into the facility. We talk on the phone mulitiple times a day. I am praying that I will be able to have an electric wheelchair by the Spring. That will allow me to be able to get out more than stay in the house most of the time. Thank you so much. God bless you.
Hi, yes, it is hard to forgive someone who isn’t sorry or who thinks everything is just fine. I know sometimes I think to myself “Am I really forgiving a person if I say I Forgive them, but I just can’t forget what they said or did” May you and your family have a Very Merry and Blessed Christmas.
It can be hard. I’m sorry your going through it
You are welcome to join!
We did care homes before Covid. It was so touching <3