I recently read a review copy of My Brother’s Crown by Mindy Starns Clark and Leslie Gould. It is unlike most books I have read because there are two stories going on at the same time. One takes place in the past and the other in present day, but the present day story is dependent on the historical story. Make sense? LOL
At first I was annoyed at being taken out of one story and dropped into another, but the more I got into it, I realized how important the historical part of the story was. I generally read contemporary books, so this took me a few chapters to adjust to. That being said, it was well worth my patience! Here is the back cover blurb.
France, 1685. Catherine Gillet knows her brother, Jules, wants to protect her from the sinister threats of the French crown. But Jules is involved in a potentially deadly enterprise, one connected with an encoded document. When his actions put the whole family at risk, will Catherine find a way to save them?
Virginia, present day. Renee Talbot, a direct descendant of Catherine’s, is fascinated by the document that’s been part of her family legacy for more than three centuries. Certain its pages hold hidden secrets, she takes a closer look–and makes a shocking discovery. But when memories of a childhood trauma are rekindled, she’s forced to seek answers of a different kind. Inspired by the faith and bravery of Catherine, can Renee find the truth and face her deepest fears at last?
When I finished the book I realized there was a thread to the story that had been left unanswered. I happen to know Leslie, so I asked her about it and learned that the mystery thread was deliberately left unanswered, because the next book in the series will tackle it. Sure I would have liked to have seen all of the threads wrapped up with a neat and tidy bow, but honestly this wasn’t that big of deal to me.
As long as I was already talking with Leslie I asked if she would answer a few questions for a blog post I wanted to do about the book. Below is my mini interview.
1. You co-wrote My Brother’s Crown. What was your contribution the story.
Several years ago, I was talking with one of my favorite readers and she mentioned that she had Huguenot ancestors. Fascinated by what she told me, I started doing research on this group of believers—who were French Calvinists—and soon came up with the idea for the Cousins of the Dove series. I envisioned a story with a historical thread and a contemporary thread—a time slip novel. Thankfully Mindy Starns Clark, whom I’ve co-authored with before, was interested in the project. While she concentrated on the contemporary thread, I took charge, initially, of the historical story. My part of the research led to an amazing trip to France in June of 2014 that gave me an even deeper appreciation for the Huguenots.
2. You’ve written several books with Mindy, how did the two of you come to write together?
Our agent, Chip MacGregor, recognized that Mindy and I have similar voices and writing styles and felt we would work well together. We wrote four novels in our Women of Lancaster County series and found success with it. Our first novel together, The Amish Midwife, became a #1 bestseller and also won a Christy Award. Others in the series landed on the bestseller list too. Chip was right. :)
Mindy and I do much of our work together by email, etc. because she lives in Pennsylvania and I’m in Oregon. But we try to get together in person when we can. This last July we met in Richmond, VA to research the second novel in the Cousins of the Dove series, My Sister’s Prayer. It was a delight to visit the settings of our next story together!
The series I read that fascinated me was written by Lisa T. Bregren. The River of Time Series. It’s about time travel of two young girls back to medieval Italy. There were many things that stood out in this series. Just to name a few; family ties, honor, suspense, good vs. evil, faith, and of course a bit of romance. There was also the beautiful words describing Italy, a place I’d love to visit because it’s part of my heritage.
Kimberly, thank you for reviewing this book, My Brother’s Crown, because now I want to read it. You see I also have ancestors who were part of the Huguenots society, who came to the USA to escape being persecuted.
I’m really looking forward to reading this!
Anything by Jen Turano or Deeanne Gist, their books are filled with humor yet have a spiritual lesson combed through out their books.
I just read the River of Time series too, and really enjoyed them!
I’ve read a couple of time-slip novels that I’ve quite enjoyed: Love Finds You in Glacier Bay, Alaska (by Tricia Goyer and Ocienna Fleiss) and Tomorrow’s Sun (Becky Melby). In general, though, I prefer contemporary.
Sounds like great book. I really liked Dear Mr. Knightly by Katherine Reay. I read it last year and it was different but really good.
I LOVE the Million Dollar Mystery series by Mindy Starns Clark. I read it about 2 years ago, and then last month read it aloud to my husband. He loved it too! I only know a little about the French Huguenots, but think they are fascinating. Looking forward to reading this book!
This does sound like an interesting read. I recently read The Rose of Winslow Street by Elizabeth Camden and it was refreshingly different, full of interesting characters, and had a few plot twists to boot!
Thank you for these great comments! I want to give a shout out to my reader who told me about her Huguenot ancestors–Linda Letsom. I finally had the privilege of meeting her in person last spring, after all these years.
Two books come to mind. One was Finding Me by Kathryn Cushman and A Heart Revealed by Josi S. Kilpack. In Finding Me the heroine learns that her father has a different name and a whole other life and family that her never told her about. She has to go east and find out the truth about her family. A Heart Revealed is a Regency novel, but very different in that the heroine slowly loses her hair and goes bald. She has to deal with the stigma and being treated as an outcast in Society. Other than books about cancer patients, I’d never read a contemporary or historical where something like this happened to the heroine. These were two unique books I’ve read this year.
Oh, Katy, I adore the Million Dollar Mystery Series and grieve that Mindy seems to have stopped writing wonderful, contemporary mysteries like those. Everyone wants to write suspense now days and not good, brain-using, clue-finding, mysteries in the style of Agatha Christie. She is like the only person I’ve run across in Christian Fiction who has even come close.
Marilyn, I had never heard of the Huguenots before reading this book. It’s great to “meet” someone who is a decent of one.
The River of Time Series sounds great. I’ll have to check it out. Thanks!
I agree, Karen. Both authors write wonderful stories.v:)
Well, now I definitely need to read this series. Thanks, Margaret. :)
Leslie, I loved reading the Women of Lancaster County series and the Courtships of Lancaster County series. You have a wonderful author voice. This new Cousins of the Dove series sounds fascinating. One cannot go amiss with France and Virginia.
It takes a bit getting used to, Valerie, but my brother’s crown is like reading two separate books, one contemporary, one historical that tie together.
Beth, I loved that book too!
I just finished The Choosing by Rachelle Dekker, the daughter of Ted Dekker. Since I had enjoyed several of his books I thought I’d give her first novel a try. It was very different, futuristic, but good. Can’t wait for the next installment coming in March, 2016!
I agree, the Million Dollar Mystery Series was great.:)
Thanks for the tip, Beth. I’ll have to check it out.
That’s cool, Leslie!
Sounds like a wonderful book! I will be reading this!
I would agree, Sylvia. Those do sound unique. I always enjoy reading something a little different from the norm.
I’ll have to check that out, Gail. Thanks for book tip.
It’s not releasing until Dec. 1, but I think you’ll find “The Memoir of Johnnie Devine” by Camille Eide different, engaging, and a super read. I love Leslie AND her books. I’ve been waiting for this one for a while.
I really enjoyed The Wedding Dress by Rachel Hauck. It was really interesting to step back in time and read the stories of the former brides, as well as the modern day bride.
I enjoyed that book as well, Mandi. :)
The author and books I found to be very interesting was written by William Siris. He wrote The Sinners Garden and The Reason, which are both books I thought weren’t something I would be interested in, but they were great!
Thanks for the tip, Sarah. I’ve never hear of him, but I’ll look him up.
I can’t wait to read this novel! Interestingly enough, I almost exclusively read historicals, so it was fun to read a review from someone with the opposite reading habits. Lately, a novel that was different for me that I really enjoyed was A Noble Masquerade by Kristi Ann Hunter. The humorous aspects were different from many other Regency novels and it was a fascinating storyline with great characters. Thanks for the giveaway, too!
I also read Dear Mr Knightly and thoroughly enjoyed it. So many great books out there. Can’t wait to get My Brother’s Crown. I am a big historical fiction fan and books of that genre with a Christian theme are the best.
Another great book, Sharon. I enjoyed Dear Mr Knightly too. :)
I’ve read a few reviews on this book & it sounds like one I’d really like too!
I do enjoy Christian Historical fiction…
If you enjoy time slip novels, Susan Meissner’s books are more to try. Melanie Dobson has also been writing time slip. CHATEAU OF SECRETS is excellent. Her newest book, SHADOWS OF LADENBROOKE MANOR, is also time slip, though I haven’t been able to read it yet. This is a style that does take some getting used to, but I do enjoy those I’ve read. Susan and Melanie write in this style very well.
I didn’t realize there was a name for this kind of book, Pam. I saw someone else mention time slip, but it didn’t click for me until I read your comment. Thanks for educating me. :)
This is Linda. It’s very exciting to see a portion of the Huguenot story brought to life in this new book.
My Huguenot lineages back more than 9 generations.
A story that combines time travel and an historical setting is something I have experienced with another book earlier in the year. It was so enjoyable and kept a reader on their toes. Am looking forward to reading ‘My Brother’s Crown’. Thank you for this giveaway.
The time-slip series that comes to mind that I just read recently, is Lynne Gentry’s “The Carthage Chronicles”. Imagine a 21st Century first year medical student being dropped into 3rd Century Roman Biblical times & trying to doctor without modern medicine! Or try explaining 21st Century things (ie:smartphones) to 3rd Century people…or treating Measles or Typhoid (which is extinct) without modern vaccines. It’s definitely an odd time-travel series, but once I got into it….they were fantastic books. It didn’t bother me after a while….worth the time to read. Lynne does an excellent job with her writing…you should check this series out. You won’t regret it! An emotional roller-coaster ride!
Also the other book I could recommend for time slip, MaryLu Tyndall’s “The Reckoning” (Legacy of the Kings Pirates book 5). I have it on my bookshelf right now, but haven’t read it yet. A modern day girl falls asleep on a replica of a Pirate ship only to wake up 300 years in the past! Sounds intriguing!
Both of these are fantastic authors & you are sure to enjoy their books :-) Thank you for the chance to win a copy of “My Brother’s Crown”, I’ve seen great things about this one!
Thanks, Trixi. I had no idea there were so many time slip books out there.
I didn’t either and honestly, I didn’t think it would be my kind of read. But I was pleasantly surprised how well Lynne wrote those 3 books in the series. It bugged me at first (the time slip theme), but I did get used to it the more I got into the story. I was hooked by the end for sure! You should definitely check these out, if you are so inclined. I can guarantee a exciting ride!!
Maybe time slip novels will be the next big thing.:) But I will stick to writing contemporary romance.
I’ve enjoyed all of these comments! Thank you so much Kimberly for hosting me! It’s been a lot of fun!
I enjoyed it too, Leslie. :) Thanks for joining us.
I actually enjoy time slip novels for their blend of historical and modern story lines. I’ve read a few really good examples of them lately with Susan Meissners A FALL OF MARIGOLDS and Lisa Wingate’s THE SEAKEEPER’S DAUGHTERS. Both Mindy Starns Clark and Leslie Gould are author’s that I’ve not read before. MY BROTHER’S CROWN sounds intriguing and whether I win or not it’s been added to my goodreads tbr.
Thanks for the book tips, Amanda. :)
I love to read! Especially Christian fiction, Women’s fiction, Historical fiction, Amish stories, true stories, contemporary stories. I appreciate book with no foul language.
I with you, jaqouia3 regarding no foul language.