When I published Finding Peace, the first book in my Love’s Compass series, in January of 2015, I had no idea where this series would take me. Over the following three years, I would write a total of six books that had my readers laughing, crying, and falling in love with these amazing families.
As the one-year anniversary of the completion of this series came and went, I started thinking about having new covers created to give the series a fresh look. I also spruced up their blurbs a little so readers could quickly get a sense of what each book was about.
Over the last month and a half, I’ve been working with Josephine at Covers and Cupcakes to give this series a makeover. Can I just say how much I LOVE these new covers? I will always like the originals, because I feel each one represented the individual book well, but these new covers give the whole series a wonderful, cohesive look.
Original Covers
New Covers
Love’s Compass: Six books, two families, one unforgettable series.
Finding Peace (Book 1):
Tuck is determined to keep Laurie safe,
even if it means risking his own heart in the process.
Finding Hope (Book 2):
For years, Lance avoided telling Lexi how he felt.
He’s not about to waste another minute…
Finding Courage (Book 3):
With their marriage failing, it takes courage to ask
for a second chance…and even more to extend one.
Finding Faith (Book 4):
The more time they spend together,
the harder it is to imagine a future apart.
Finding Joy (Book 5):
When Chelsea starts working for a stubborn cowboy,
what seems like a dead end might really be a new beginning.
Finding Grace (Book 6):
Beth was determined to remain single…until Tyler and his daughter
remind her of the family she used to dream of.
GIVEAWAY: Which of the new covers is your favorite? Comment, and you’ll be entered for your chance to win a digital copy of any one of my books. I’ll leave the giveaway open through Friday, April 5th, and then a winner will be chosen randomly and contacted through e-mail.
Wemble says
Hi Melanie, oooh, hard question. I like the continuity of the new covers- each book is clearly part of a series that is tied together. The covers also invite a closer look to see the detail in the background. I do like the old covers though they are busier than the new ones.
Lori R says
I love the new covers! My favorite is Finding Courage.
Toni Shiloh says
Love the new covers! My favorite is Finding Courage. Congrats on the updated look. :)
Renate says
Hi Melanie! The new covers have a cohesive look with a hint of mystery in the shadows. My favorite is Finding Hope. Congrats and best wishes.
Paula Marie says
I love the way the new covers all.go together, definitely says a series is here, lol!
Colleen Porter says
I love the original covers but the new covers really makes a difference. Love all the covers. The color scheme is amazing.
Danie Walther says
I love the new Cover Finding Grace.
Thanks for letting me participate in the giveaway.
I also love finding new Authors
Brenda Day says
I like the new coves they make me want to take a closer look.
Priscila says
I know you authors like sprucing up because you get tired of your covers, but I really really like the old ones better. (And I knew how to recognize a book by the cover, now not so much.)
Sorry if that’s a disappointment. I like all of the old covers and couldn’t pick a favorite. I probably like books 1 and 2 of the new ones… As for the books, I like all of the ones I’ve read which is probably all but one.
Kelley Blair says
Finding Grace book 6!
Susan Bates says
I like the Finding Courage cover the most.
Dalyn says
I love the new covers for books 3 and 4. Maybe it’s the couples, but definitely appealing.
Mary Kennemer says
My favorite cover is Finding Faith.
Melanie D Snitker says
Thanks, Wemble! Yeah, both sets of covers worked well for the series! I hope you’re having a great day!
Melanie D Snitker says
Thanks for your response, Lori!
Melanie D Snitker says
Thanks, Toni! It was so much fun working with the cover artist on these!
Melanie D Snitker says
Thanks, Renata! I think Finding Hope is my favorite as well. It’s also my favorite set of characters, though, so that may have something to do with it. LOL
Melanie D Snitker says
Thanks, Paula Marie! Yes, I wanted no doubt they were all one series!
Melanie D Snitker says
Thanks, Colleen! I really love the color scheme, too. So bright and cheerful, yet homey at the same time. <3
Melanie D Snitker says
Hi Danie! Thanks so much for commenting. Finding new authors is always a good thing! I hope you have a fabulous day.
Melanie D Snitker says
I appreciate that, Brenda!
Melanie D Snitker says
Hi Priscila! Thanks for your comment. That’s okay that you liked the original covers better. I definitely understand what you mean by recognizing the covers from before. I’m glad you’ve enjoyed the Love’s Compass books you’ve read! <3
Melanie D Snitker says
Thanks, Kelley!
Melanie D Snitker says
Hi, Susan! Thanks for your comment!
Melanie D Snitker says
Hi Dalyn! Thanks for your comments! <3
Melanie D Snitker says
Thanks for your comment, Mary!
Linda Orr says
I have to agree with Priscila. When a new book comes out, you see its cover and know what you are looking for – whether watching for that book to go on sale or seeing what you already have in a series. Also, if you have discovered a new author and you’re trying to find their old books and the covers get changed, you don’t want an unmatched set.
That being said, in your case, I love the colors on the new covers and they definitely look better together as a series.
Melynda says
I think I like the cover of Finding Courage the best.
Regina Merrick says
Beautiful covers! I think I like Finding Courage best!
Chanel M. says
I like the book cover for Finding Peace the best…I have to admit, I like the old covers better. I like the color, nature vibe and romance of those. Sorry. But I’m happy that you like the new ones and they meet all your expectations.
Melanie D Snitker says
I appreciate your thoughts, Linda! And I would agree with you. Changing covers is not something I plan to do often. In this case, this was my first published series, and I’ve learned a LOT about what goes into choosing covers for a series to help make it look more cohesive. I’ve applied that to my other series so that they do not have to be changed in the future. <3 Thank you for your comments! <3
Melanie D Snitker says
Thanks, Melynda!
Melanie D Snitker says
Hi, Regina. Thanks for taking time to comment!
Melanie D Snitker says
Thanks for taking the time to comment, Chanel! I appreciate it! There are definitely aspects of the old covers I’m going to miss – specifically the covers for Finding Joy and Grace. But I do feel like some of the newer covers do a better job of expressing the story – especially Finding Hope!
Paula Shreckhise says
Pretty new covers. My favorite is Hope. It is cozy looking. Love her sweater.
Lori Smanski says
Welcome Melanie. This is a tough question. I like how the old covers depict the title. But as a series, I like how the new covers have conformity.
Lila Diller says
I love the cohesiveness of the series with the new covers!! I think Hope is my favorite.
Melanie D Snitker says
Thanks, Paula! That’s my favorite, too! <3
Melanie D Snitker says
I appreciate your comment, Lori! <3
Melanie D Snitker says
Hi, Lila! Thank you – Hope is my favorite as well!
Sherri G says
Tough question! I think Finding Hope and Finding Peace are my two favorites. I love the old covers but the new ones are beautiful too and more uniform.
Betty says
I really love all the beautiful new covers! Maybe Finding Grace or Finding Hope- difficult to decide.
Joyce Wilking says
Love the new covers. My favorite is Finding Courage.
Dawn says
Congrats on the new covers and anniversary. My favorite is Finding Hope.
Melanie D Snitker says
Thanks for your response, Sherri! <3
Melanie D Snitker says
Thank you, Betty! :-D
Melanie D Snitker says
Thanks for the reply, Joyce!
Melanie D Snitker says
Thank you, Dawn! <3