Gift giving is not my love language. I find it difficult and stressful. And on the rare occasion when I think that I do have a good idea and I put a lot of resources into a gift, then it’s crushingly disappointing when it just doesn’t land. It makes me not want to try again.
And here we are, coming into another holiday season, and I’m looking at my list. #Stressful.
But all of this gave me an idea. Being such a book nut myself, I should be able to at least come up with a gift for other book lovers, right? And so, my idea for A Year of Books was born.
I recently began offering A Year of Books on my website.
When someone purchases A Year of Books, I will send the gift recipient one book per month all year! I can’t speak for everyone, of course, but I would love to get surprise books, in my genre, in my mailbox! (It would be awesome to find something other than bills in there.)
I confess, in the beginning I was only thinking about the gift giving facet of this, but once I got going, I also thought about how God might use this. I know a few people who would be blessed by a steady trickle of Christian stories in their lives, so I’m going to send them some!
If you’re interested in joining the party, please check out A Year of Books at But you don’t need me for this, either! If you’re good at picking out books for other people, you could do it yourself. Let’s fill mailboxes everywhere with Christian love stories!
I’ll be partnering with other authors to pick out the books I’ll be shipping. If you have any recommendations for Christian romances that would be a good fit for this, please let me know in the comments.
And as we enter this gift giving season together, I hope you enjoy yourself and don’t experience any stress at all.
Dianne K says
What a wonderful idea, simply brilliant!
We have moved away from gifts with few littlies now and prefer to prioritise spending time together, which has worked out really well for us.
Robin Merrill says
That certainly does sound less stressful! :)
Lori Smanski says
I am so like you about giving. Now that our two children have moved off. One is married. What we do now is make a list of what we really want for Christmas and in the beginning of November give it to the ones buying. So I can buy for them off of their list. Sometimes I find that one of these triggers another gift, so I will get both. (the one on the list and a surprise for them) This really works nice. My husband is so not like me. He comes up with awesome gifts and for me they are not on the list. But then he really knows me. I love your idea of a book a month for a year.
Meghann Whistler says
RuthieH says
This is a lovely idea, I would love to get a gift like this!
I do enjoy getting gifts for people, but some people are definitely hard to buy for and it can be stressful.
Trudy says
I’ve gifted books to my oldest sister before, and she has to me, too. We know the books each other likes, so it makes it relatively easy, and since I read a lot of indie authors and she has discovered them (I read indies on my Kindle), then I know who she hasn’t read, and who she will like!! Last year, I got her a whole signed series, since she likes paperbacks!
Love gifting books and I Love receiving print books at Christmas My daughter’s and grandchildren buy me books for my gifts!
Debra Pruss says
I can offer you some names for romantic suspense authors-Darlene L. Turner, Elizabeth Goddard, Natalie Walters, Sami A. Abrams, Jessica A. Patch, and Terri Reed to name a few. Thank you for sharing. God bless you.
Robin says
That’s really smart! My kids’ lists would be sooo expensive, though, lol!
Robin Merrill says
:) I hope so!
Robin Merrill says
Yes, some people are certainly more challenging than others! I’m easy. People can just buy me chocolate. :)
Robin Merrill says
Hi Trudy!
That’s an awesome gift! You’re a good sister!
Robin Merrill says
Aw, that’s awesome of them!
Robin Merrill says
Thank you for those suggestions!
Ausjenny says
I am so late to the party. I like this idea although I would be doing ebooks due to location.
But I do like this idea.
Robin Merrill says
Oh definitely. I have that option too. As a reader, I’m not even sure which one I would prefer. I’d be pretty excited about either, lol!