In my last post of 2021, I listed some disappointments of the year and goals for the new one. Number 1 on the list: Reading for pleasure. Since I didn’t read any books just for fun in 2021, I set a goal of 12 for 2022. I didn’t really count as I went and didn’t realize I’d just surpassed my goal with thirteen until I started counting for this post. All were Inspirational Contemporary Romance. To aid my goal, I kept my TBR pile by my side of the bed. And moved a small bookcase by my nightstand. I found this cute chicken wire basket at a flea market. When I bought it, I didn’t have a plan for its use, I just like chicken wire and pink. It sat around in odd places for a few months til I realized it could hold books.
It keeps my TBR pile hand on top of the bookcase and it doesn’t topple or get stacked too high. At the moment, the book on top and one other are the only ones I haven’t read or completed. In between new releases I want to read, I reread some favorites. And what’s odd for me, I have two books going right now. I’d started a reread of one of my favorites, when I found a new release at Mardel’s so I stopped and started the new book. Technically, I’m not reading them at the same time, but it does require two bookmarks. Luckily, I have three now. My cute little basket holds them too.
Which brings me to bookmarks. I bought the seashell one on the left from Cracker Barrel several years ago. I love seashells and it’s one of my favorite colors, so it had my name all over it. I made the one in the middle from some charms I bought. But my new favorite one was a Christmas gift from my new favorite daughter-in-law. The feather, with the butterfly and aqua glittery ornament is so delicate and pretty, I was almost afraid to use it. but it’s too awesome to not use. I learned pretty quick, thankfully the ornament is plastic. It didn’t break when I dropped it.
Part of the reason I got to read more – I cut my editorial job significantly down. In 2021, I read fourteen submissions, rejected eleven, and accepted three. One of the acceptances was a debut author. I did the content edit on four Historical Romances, three Mysteries, two Romantic Suspense Novels, four Contemporary Romances, two Women’s Fiction titles, and 3 Novellas. I judged one contest, read five entries, & critiqued two winners. In 2022, I streamlined my genres. I read 4 submissions, rejected 2, accepted 2 – both from debut authors, and did the content edit on eight Contemporary Romances and one Women’s Fiction. I didn’t judge any contests. I do love editing, but I’ve learned I can’t edit and write. And I’d rather write. This year, I’m only scheduled to do two content edits. Thankfully, my friend the publisher is allowing me to pick and choose projects, keeping my schedule open.
The other thing I changed is the way I read. Instead of trying to carve out two or three days to read a book, which is almost impossible, I started reading at night. I’m usually awake a good two hours after my husband is snoring. Reading helps me relax and once I close the book, it’s easier for me to go to sleep. Though I love reading a book fast, within two or three days, and fully concentrating on it, I’m finding I savor the story better with my nightly slow reading schedule. The book lasts longer too.
Another goal was to sign with the agent I was in talks with. I did, then spent most of the year, planning our son’s wedding. In between that, I revised my long-length book and a shorter-length series. I didn’t land a contract yet. But I think I’m close on the series, so there’s a goal for this year. And I love my new agent.
I also set a goal to write a new book. I didn’t. But I’ve got a few more revisions to do and the wedding is over. So in 2023, I will write a new book. This brings me to my other awesome Christmas gift. Every desk I’ve ever had was from a flea market or used furniture store. I did buy a new one once, but it wasn’t big enough. None of them have ever been big enough except for one, but it was dark. I’ve always wanted an L-shaped number, so I can have my desktop computer and my laptop within reach. With the last two desks I’ve had, I ended up sitting in a wingback chair with my laptop rather than at my desk. The dark desk kicked off this trend. It had lots of storage and lots of desk space, but the top was bookshelves. I sat looking at a dark panel of wood. The next one was cute and French Provincial. It wasn’t big enough but took up too much space for it to face the window like I wanted. I’ve never paid much attention to Feng Shui, except when it comes to writing.
My husband kept telling me to find the one I wanted and get it. So I finally did. But it was online. I just was not crazy about spending a chunk of money online with a company I wasn’t familiar with. But then I saw the brand. The company my Georgia cousin works for. I asked her if I could buy it through her. She set me up and got me a 50% discount. Which isn’t what I wanted her to do at all. But she insisted. So now I have the awesomest desk ever. My last desk ever. I write on my desktop and if I need to research something, I spin over to my laptop. This keeps me from getting sidetracked with social media or whatever, since I don’t like facing the wall. You can’t tell in the picture, but my desktop faces the window. The white base and hutch play to my taste for light furniture and the wood top is easier to keep clean. It’s the perfect desk for me arranged perfectly in my space. And from the moment I found it, I knew that round end by my desktop would be the perfect spot for my 16 1/2 year old tomcat to lay. It took Charcoal about a week to agree. With my muse beside me, I’ve already written a great first chapter.
So what about you? What are your reading achievements from last year? What are your reading goals for this year? Or any achievements and goals you’d like to share. Do you have a favorite bookmark? Have you ever needed to rearrange or bought a new piece of furniture to increase your productivity? All comments will go in the drawing for a print copy of my two-in-one with Tina Radcliffe, including her Rocky Mountain Cowboy and my Reuniting with the Cowboy, US and international.
RuthieH says
I love your desk! It’s beautiful, it must be a real pleasure to work there.
I didn’t set a specific reading goal last year as I just wanted to try to get back to reading more as I love it and I was letting the general business of life with young children get in the way. I mainly read e-books on my phone as I found this easier as I can read at odd times. This year I haven’t really set a goal either, maybe I should!
Renate says
Hi Shannon! As a retiree, my reading goal is 150 books a year. In 2022, I read 160 books. As a retired high school German and English teacher, I have books in almost every room of the house. I taught American Lit classics for 15 years. My bedroom/ office has two bookshelves and stacks of books. As a German American, who discovered by mom’s WW2 East Prussian diary surviving the Battle at Koenigsberg and then living in war torn Berlin during the Berlin Airlift, I am presently reading non-fiction accounts of post WW2 life in Germany. With print books, especially when doing research, my book marks are index cards or lined notebook paper.
To save my marriage (LOL), for pleasure I mainly read eBooks. As a Oma, I also read children’s books with my granddaughters (grade 3 and Kindergarten). I have a bookshelf in the grandkids play room. My grandsons (Grades 12 & 9) attend the high school, where I taught English and German for 20 years. We often discuss the books they read in their English classes. I rearrange MY BOOKS depending on what I am researching or reading with the grandkids. Happy New Year.
Trudy says
I read 231 books, not including the ones I read twice, and started the 232nd on Dec 31, so it’s counted as the first book of 2023! lol! I also proofread/edited a total of 95 books. I have no idea how many books I’ll read this year. I don’t set goals or anything with them. I do need to work on my CEU’s for my insurance business, so that will cut down on a little reading time this summer.
Kendra Muonio says
I don’t do reading goals I just read for fun.i have pry 5 or more arc books I need to finish or that I didn’t finish before they came out because I have been really busy.My room is like a library I have to many books on my shelves and then I have books on my kindle.
Alicia Haney says
Hi, and Happy New Year to you and your family! I don’t usually set a goal for how many books I read, I do read every evening. This year I will do more decluttering , things that have just been sitting there not being used and that are not needed anymore. Your desk looks very nice!Have a great day and a great week. Thank you for the chance at this awesome looking book.
Shannon Taylor Vannatter says
Thanks Ruthie. I love it. I feel like I can write better.
Wow. I don’t think i could read on my phone. I do have a tablet though.
Shannon Taylor Vannatter says
Wow Renate. Your reading, family history, and life story are impressive. I read to our son. But he’s not a reader. A big disappointment to me. But I blame it on the school. He had to read so many books a year with a certain number of pages each night and then take a test on the book. It made him hate to read.
Shannon Taylor Vannatter says
I’m impressed Trudy. I dont know how you had time to do anything else.
Shannon Taylor Vannatter says
I love rooms with lots of books Kendra. They feel cozy and homey.
Shannon Taylor Vannatter says
Hi Alicia. Happy New Year. Talk about decluttering. Our son and daughter in law have bee living with us until their house is done. It’s looking like they’ll move later this week or next. I need a massive decluttering. 4 adults in one house with extra furniture that will go with them. It’s been hard on my OCD. I like everything on it’s place. We’ve loved having them tho. I told them they should just stay with is but keep their stuff at their house.
Ausjenny says
I read around 36 fiction books and DNF a few also. I read more than the year before. I don’t really use bookmarks because 99% of fiction books are ebooks. infact last year I think I read one non fiction devotional paperback,
This year I have put 20 books and hope to do more. as of today I haven’t read any ficiton since the beginning of Dec and probably won’t change much til Feb.
not for not wanting to but health issues.
Lisa Cobb Sabatini says
My husband and I recently purchased a new home, and I went searching for the perfect desk for our new office. Just looking at that desk makes me want to start writing again!
Shannon Taylor Vannatter says
I rarely read ebooks, Renate. And I must have a bookmark. It’s almost sacrilege to me to fold the corner of a book down. We once went on vacation. I bought a book on the road to read. Then realized I hadn’t packed a bookmark. I used my receipt to mark my page.
Shannon Taylor Vannatter says
It’s the perfect writers desk, Lisa. I told my cousin she’s my favorite cousin now.
Mary Preston says
I don’t have any reading goals. I just read what I feel like, when I can.
I have a leather, long ‘mouse’ shaped bookmark that my daughter gave to me for Mother’s Day when she was very young. Still my favourite.
bn100 says
no reading goals
Shannon Taylor Vannatter says
I don’t usually set reading goals, Mary. But when I realized I hadn’t read any books for 2021, I decided that had to change. I didn’t set goals this year, but I’m back in the reading groove. So I’ll read what I can, but I will definitely read.
Shannon Taylor Vannatter says
Happy reading.
Lori Smanski says
welcome today. my husband does this same thing periodically. I am real careful not to take advantage of his gift of sharing. I have set monthly goals this year in different areas of my life. Like reading, quilting, making my own greeting cards, the house, etc. I love bookmarks and your are so pretty.
Martha says
Last year set a Goodreads reading goal of 36 books. I didn’t make it. This was a first that I didn’t read that many or more books in a year. However, starting in February we had many big things happen and the year never settled down. Thus my reading time was extremely limited. Hopefully this year will be quieter and I can meet this goal.
Debra Pruss says
Thank you so much for sharing. Last year I set a reading goal of 40. I ended up reading over 80 books. This year I raised it to 50 books. I assist with book launches so I have some books that will be coming in. I did not want to raise it too high as my Mom is in Hospice care and declining. I do not have any other goals this year. I am taking things one minute at a time. God bless you.
Shannon Taylor Vannatter says
I hate when people take advantage of other people’s generosity, Martha. Sounds like you have lots of goals. I should have made some sewing goals. My sewing projects have stacked up. I have two ottomans I planned to recover, along with curtain toppers for the dining room and family room, and a new comforter for the guest room.
Shannon Taylor Vannatter says
I mean Lori. Ugh
I shouldnt try to comment on my phone. The screen is too small.
Shannon Taylor Vannatter says
I understand completely, Martha. We had a lot going on this past year and it never settled down. I hope there’s more reading for you in this year.
Shannon Taylor Vannatter says
Wow Debra, you doubled your goal. Good for you. I’m sorry about your mom. That’s hard. God bless you and yours.
Ausjenny says
I don’t dog ear books either and I do have some book marks just not favourite ones. But I have used postcards or a piece of note paper. But now I rarely read books. I don’t need glasses with the computer where as I do with a book.
Shannon Taylor Vannatter says
I understand the glasses thing. I used to be near-sighted, so I could see up close great, just not far away. Then age kicked in and I’m farsighted too. I had to get bifocals, but I could see up close better without them. I used to blow my computer screen up to 200 percent and take my glasses off to write. But I got new glasses and now I can see my computer. It’s so nice.