Happy Saturday!
Lindi here. I hope everyone is enjoying an amazing May Saturday. I hope warm weather is amongst all of you! (Unless it’s your winter. :))
Reading update. I’ve. Been. A. Terrible. Reader. I hate confessing that! But it’s true. Again, I’ve started some books, but haven’t finished. I’m reading non-fiction-Bible Study Methodology, which is very interesting. I’ve also started, (and probably will have finished by the time this post airs) Hope Heals, by Kathryn and Jay Wolf. If you don’t know their story, check out their story here. Amazing.
So there you go, confessions of a reader. And I love reading. Love where it takes me. Love the people I meet, the places I visit.
Don’t you love reading a book where the story still haunts you later? I’m using the word haunt here in a good way. Memories linger, feelings still remain. I was talking with someone recently about Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. I still tear up thinking of that book, and I read it over 5 years ago. I remember all the emotion I had reading the ending of that book.
Emotion. It’s not only important for a writer to have that in the book they are writing, but it’s important to take the reader on an emotional journey. I know we all have genres we like. Genres that we may not read, but all books should create some sort of emotion in the reader.
In mysteries or thrillers it might be fear, anxiousness, nail biting time! In romance it may be heartbreak, or joy at that happy ever after. Even reading non fiction, like Hope Heals, you are on a journey with the words in the book.
As a reader, I know I want all the feels. Laughter, tears, the oh-no moments.
The one emotion I don’t think authors want to create is the “throw the book across the room” emotion. I’ve done that with books. It’s been a while, but the ending was, let’s say, unsatisfactory, and I tossed the book against the wall. (No worries, the book was undamaged!)
I have 2 novellas coming out in June. One Spring Promise and One Summer Sunrise. I’m working on One Summer Sunrise right now. My heroine, Evee, is dealing with loss. She’s a sad little thing at the beginning of the story my job as an author is to create empathy for her regarding her situation. I want the reader to feel her sadness along side her, then rejoice as she begins to heal from her sadness. But, ah, we don’t want it to be so sad that the reader is depressed and doesn’t want to read further, so for me, as an author, I tend to have a bit of humor in my stories.
And babies.
They’re good, too.
Here’s an excerpt from the beginning of the novella One Summer Sunrise. My heroine, Evee, is outside because she smelled smoke in her house after lightning struck during a storm. The firefighters are inside checking things out. Evee has just moved in and hasn’t met any of her neighbors.
Excerpt: *unedited*
She shut her eyes blocking out the bursts of red piercing the dark. When she opened her eyes she saw a light come on from the porch at the house next door. They were probably wondering what was going on.
Evee hoped they would stay inside. She didn’t feel like being a friendly neighbor just yet.
But she sucked in a breath as she saw the front door open. A girl zipped up a hoodie before walking down the porch steps, making her way toward Evee.
Even in the dark Evee could see that the girl was young. Maybe eighteen?
“Hi. What’s going on?”
“I smelled smoke after that huge lightning strike a few minutes ago. The firefighters are inside making sure there’s no fire.”
“Cool. I’m Pressley. I’m sure my brother’s inside checking it out.”
“Hi Pressley. I’m Evee. Why would your brother be here?”
“He’s a fire fighter. And he’s working today.”
Evee thought of the older man she met moments ago. “I’m not sure. I only spoke with an older gentleman. The other guys were all suited up. Couldn’t tell much about them.”
“He was probably freaking out at the address since he lives next door.”
“Oh, you live with your brother? Do your parents live there, too?” Evee wondered how old her brother was.
Pressley laughed. “No. They live across town. I’m living with Trey, my brother, to help with Henry until he can make other arrangements.”
“Who’s Henry?” Evee asked.
“Trey’s son. He’s ten month’s old.”
Chills which had nothing to do with the night or the situation ran down her spine. She shifted her gaze upward. God, what are you doing?
Calm down heart. Calm down. He lives next door. You don’t even know him.
And you aren’t going to.
“I’m starting college in the fall, but for now I’m helping Trey out. He’s done so much for me I couldn’t turn him down.”
“That’s nice of you,” Evee choked out, hoping Pressley didn’t notice the edge in her voice. Evee knew it was there.
The edge would always be there when talking about babies.
So there’s my heroine’s biggest fear right now in her life. Babies.
In a few pages, Evee is asked to help with the baby. Yes, torturing our characters is good! This isn’t an overly humorous scene, but I think it has a couple of smilable moments.
Excerpt. *unedited*
Evee shoved her keys and phone into her back pocket then shoved her sunglasses on her head. She took a deep breath as she locked her door, thankful it was still early in the day. At least it wouldn’t be a hot walk.
Evee stopped and turned to find Pressley running across the yard. “Hi.”
“Hi. I’m glad I caught you. Can you help me out? Please?”
“What do you need?”
The girl’s cheeks were red and she was breathing hard. “I need some help with Henry. He won’t quit crying.”
Evee looked around Pressley. “Where is he?”
“He’s in the playpen. Crying. Just crying. I’m about to cry.”
Evee’s heart went into defense mode immediately. “I’ll see what I can do, but I don’t have long.”
“Anything will help.”
Evee followed Pressley across the yard and into the house. Henry’s cry greeted them. He was sitting in the playpen, eyes puffy, face red. Pressley went over and picked him up which did nothing to sooth him.
In fact, in Evee’s opinion, he started crying harder.
“Here, let me try.”
“Glady.” Pressley handed Henry to Evee. “There, there,” Evee cooed. She rubbed his back while whispering the words over and over. Moments later there was silence.
“Dang. That was fast. How did you do that?” Pressley was strewn across the couch, her hand over her eyes.
“Prac—” Evee started, but stopped realizing that might require some sort of explanation. “Not sure. Maybe just luck. Beginners luck.”
“I don’t care what it is, just stay for a few minutes, please?”
“He’ll sleep I’m sure.” Evee turned around so Henry was facing Pressley. “Are his eyes closed?”
Pressley drew her hand away from her eyes. “No. Wide open. Wide open and staring at me. I swear he’s daring me to hold him again. Ugh.”
Her hand went back covered her eyes before she turned over like she was about to take a nap. Evee needed to handle this situation carefully. “He’s probably just tired. I’ll walk with him for a minute, then I’m sure he’ll be fine for you.”
Evee’s heart beat fast at the smell of baby shampoo and fresh tears. She was glad she couldn’t see his face. Little faces can pull a heart in quickly. Too quickly.
After five minutes of silence, Evee spoke softly. “Pressley. Are his eyes shut?”
It took a moment but the words, “nope” came from Pressley.
So here we have a few lighthearted moments with a teenager caring for a crying baby. Again, hoping to bring a smile from the reader and let them relax for a bit.
What are your favorite genres to read? I know we all love to read about love. After all, this is a romance blog, but are there any other genres out there that make your heart race? That make you feel “all the feels?” We’d love to know!
Apart from romance, I enjoy reading Women’s fiction, Lindi. Also, suspense is fun. Debby Giusti is on of my favorites. I call her the queen of the chapter ending hooks. She’s great!
I loved your excerpt and I want to read your books! You are a new author to me. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Lindi, looking forward to both new stories:)
I thoroughly enjoy a good romance, a good romantic comedy, suspense (Raquel Byrnes!) and some fantasy (bit picky with these though!!). I’m with you- there has to be a good ending, nothing depressing please!
Hi Lindi and thanks for the blog and excerpt. As a retired High school literature teacher, I now read for entertainment and fun! With so many talented authors and stories available, I only finish works that catch my interest. I enjoy reading shorter works that I can finish within a day while babysitting my grandchildren. My favorite genre are romances (inspirational, historical, and contemporary) and cozy mysteries! Especially enjoy books with a Michigan, Chicago, Midwest setting! Stories that include animals – not your just your usual of dogs, cats or horses – and babies. Favorite authors are Aubrey Wynne and Hope Callaghan.
Love your excerpts, Lindi! I’m getting a bit teary already thinking of what her heartbreak might be.
When I’m revising my own books, I usually tear up as they finally let go of the blocks holding them back from love. If I don’t, I know the story needs more work!
My go to genres are historical Christian fiction and Suspense/mysteries again Christian. But I’ve also enjoyed some contemporary romance and chick-lit such as Kristen Billerbeck. So… these look interesting!
Nice blog post.
Lindi, I loved the excerpt and can’t wait to read more!
Romantic suspense is my very favorite, but I read contemporary romance, western romance, cozy mystery, and some regency too.
I really enjoy this excerpt. I’m looking forward to reading more. Please let us know when the book is out.
I love to read books that still “haunts” me later though I try to avoid reading them in sequence and look for more lighthearted ones here and there, otherwise my heart gets to feel too much all at once and gets heavy. It’s almost like characters are friends.
Aside from contemporary romance, I enjoy reading romantic suspense (love those, especially Susan May Warren, Irene Hannnon, Barbara Gee, Camy Tang, Margareth Daley, and Alexa Verde’s ones) and mysteries (cozy or not–give me an Agatha Christie, Connan Doyle, or Simenon book any day and I’ll read them fast).
Seldom I’ll read western romance, romantic drama (if I’m really in the mood to cry, which is sooo rare this days, because I’ve been known to cry from cover to end), historical romance (the Jane Austen fan in me sometimes try those out, but it’s hard to find good ones), or science fiction (some time travel romance and some just raw science fiction because my husband loves them and really thinks I’ll enjoy them as much as he does, so I indulge him here and there).
Hi Linda,
When you talked about how you felt sharing about Redeeming Love I knew exactly what you meant. It is one book that has stayed with me for a LONG time.
I love all books that bring out deep emotions. I’ve read many and it would take forever to list them. We are all so fortunate to have great authors who are now available. Life is good!
Hi Lindi, your novellas sound great….my kind of reading!! I am hoping to read them!!
I love historical fiction and contemporary romance, but I also read other genres such as suspense, mysteries, romantic comedy. I read mostly Christian fiction now.
Hi, Jill–I love Debby! And I have used her work in some workshops I’ve done. She’s amazing all around!
Hi!! Thanks for the encouraging words. We appreciate you stopping by the blog. The story is shaping up, and I hope you like Evee and Trey!
Ha! Great minds think alike. :) I’m sure the mystery/suspense has “all the feels.” Spine tingling! :)
Renate! With you liking to read shorter novels and your settings, I hope you’ll love my Single Dad Next Door Series. It’s set in Ohio–and they are 4 novellas. :) And I’m with you on the animals and babies aspect. Something different is good. :)
Autumn–Love your comment here from the author side, too. Yes, tears…..if we don’t have them, not sure the reader will, too. That’s a cool point. Thx!!
Kristin!! My fav. She’s the reason I started writing Chick-Lit. I love her as a person, too. I’ve never met her, but I read her blog and we have a lot in common. :) She gave me the courage to write my first chick-lit, and it turned out that was the first book I sold, Her Best Catch. Chick-lit is such a great genre to me. I love first person—I love Women’s fiction as well.
Thank you, LInda!
Thanks, Julie. It’s a little more angsty than I usually write, and I’m trying to lighten it up a bit–tone wise. Not sure it’s all working. But I have faith… :)
Oooh, Regency!! Love that era. Have you read Kristi Ann Hunter?
Priscila–I love that you indulge the hubby and read his recommendations. #truelove And like you, the books that “still haunt” are the ones we can’t read back to back. Our hearts can’t take it. Each book takes us on a journey, and we need to switch the journey up, like life, right? You’ve listed some awesome authors!! The book is coming out in June. Not sure of the exact date, but it will be at the end of the month. Thanks for stopping by Inspy today!!
Hi Jackie! Thanks!! :) I like the series and writing about ladies meeting single dads.
Linda—RL—Yes!! Deep emotions. A friend of mine wrote a book, When Sparrows Fall. It’s by Meg Moseley. It had the RL feel ending. I think you would like it.
I was on a panel Saturday at an Arts Festival, and another author and I were talking about how we love reading historical fiction, but we don’t have the voice to write it. I love all these different genres. I have friend that seemingly can write across several genres, and they are good at it. I don’t have that gift. :)
HI all!! Sorry for the delayed responses on the blog! I was at an Arts Festival on Saturday, then a Goodbye BBQ for some friends who are moving to Miami. I don’t like responding to these types of posts on my phone. Auto correct makes me sound crazy!!! I appreciate each and everyone of you who came and commented. I hope you had a great weekend!!!