I’m busy working on a book that has a FAST approaching deadline — like I’m talking bullet train fast and this writer isn’t ready!
The book is A (sorta) Secret Serenade, sequel to my Christmas novella, A (kinda) Country Christmas.
I’m at that moment in the book when I’m scared to death.
Scared I’m spending all this time for nothing.
Scared I might be the only one who likes it.
Scared that you, my readers, won’t appreciate my slightly sarcastic sense of humor.
What if you don’t like my heroine — that person who has just enough of ME in her voice that it be a little sad to know people didn’t like her?
What if you don’t like my hero — a guy who I personally thing is a fabulous match for my heroine?
What if you find typos that, despite all the editing in the world, I didn’t find?
What if you think it’s too slow paced?
What if you think it’s rushed?
What if you think the story is just plain dumb?
I don’t think I’m the only author with these fears. We all have them.
The thing is, I think for most of us, all of those things come true. It’s a reality we have to grasp. Someone will snub our heroine and hero. Someone will yawn. Someone will find that ONE pesky comma we forgot.
No author is perfect. No book is perfect. And no story can please everyone.
When I’m at this stage, I take a moment to dwell in you, my sweet reader. I pray that God gives me the words to write a story you will enjoy. A story that will make you smile, which is one of the main reasons I write. (Because surely this world gives us enough to frown about!) A story that God might even use to speak to a situation in your life, or challenge you in some way. That is my hope and my prayer.
I know I won’t always please everyone. But I’ll try to please Jesus first— and then keep in mind ALL the things I know readers (like myself) like in a book, and try to deliver the best story I possibly can.
It’s all ANY of us can do, isn’t it? Our best?
So know today that you are thought about, even when we maybe miss the mark for you personally. And that you are prayed for, that God uses my meager offerings to do something bigger than I could ever imagine in YOUR life as you read.
Let’s chat!
How has God used a romance novel in your life? Have you been challenged or encouraged in a certain way? Have you ever thought of the idea of the author praying for you?
Hi:) The idea of an author praying for me is new. I certainly pray for authors whose books I read (even if it is so that they write quickly!!). Romance novels definitely touch me, particularly ones where marriage relationships are explored and love comes with struggle. That’s not to say I don’t enjoy simpler stories either btw! Good romance books challenge me to keep the big picture in mind, rather than get caught up in the small things that threaten to take our focus from where it should be- relationships with spouse/family etc. and God. Thanks for praying for your readers, know that you are also prayed for you. Blessings:)
I love to play the what-if game while writing news stories, but when it comes to the what-ifs in life, it can steal your joy.
I’ve been blessed by the prayers of many authors. It’s a comforting feeling.
Wishing you the best with your novella, Krista.
Wonderfully stated, Krista! I’ve often thought of writing a similar post, but you’ve done a great job of encompassing the rush of emotions a writer goes through as they birth a new “baby.” And it’s so important to pray for our readers (and I do hope they pray for authors because we can use those prayers!). :) Wishing you the best, and I’m sure the new book will be a winner! Blessings.
Wonderful post,Krista! And all so true!
Wonderful post, Krista! I pray pretty much the same prayer, word for word, as I write! <3
I certainly never thought of the idea of the author praying for me (thank you!), but God has definitely used romance novels to make me rethink somethings in life.
I, too, pray for my readers while crafting a story. I know He knows my readers and knows what they need far better than I do. But I love to think other authors are praying for me, too, as one of their readers. Feeling blessed today!
I enjoyed your post. All of us worry and can only do our best, right?
Now you’ve gone and destroyed all my impressions of writers! Here I was–thinking that you all had every confidence in your writing ability and the enjoyment of your readers, and you say you have doubts and fears? :) I think that’s pretty normal in everybody. Yes, not everyone is going to love every story you write, but if you can touch a few people with your message, you’re successful! Thanks to you all for sharing your time and talents. I really appreciate all of you wonderful Christian fiction writers.
I have also prayed for readers. I pray that my story will reach the one person who needs to read it.
I’ve never thought about an author praying for me, I guess in thinking about it, it does make sense. :-) Because as I see it, if I were an author anyway, I would see my writing as a ministry and my readers hearts as the mission field. Why would I NOT want God’s words to shine through to your heart? I’d want God to touch you through the words He’s given me. So yeah, praying for the reader in that context would seem to be a natural thing.
I’ve had many books touch me, move me, encourage me or help teach me a lesson in my walk with the Lord. The last two books I just got done reading encouraged me to reach out to other people and not hide behind a mask….to be real and say when I’m really not okay when someone asks me if I am. That I do have other people in my life (church family) who care for me, want the best for me, and who will pray for me when I need it. And that we’re all flawed, but God loves us just as we are and will still use us. It also helped remind me that my past doesn’t matter, it’s how God has used all that garbage in my life for good and turned my life around, all for His glory :-) See, books are a ministry!! Kind of like telling modern stories in parable form, like Jesus did. Or at least, that’s how I envision it anyway!
Krista, you just keep on writing those words God’s placed on your heart to write (planting those seeds) & let Him do what He does best, water & grow those seeds! And never stop praying, I love to think that you are for me as a reader :-) (((Hugs)))
Thank you!! Yes, you are DEFINITELY prayed for and thanks so much for praying for us authors as well!!
Love your romance takeaways!!!
Agreed, what-ifs are totally a joy stealer!! They are SUPER hard not to do, but for me, I’ve always found the BEST way to combat them is to answer them.
What if it DOES happen?
Then ya know what, God is still in control and still on his throne and I am loved still. THAT’S what.
The answer to the what-if is, for me, ushers in an ability to accept the what-ifs and rest in Jesus.
Thanks, Roxanne :-)
Glad I’m not the only one!! I love that God meets us during the process… it’s the BEST feeling!
SO glad to hear that, Priscila, and I hope the next time you are reading, you feel those prayers!!! *hugs*
Glad you’re feeling blessed, friend! :-) :-)
Yup, we can do our best, and since that is never, ever enough, it leaves a LOT of room for God to do HIS best which is ALWAYS enough.
HAHAHA. Sorry to destroy those impressions—not…. :-)
Agreed!! That is my prayer too!!
Yup! Jesus was a GREAT story-teller! I love your takeaways and love that God has used novels to teach you such IMPORTANT things. We all have that garbage in our lives and God is such a GOOD and AMAZING God and can take that junk and use it to mold us into His treasure.
And I will definitely not stop praying for my readers!!!