Hello Inspy Romance Readers! I’m Cheryl Wyatt, and I’m new here. I’m so excited to be joining the blog. For this first post, I thought it would be fun to learn a little about you and share a little about me.
I’m thankful to be a mom of teens, a tween and whoever else shows up at the door. :-) I’m wife to a cute rocker dude who’s in the music and entertainment industry. I am a longtime RN and former crisis intervention counselor. I’ve been a missionary overseas in the wake of natural disasters. I write fiction full time for Love Inspired and HarperCollins Christian Publishing (Zondervan). I’m an avid reader grateful to be writing. My favorite genre: romance of course! I have a strong sense of being rescued by God and love to feature military and medical rescuers and first responders in my books.
My next book releases from Zondervan in November. It’s part of an anthology titled A Season to Wed. I love the sepia cover. So classically romantic. Here’s a peek:
Random Stuff: I like…
*Praying for others
*Children & teens
*Helping orphans & the elderly
*Baseball (go Cardinals!)
*Watching my kids play sports and music
*Bible studies
*Cherry slushies
*Encouraging others
*Mentoring aspiring writers
And lots of other stuff.
Silly facts about Cheryl:
*I never learned to whistle. Gobs of people have tried to teach me, to no avail.
*I have been snakebitten more than once. Not poisonous, thankfully.
*I am an organ/tissue recipient and was unable to walk for over two years prior to receiving donor bone. I had 7 orthopedic surgeries in under 3 years. I hated orthopedics in nursing school. LOL! I quickly overcame my aversion to bones as a nurse once I became a patient. :-)
*I don’t like sweets, other than sweet and creamy coffee.
*I talk and walk (and apparently type) in my sleep.
*I once crashed my sports car into my parents’ home, and took it out on one of my characters.
*I was an avid prankster before my husband put me into retirement by filling my living room with hundreds of thousands of packing peanuts.
*I wanted to be a race car driver when I grew up. Hey, I’m not totally grown yet, right? LOL.
What about you?
Do you have pets? Favorite sports team? What do you like to read? Favorite season? Are you a prankster? Do your loved ones play sports? If so, which ones? What’s something you’ve always wanted to learn to do? Favorite hobby?
I’d love to get to know you better! So don’t be shy…share some things, funny, serious, not-widely-known, anything, about you! :-)
Thank you SO much for visiting our blog today. Your support means a lot. We appreciate you!
Cheryl Wyatt
Enjoy getting to know another new author. I am a retired German and English teacher. I have taught all levels from grade one through community college. I enjoy reading inspirational romances and cozy mysteries. I have three sons and three grandchildren. Love four seasons and living in SW Michigan just a mile from Lake Michigan. Best wishes.
Welcome, Cheryl! I’m familiar with you and your books, so it’s great to see you here. The challenges you’ve overcome with your health is inspiring.
As for me, I work for the police department and write on weekends. I recently received my first contract as a result of Harlequin’s Blurb2Book contest. Needless to say, it’s been a wild ride since that unexpected phone call a few months ago.
Welcome, Cheryl! We’re glad to have you here. Your sense of fun must help in raising teens and tweens. As the mom of a teen, I know what you mean about mothering anyone who shows up at the door–teens seem to run in packs!
Hi, Cheryl!!! It is so great to see you here!! I have dogs: a Jack Russel, a Chihuahua, a Pomeranian/Spitz mix, and a Blue Heeler; a cat; and a rabbit. They are all spoiled lol. My favorite sports team is the Braves. My favorite season is Winter. Bring on the snow! I love to read romances about snow, Christmas, getting snowed in, a major blizzard, see a pattern? I am an aspiring writer. Almost finished with my first book and have three others started that I’d love to finish. One thing I would love to learn how to do is wood carve. I’ve always wanted to make animals out of wood. My husband and I just celebrated our 24th anniversary and my kids are 18 and 21. Not widely known fact: I graduated with my bachelor’s degree in English in 2013. It took me ten years and was 15 years after high school.
So, you want to be a race car driver, yet you crashed your sports car into your parents’ home? What kind of sports car? How did you take it out on your characters?
Congratulations, Jill, on your contract. I am working on completing my first story and wondered, since you write on weekends, do you have a set amount of words you get down during the weekends? I work full-time, and trying to find time to write in the evenings, on weekends, is sometimes hard to do. What kind of schedule do you have to make sure you have writing time? Blurb2Book had deadlines you had to meet along the way. Had you already written the book, or did you write it as you passed each stage? I look forward to hearing about your journey!
Aw…thank you so much, Sally. I appreciate it. Oh yes, Blurb2Book had deadlines and that’s exactly what pushed me to write the book. The book wasn’t really written when I entered. It was an old NaNoWriMo project that was a MESS! The only thing I used were the characters and the setting. As far as a writing schedule, I try and squeeze in a little here and there during the day, but the weekend is when I get the most done. I get up with the chickens, but that’s okay. :) You look familiar…are you on Seekerville too? Great to connect with you!
Congratulations on your degree, Sally! Perseverance pays off! Nice job.
Hello, I love your honesty. You are truly a special gift from God. :-) I am a 10 years breast cancer survivor. Praise God! Some of my favorite things are loving on my family and friends, sending cards in the mail, reading, reading and more reading, watching ice hockey(GO Washington Capitals), going out to eat with girlfriends, studying Scripture, being in numerous Bible Studies and laughing a lot. My family calls me Mimi and I love that name. Our family motto is “It’s always a story with the Henderson’s.” because something funny is always happening around here. That’s just life.
Yes, I am! I love Seekerville. I did NaNoWriMo year before last, I think it was, and is one of the books I have started. I am also a freelance editor, in addition to working full-time, which takes some of my time away from writing lol. Sometimes I wish I had chickens to get up with. I remember being at my grandmom’s and sitting on the porch listening to the chickens and the rooster, the cows mooing, and the horse running around. So peaceful. I try to get some writing done during the week and write some on the weekends, but it seems I’m always busy. I just need to sit down and do it. It’s easier when I’m just starting a project. I can write scenes and get the book started, but as I’m tying up loose ends or connecting scenes, I have to think more and it takes longer. It’s great to connect with you as well!
Thank you! Some days I didn’t think I’d ever get done. But one thing I learned that really helps me now, I loved getting feedback on my papers. My degree was in English with a concentration in Literature, so I got to read and write papers for my degree. When the professors would offer feedback on my papers, I could fix them and resubmit. I think that’s one of the reasons I enjoy entering writing contests. I take the feedback and compare it from the different judges and fix my story. I am probably the only one that anticipates the feedback lol. I entered The Four Seasons writing contest and have been anxiously awaiting the email with the feedback. Unfortunately, the deadline was just October 10! I still have a while to wait yet.
Good luck with the contest, Sally. I’ll be anxious to hear about it. The professional feedback was the reason I entered B2B…never imagined a contract. I suppose God thought I was ready. :)
It is so amazing how God works!
Hi Cheryl! I am a stay at home mom of 4(16,14,12, &11), I love to read, play games with my kids, tea, and chocolate. Fall is my favorite time of year. We have a little 14 lb terrior mix named Hobo. The kids picked out his name cause he was a street dog we rescued. I live in Montana and I look forward to reading your books!
Hi Cheryl! It’s nice to meet you. I enjoyed reading your blog post. I like to read and murder/suspense is my favorite. I am married and we have a border collie. Her name is Rowdy. I watch football and my favorite team is the Denver Broncos. Autumn and spring are my favorite seasons. I’m not a prankster, however, I can crow like a rooster! Oh the possibilities! My husband is concerned the neighbors will think we have a pet rooster. lol. I so look forward to reading your books.
Thank you so much Renate! Nice to meet you. Where you live sounds wonderful. I’ll bet fall is gorgeous there.
CHERYL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I missed you so much at conference this year!!!!!! I hope you know how much our meeting in St. Louis last year meant to me! You totally solidified so much for me!
I knew some of this about you – but not all of it! So fun to learn more! I do know we both have Maggies about the same age (I think).
My favorite sports team? The Cardinals. Sigh. The year I was going to get to go to the NLCS and they lose to the Cubs. THE CUBS!
We have a 5.3lb Shorkie. He’s a cross between a giant scaredy cat and thinking he’s a Rottweiler.
Big hugs. Love you!
Hi Jill! Thank you for stopping by. I recognize your name from Blurb2Book and I believe we are Twitter buddies too. :) I’m super excited for you getting a contract. I love how open Harlequin is to debut authors. Tell me more about your story!
Thank you, Lee, for the warm welcome into the blog. I appreciate it. I love teens and tweens. My husband and I were youth ministers when our girls were little and I have many fond memories of those days. I learned to love a house and yard full of loudness and lost shoes and pizza crumbs and chaos. I crave it now and don’t know what to do with myself when the house is quiet. :) Sounds like your home too. I enjoy your books.
Hi Sally! Good to see you here too. The sports car was a red and black convertible Camero which had racing tires on it. My dad kept warning me it was going to happen one day if I didn’t stop skidding to a stop in their gravel driveway. ? I felt so bad about it that I inflicted my embarrassment on my character Amber in A Soldier’s Promise by putting her Mustang through the Refuge B&B, only in a slightly different way than what happened to me in real life.
I hope you get lots of snow this year!!!
I know from experience that you are a fantastic line and copy editor and I’m so excited you’re going to be editing my Indie books!
Thank you for stopping by! I’m going to be cheering the loudest of all when you get contracted for your first romance novel!
Hugs friend!
Your Best Snow Buddy :-)
Good luck in the Four Seasons contest Sally! Let me know how it turns out and what they say in terms of feedback.
Hi Mimi aka Melissa! I’m so thankful you are better and that you made it through cancer and the treatments. I’ll pray for your continued health and well-being.
I love ice hockey as well, although I haven’t gone to a Blues (St. Louis) game in a while. Have you ever watched roller hockey? I love that too and actually tried to play once. Key word being once. LOL!
Your Henderson house sounds like fun and a lot like ours. LOL. Be sure to share some stories! :)
Thank you for the kind words. Being a gift from God is an answer to prayer I learned from novelist Debbie Macomber who shared that she prays every day or at least regularly for God to help her be a blessing to someone. You have a wonderful gift of encouragement!
Thank you for dropping by and commenting.
When my daughter was 2 she drove a 4 wheeler for the first time. My son thought she was ready. She was only a few feet from the house, but drove it straight into the side of the house. She will never live that down lol.
I would love to have seen your Camero. That was my favorite car.
I am praying for a lot of snow! And it can’t start soon enough.
I cannot wait to edit for you! You have made my day.
Cheryl, you will be the first to know when that happens! Thank you so much for your encouragement and support!
Snow Buddies!
Thank you, Cheryl! I will be talking to you when I get their feedback. You always help me put it into perspective!
Beth, your house sounds like a blast! Mine are all around those ages too. Very good times! I love that you all rescued Hobo and I’m sure he’s as much of a blessing to you as you are to him. I am so attached to my dogs. I’m really glad God gave us animals to enjoy and love and who love is back and teach us so much about loyalty and dependence.
Thanks a lot for visiting and sharing!
Blessings, Cheryl
Hi Cheryl,
I feel like we are going to be kindred spirits.
I am a retired ER RN after 44 years in nursing.
I am an Avid reader and reviewer of Christian fiction, amateur genealogist and,family historian.
My parents were missionaries to Mexico and I lived there and in Texas as a child.
My pet is a 1 year old cat named Bookie that likes to sit on my laptop when I write.
Hi Kathy! Rowdy is an awesome name! I bet he’s a beautiful dog. Does he live up to his name? Haha.
I laughed out loud at your rooster story. Hilarious! You’re right too that the possibilities with that are endless. Sure you’re not a prankster? LOL. One of these Inspy Romance authors should use that special crowing talent/trait in a book. ;-)
It was nice meeting you. So glad you stopped by. Give Rowdy a behind-the-ears-scrubby hug for me.
Carol!! Hello love. I can’t believe our Cards are getting their cabooses kicked by those Cubbies! Of course a tiny part of me will probably root for them if they actually make it to the World Series since they’re the underdogs and I’m a sucker for that. LOL.
Yay on the Maggies! I was even thinking the other day as photos came across my timeline that our Mags even resemble each other a bit.
You always encourage me-and others-so I’m glad something I said or did helped you. I’m proud of you and your well-deserved success. You have worked very hard.
I missed ACFW and getting to hug you all. See you in Nashville, God-willing!
Thank you for so warmly welcoming me into the IR blog family. I’m excited and honored to be here. :-)
Hugs friend!
Hello Linda! Yes, kindred hearts! I always wanted to be a Life Flight nurse and almost pursued it. My husband talked me out of it since my teens and their friends are all getting ready to get their driver’s licenses and he knows how much I struggle with fear…and most flight traumas are MVAs.
I greatly admire ER nurses! My specialty was high risk L&D. Lots of babies! :-) Lots of great memories running those midnight shift halls. :-)
I have a medical miniseries (inspirational romance) that you may enjoy. It’s called Eagle Point Emergency that my LI publisher asked me to write. I am really enjoying it and since it takes place in and around a trauma center. With your nursing background, I’d love your feedback on it of you get a chance to read any of the books :-).
Texas is nice. I grew up mostly out west in New Mexico.
Bookie is the perfect name for a literature lover!
My mom, and my husband’s dad are both ameteur genealogists and researched our trees as far back as possible. Hilarious outcome in that my husband descends from all of this noble royalty, famous in enters and notable entrepreneurs…and hail from what? Famous outlaws, rowdy gun toting saloon girls and debaucherous authors! Lololol Alexandre Dumas, the French guy who wrote such famous classics as The Three Musketeers and The Count of Monte Cristo? We descend from his illegitimate side. Eeek .Lol.
Thanks a bundle for coming by. :)
Hi Cheryl, good to see you here. you forgot to say you like cricket! I also sleep talk and have been known to sleep walk. No pets. use to have a cat called Horse. I support Richmond tigers in the Australian Football League and I am a Western Warriors supporter in cricket. I read inspirational books but dont like heavy suspense or horror. I love spring and summer best. I dont handle the dull weather.
Secret addiction is peeps thanks to one authors generously introducing me to them but alas we don’t have them in Australia. currently have several medical issues which limit reading and a few other things but I do enjoy my morning walks, some days I can’t walk as far as I want but have learnt to pace myself. Started Hydrotherapy to help with some of the pain.
I thought I put a comment but is one. welcome Cheryl
that was gone. but I see it again.
Jenny! My beautiful Aussue pal! Cricket! Yes!!! How could I forget cricket!? I have been praying for you, dear one. Horse is a hilarious name for a cat. We used to have a Betta fish named Bird. LOL! He was pinkish blue and he looked like he had feathers. He was a beauty. I hope the hydrotherapy helps alleviate your pain. I understand how debilitating chronic pain can be. I feel for you, sweet friend. Did you know I have a dog named Cricket? :) I will look for some Christmas peeps if you are able to eat them? Maybe that will cheer you up. Big hugs and lots of love and prayers. Thank you so much for stopping by and for commenting. Miss chatting lots with you.
Seems I have bursitis in the shoulders so we are working on them. (still trying to see if I have gastritis or ulcers also). I am coping with the pain there are times it gets to me but thanks to a pain course I did this year I am coping much better. Currently I am on a limited diet but I am sure the plain peeps work! Just not ginger or peppermint. I am doing better that way too to what I was even a couple weeks back. I have more energy than I did although still tire easy.
The neighbours named the cat horse after a cat in a comic strip called Footrot Flats. there the cat was Gismo. (the other neighbours had a dog called Bear)
Welcome, Cheryl! So nice to read about you. I wish you success with your latest book. I am a retired nurse, former medical missionary. I am an avid reader, active in my church and in my Rotary Club where I coordinate all of our local and international projects.
*IF* you said or did something?! Remember the three hours in your room during the gala? ;) Seriously – such a huge blessing!
Hello Sharon Kay! Thank you for the kind words. I enjoyed reading about you as well. Thank you for the well-wishes. It’s an honor to write. I’m very thankful and always hopeful that my books will resonate with readers and honor God. I look forward to getting to know you (and others) better as time passes. What a blessing! :)
I enjoyed our time together! God set that meeting up to bless the both of us, didn’t he? Hugs!
I’m glad things are looking up for you health-wise. Gastritis and ulcers are definitely treatable…so I’m praying for a definitive diagnosis so they can help you get better sooner. Big hugs my friend and I’ll keep my eyes peeled for plain Peeps. :-)
So glad to have you at Inspy Romance, Cheryl!
We have three pets. Brody is a 7-year-old Black Lab cross. We have littermate calico cats that are five now: Moxie and Coonie.
Like Sally, I love winter, so it’s a good thing I live in Canada, eh? I’m just happy when I don’t have to drive in it. We’re not much of a sports fan family, but would have to claim the Vancouver Canucks if we were.
Me? Prankster? Nevah.
Hi Cheryl & a big, warm welcome to Inspy Romance!! I think you’ll find this feeling like home rather quickly, I know I do! :-)
I don’t like talking about myself much, but I am an avid reader. Love Inspired being my ultimate favorite books. Not sure if I would have any of yours on my shelf or not, guess I’d better look at my list! Historical and Suspense are my top favorite genres, they kind of vie for position at times! It all depends on my reading mood. I’ve discovered many new authors over the last year and too many books to name are on my want-to-read list! But I think every avid reader has the same problem, lol!
How about something more personal? I’m a stay-at-home mom who has two grown kids (23 & 18), a (very) young grandma to a 19 month old girl, married to the love of my life for 18yrs and a lover of Jesus, His word and my church! We have one dog & one cat and live on the beautiful Oregon coast. We are also big NFL fans, Seahawks of course!! My husband also does like the Vikings and me the Packers :-) I believe in God first, my family second and I would do anything for them! I love serving them in our home & find great pleasure in making it a place of peace & refuge. My husband works hard to be the provider God has called him to be & He has blessed us in so many ways! He is an amazing God & His love for us is sometimes unfathomable.
Wow, okay for someone who doesn’t like to talk about myself much, that was quite a mouthful!! :-D Guess I was just trying to make you feel at home here & maybe give you a glimpse into my little world! I look forward to future postings by you Cheryl….many blessings to you as you journey with us!
Hi Cheryl, Woohoo one more place to find you! Yay! Even if you do root for the wrong team. Go Cubs!!!! ? My daughter is grown and married so now I have two grandsons and two grand cats. They are wonderful. I am a reader and Love your books.
Hi Cheryl, Welcome to Inspy Romance! We’re glad you’ve joined us, and how cool that you have a dog named Cricket :)
Hey, Valerie! I cannot wait for winter! Have a great Friday and weekend!!
Hi Cheryl – So glad to see you here! I have to agree with Robin – it is too bad that you root fro the wrong team – Go Red Sox! I enjoy having 4 seasons, especially fall (yes, I live in northern New England). The world comes alive with color! We currently have a cat, a dog and some fish and their 14 year old brother. The 14 year old doesn’t play sports, well he does swim, but he is active in skits at church and participated in the school play last year. I would have loved to be a pilot :)
Trixi, great to meet you!
Thank you, sweet Robin!
Julieanne, that’s so funny about the teams. LOLOL! I think it’s cool that the Cardinals lit the arch blue in honor of the Royals winning. Pretty classy. I love to watch skits. Have you or your son seen the Lighthouse “Everything” skit? It is very powerful. You could probably look it up in your browser. My kids love watching plays.