There’s nothing like the feeling of holding a newborn in your arms. The wonder and awe of gazing down at this new life.
Writers feel pretty much the same about their book babies, and I’ve just added another to the fold, again to the Chapel Cove Romances.
Having started writing Accept Me back in August 2019, when release day finally came last Monday, I was more than ready for this “pregnancy” to be over. Goodness, I did a cover reveal here on Inspy Romance for this story way back in October. In my defense, Accept Me was supposed to be a Christmas release. For several reasons, it wasn’t. But now Accept Me is here, and oh how beautiful she is (yes, it’s a girl!). I can only look on in wonder at yet another beautiful story God has given me.
My readers think so too. Whew! Here’s what they’re saying…
- Ms Ueckermann has knocked this out of the park! Wow! Words cannot express how their story affects your heart. It’s powerful, it’s intriguing, it’s emotional, it’s God’s love for His children wrapped in one so eloquently written story! This, my friend, is a book not to miss!
- Accept Me is another wonderful addition to this charming and delightful series! The author infuses this story with little pearls of wisdom and nuggets of truth.
- While reading this book, my emotions were taken on a wild ride. It was well written and flowed smoothly, so smooth that in the end, my heart was tumbling all over the place. I loved how this ended up being a story of hope. Hope in a God who loves us and wants our best even when things look like they are falling apart around us.
- Accept Me includes my favorite things: books, pancakes, pink fluffy peonies, carrot cake and the Mitten State. As always, Marion Ueckermann weaves a page turning story with modern topics.
- Beautiful story, with great characters and another hard to put down addition to the wonderful series.
- Accept Me is a warm Christian romance with lessons on faith and trust. This book will tug on your heartstrings!
- I absolutely love this story. It is one of the sweetest love stories that I have read.
- Accept Me is a very well-written romance that deals with tough subjects, but leaves the reader feeling good at the end.
- Accept Me is such a beautiful story of acceptance. This book really spoke to my heart!
She came seeking her mother. She found so much more.
On her deathbed, Haddie Hayes’s mother whispers a secret into Haddie’s ear—one that she and Haddie’s father had kept for twenty-eight years. The truth that Haddie wasn’t born a Hayes sends this shy Kentucky girl far from the bluegrass of home to a small coastal town in Oregon in search of her birth mother. Hopefully in Chapel Cove she’ll find the answers to all her questions.
EMT Riley Jordan can’t help himself—he’s a fixer, a helper, sometimes to his own detriment. A 911 call to Ivy’s on Spruce has Riley attending to Haddie Hayes, the new girl in town. After Riley learns of Haddie’s quest, he promises to help her find her birth family.
When Haddie makes the wrong assumptions, she vows to give up on her foolish crusade and go back to the only place she called home, a place she’d always felt safe and loved. But a freak accident hinders her plans of bolting from Chapel Cove.
And running from Riley…who has a secret of his own.
THANKSGIVING WOULDN’T be the same this year. Deep in her aching heart, Haddie Hayes knew it.
Tears blurring her vision, she leaned forward, raising her body slightly from the saddle, and urged her Appaloosa into a gallop across the bluegrass field toward home, something she wouldn’t normally do because of the horse’s age. The temperature barely over thirty today, cold air stung her face. But when she’d mounted the nineteen-year-old mare an hour earlier, she hadn’t cared that the weather wasn’t suitable for an afternoon ride. She’d had to get out of the house for a while, away from the smell of death pervading its walls.
Her precious mom was dying. But neither Haddie nor her parents spoke about it. Foolish—as if not speaking would make the horror of what faced them go away.
This had been the longest year of her life, and she’d spent many hours over the past few months curled up on the hay in one of the empty stables, striving to lose herself between the pages of a book to blot out her mother’s illness. Just as she’d done throughout her childhood. Except then, the loneliness of being an only child and having no friends had driven her into story worlds of handsome princes and pretty damsels in distress. As she’d grown older, romantic tales of blossoming love formed her view of the world.
Worlds that would always remain but a fantasy.
Her eyes stung, and Haddie quickly brushed away the moisture that welled.
Being an awkward, sickly, and frail child, she had shied away from people, all of which had served to feed her unpopularity at school with no one seeking to befriend her. So it was that at a very young age, she’d found solace in the silence of the school library. And she’d found friends in the stories she read.
In the world of make-believe, her love of books was born.
Accept Me is available at the release price of only 99c. Available on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited.
I will be giving away a free ecopy of Accept Me to one randomly chosen commenter.
I really like this series. What a beautiful video too!
Hi Marion! Congratulations on your new release. As a mom with three sons and two grandson, I chuckled that it is a girl. Our baby girls are so special. Glad you are able to spend time with her. This Mitten State Girl enjoyed your inspiring story. Best wishes. Stay safe.
Thanjs so much, Lori. Glad you’re enjoying Chapel Cove 😊
Lol, I guess it had to be a girl, because it was mostly Haddie’s story. Glad you enjoyed Accept Me, and it was an honor to dedicate this story to you ❤
Oh Marion, that video is awesome! With my husband finding his birth siblings several years ago (after stumbling across the knowledge that my best friend & he were brother & sister) any stories of adoptions instantly draw my interest! I have to get this book! Thank you for writing this and sharing the video!
I need to check this series AND this author :)
This entire series is great, and this story was a powerful one! I highly recommend!!
This book is a wonderful addition to the series!! Each book brings new friends to enjoy!
I’ll have to check this one out. Thank you kindly
Wow, Deb, I’m sure that’s an interesting story there you have to tell. Glad you enjoyed the video and I hope you enjoy the book as much.
I hope you do, Yvonne :)
Thanks so much, Paula :) So glad you enjoyed Haddie and Riley’s story.
Thank you, Trudy. And I’m so glad that you’re enjoying your time in Chapel Cove :)
I hope you do, Kelly :)
Thank you for sharing an excerpt, I will have to add this to my list to checkout. Happy Book Birthday!
It really is! I’ll email it to you sometime. 😊
I’d love that ❤
Thank you, Megan. I hope you get to read Accept Me soon. 😊
This is such a sweet romance! I loved it. I’m the teensiest bit boased, of course. ;) But bias had nothing to do with me liking the story.
Lol, thanks so much, Autumn. I’m glad you loved it. It was a pretty unique book, because out of it, four other Chapel Cove book ideas were born from characters wanting their own stories 😬
I’ve gotten all caught up with my Chapel Cove reading so I am looking forward to “Accept Me”. Thank you, Marion, for your faithful and faith-filled work as a writer. I have been blessed by it.
Loved the video and look forward to reading the book. Happy book birthday!
Happy Book Release!
That was an wonderful video for your new release. I love novels where the main characters work together toward a common goal.
Is the .99 price going to last awhile? Accept Me looks like a sweet story; One I would enjoy. I think we all yearn to be accepted and cherished unconditionally.
Happy Release Day! :D
What a nice surprise. Congrats on the release.
Thank you, Lincoln, and it warms my heart to hear that you have been blessed by my stories.
Thanks so much, Kathy. I hope you enjoy the book as much as you did the video :)
Thank you, Denise :)
Glad you enjoyed the video, Penelope. The 99c price will last for at least 6-8 weeks from release. I hope you get to read it soon :)
Thanks, Priscila. Hope you get to read Accept Me soon :)
Cool. My wife was adopted and recently tracked down her birth mother and found she had a few siblings. Maybe I should buy her the book. BTW How are all y’all doin ? Hoe gaan dit met jou man N?
Hi Neil, I think your wife would love Accept Me. I haven’t released it in paperback yet, but you can get it on ebook now. Paperback will come sometime soon I hope.
We are all well. Noel is back home in Pretoria while I’m stuck here in Cape Town with our son and grandkids due to the lockdown. Not sure when I’ll be able to get home. Haven’t seen hubby (except on Whatsapp) in 6 weeks. Sigh. Hope you and your family are all well. Stay safe.
I loved the video and the story sounds wonderful. I would love to read your book.
Thank you, Linda. I hope you get to read Accept Me soon. All the best in the draw.