Doesn’t Quinn look thrilled to be part of the book launch? Don’t worry, she isn’t as mad as she looks, and she only wore the costume for about 5 seconds.
Are you ready for quirks, bad jokes, and odd jobs?
I love writing characters with quirky habits.
My family thrives on bad jokes.
And giving characters odd jobs makes for some humorous writing.
Let’s get started.
My next release features a pirate named Nigel, though he goes by Davy Jones on the ship.
Pirate, you say?
Yep. Pirate.
Nigel works on a Christian-themed boat tour company, and the business owner (the heroine’s dad) insists they be a pirate ship. See, he’s a descendant of Anne Bonny, a notorious female pirate who was known to sail the ocean in the 1700s in the area our fictional islands inhabit. Not passing up that lovely bit of information.
Which brings us to the bad jokes. We are always doing joke of the day or meme of the day, no prizes included, sadly. And with my new book coming out next week, I’m recording a video with some author friends who want to include “best pirate jokes”. I have no idea what to expect, but it should be hilarious.
Nigel would approve. He’s a witty guy with sarcasm for days. Though I must point out he’s never mean. We use sarcasm for humor, and that’s it. One of my favorites scenes had all my critique partners laughing because Nigel can pop off these quips faster I eat M&Ms. Of course, as the author, I stare at the screen for hours trying to formulate the perfect witty comeback.
Let’s just say Nigel is not based on me. My brother and sister and husband would disagree, but only on the sarcasm point. I have a habit of blurting out witty comments at the worst times. Call it my introvert superpower. Enough about me.
Nigel’s story came about when I was reading over the information I had on the Independence Islands. A sentence caught my eye. “We’d like to play up the pirate aspect.”
Ha! Done! So done I had to even give it a pirate-esque name: Stealing the First Mate.
I always think of pirates as a historical thing, so this twist was rather fun to write. Especially when it came time to make up songs for the pirates to sing. Nigel was ready to walk the plank and be rid of the whole ordeal, but he hung in there. After all, he’s in love with the boss’s daughter.
That brings us to the quirks. Nigel has a habit of combing his beard with his fingers when he’s nervous or contemplative. Darcy, the heroine, finds it sweet and not quirky at all. I was asked last month if I had a quirk, and because I’m a 98% introvert, it took me a week to unearth one. I have many, don’t let me fool you, but this one is my favorite. I can’t stand for my food to touch. As a kid, you could forget me eating casseroles. No mixing food (except cake…cake doesn’t count, but no cake and ice cream together).
Have you seen quirks or specific habits in contemporary Christian romance that you found endearing like Darcy does Nigel’s beard combing? What about quirks or habits in real life?
I read a story a while ago where the widower had taken his wedding ring off, but kept it in his pocket. He found comfort in finding it when he put his hands in his pockets.
I have too many quirks to name.
Arrrgh, Matey. Beard combin’ is no quirk if yer a true pirate! Wait, I mean it isn’t, right? I mean, I finger comb *my* beard and I’m not quirky. At least I don’t think so. Mostly. I guess? Oh never mind.
Your not alone with your quirk. I don’t like gravy or sauce/ketchup (only on sausages and hotdogs) so have to remember to order with no gravy I like my meat and veggies to not touch. same with salad I don’t like things to touch. It’s ok in a casserole and I am ok with desert like a banana split. its just the main course. (meat and veg or salad mainly)
I am sure I have lots of quirks. I know I have different facial twitches at different times.
The book sounds interesting.
Hi Tabitha! Entertaining blog. When I was teaching high school, a fellow history teacher always Had Talk as a Pirate Day (Sunday, Sept. 19, 2021). We chuckled at his phrases. Hope Callaghan, a cozy mystery writer, in her Savannah series has a Pirate Cruise Ship with Pirate Pete and his talking parrot. She found Pirate history while researching Savannah, Georgia. Have your book on my wish list. My quirk is I like things symmetrical. Off center makes me move things. Best wishes.
This sounds like my kind of story!!
This sounds good!!
Aww, I love that he kept it in his pocket. Such a sweet moment of comfort.
I think you’re onto something, Lincoln! Can we start calling you Captain Lincoln?
My oldest puts ketchup on everything. And I mean everything. Don’t know how he stands it. Thank goodness I learned to like casseroles. Strangely, as much as I love ice cream, I still don’t care for banana splits. They look so good!
Thank you, Renate! I bet those days were a hoot at school. I don’t have a talking parrot in this book, but there’s one in book 4, which releases next year. Got to keep those pirates busy! I appreciate when things are symmetrical. Does it bother you only if it’s your things or everything?
Thank you! I had so much fun writing it!
Thank you! I laughed so much while working on it, I didn’t think I’d ever be able to bring it around to a serious tone.
Oh, no. I’m no captain. More like a First Mate wannabe. Besides, I get seasick. So does my parrot. And I can’t climb ropes for shucks. I guess my pirate resume is a little weak. Arrrgh.
My youngest doesn’t like his food to touch, either.
My brother puts it on everything also. I can’t stand it on fries I just want salt not tomato ketchup.
The story sounds wonderful!
I cannot think of anything tonight. Your book sounds like a lot of fun. Thank you for sharing your time and talent. God bless you.
My husband rubs his beard when he’s seriously contemplating something, and he rocks on his feet when he stands still. I have to have the labels out on my canned food in the pantry & boxes have to have the side out that says what’s in it. My books have to be stacked according to size on the bookshelf, spines out. Isn’t it funny some of the things that we (mostly) unconsciously do?
I love “talk like a pirate day” because all the funny memes or sayings appear on Facebook :-)
Sounds like a great story. Quirks, who knows, we probably all have some, none come to mind right now. Thanks for a wonderfully entertaining post.
Cute post!!