A few weeks ago, when my launch team was sharing different memes and posts about my new book, Destination: Romance, something funny happened. One of my launch team members found a quote she loved in my story and made this meme. She then shared it, and commented how excited she was for everyone else to […]
Let’s Take a Trip & Giveaway
One of the best parts about reading is that you can travel without leaving the comfort of your home (or pajamas). In most stories, you simply visit one location and stay there for the duration of the story. But in others, you travel with the characters. My book that releases TODAY (sorry, just a bit […]
Time to Love
How long does it take before a couple can use the “L” word? Have you ever been reading along and the hero declares he loves the heroine, and you stop and think, “Already?” When I first got the idea to write a “Roadtrip Romance,” AKA a romance set on a vacation, one of the biggest […]
We’ve Got Personality & Giveaway
Do you like to take personality quizzes? There are quite a few different kinds out there. Do you ever wonder where a character would fall on one of those personality scales? Well, good news. My friend Sarah Anne Crouch has agreed to join us and give a sneak peek into how she developed her main […]
Making Faces
Have you ever noticed when a character makes a certain facial expression … well … a LOT? I think I notice things like that more because I catch myself doing it when I write. My characters have this tendency to lift one eyebrow higher than the other. Why? Yeah. I have a tendency to do […]
Real-life Location & #giveaway
I have a confession. Sometimes, when I write, I use a setting I haven’t visited yet. Can you tell? Don’t get me wrong. I do loads of research. I troll internet photos, read travel blogs, visit the website of the location. But it’s not the same as actually being there yourself, you know? Well, when […]
A Challenge to Read
Remember in school when you had to read whatever the teacher told you to? Granted, there were a few good things mixed in with Shakespeare and Moby Dick, but for the most part, being forced into the stories we weren’t interested in made them even harder to get through. Fast forward to after graduation when […]
What If & #Giveaway
What if? What if you spent your whole life as a Christian, believing in a loving God, trusting the people who worshipped next to you? And then, one day, you didn’t? Oh sure, it might have been building up for a while, but there was something that occurred to make that break happen. That could […]
Peace by Piece
Do you ever fall down the rabbit trail that is Pinterest? I have to admit, it sucks me in like no other site can do. When I use it for things like adding posts to my book boards, to give a better idea to my readers what I was imagining or how the setting for […]
A Beachy Christmas & Giveaway
Are you confused? Wondering why I’m talking about Christmas when it’s only October? Well, here’s why! Last Tuesday, Candy Cane Wishes & Saltwater Dreams, a novella collection, released, including one of my stories. And every one of the five stories is about Christmas … on the beach. What? The beach isn’t usually what you think […]
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