It’s moving week for me and my family, so as you can imagine, my stress level is pretty high. Since I’m mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausted, I decided it might be best to leave this blog post up to the lead character in my next book, Brooke Jennings Lockwood. A Reservation for Romance releases in July, […]
Wall Colors and Character Traits
If you read my last couple of posts here at InspyRomance, you know that over the last month or two, we were beginning to look at selling our house and moving to “the city.” I’ve lived on a little farm for the past 7 years, and it’s been fantastic—wide open spaces, room for all the […]
Looking for Inspiration…
First of all, happy Saturday! If you’re anything like me, you’re glad to see the weekend! And now…I have a confession to make. I’m feeling a bit uninspired as of late, and I’m at the point in the writing process where that’s not a good thing! (actually, that’s never a good thing when you’re trying […]
Characters Who Feel Like Friends
I hope everyone is having a wonderful February and that your household is untouched by the flu that seems to be everywhere. I spent three plus weeks sick and believe me, the experience has made me long for warm weather and no more cold and flu season! The second book in my Homegrown Love series, […]
A Recipe for Romance: a Sneak Peek and a #Giveaway
The second book in my Homegrown Love Stories series, A Recipe for Romance, released yesterday! This is part of the Arcadia Valley Romance Series, a multi-author series. It centers around down-on-her-luck cookbook author Olivia Jennings and cattle rancher Wyatt Mason. Here’s a peek at the beginning of the story: Grandma Jennings’ homemade chocolate cake might not […]
Happy New Year!
I feel like I blinked and it’s suddenly 2018. No, really. How can it be January already? I’m one of those reflective types, so each new year has me reflecting on the previous 365 days. And if I’m being honest, I’m not that happy with what I see in the rear view this time. I […]
Reader Preferences: Input Needed!
First off, Happy Halloween! A couple of years ago, my husband and I were on a cruise during Halloween and we went to the big costume party onboard. So much fun! (here’s a pic of us as Popeye and Olive Oil!) When I was brainstorming a topic for today’s post, I decided to take an […]
Getting Organized
I mentioned last month that my family is going through some transitions. My husband and I are getting our house ready to go on the market (so many little projects to do before it’s ready!), we are house hunting, and this week I’m stepping into a new role at work. This month, I celebrate nine […]
Seasons of Life
In the past, if you ever asked me what my favorite season was, I’d answer without hesitation. SUMMER. I love the warm weather, time at a pool/lake/ocean, cookouts, watermelon, fireflies, longer days, and all the other lovely things summertime brings. But I have a confession. The older I’ve gotten, the more I’ve come to see […]
New Release! On Board for Romance
On Board for Romance, the first full-length book in the Homegrown Love series (an Arcadia Valley Romance) releases later this month! (July 18) A new release is always so exciting, and Riley Jennings, the heroine in On Board for Romance, has become one of my favorite characters. (what makes it even more fun is that […]
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