We all know grieving is a part of life. It’s not a fun part, but it happens to all of us. In fact, the only way to avoid grieving is to never love anyone or anything. My next release is about two people who know plenty about loss. The heroine has been widowed for 14 […]
Hello, Disneyland! It’s Research! I promise! & #Giveaway
“No. Really! It’s research!” My new accountant wasn’t sure whether or not he could believe me. Because, well, it’s Disneyland! Of course, everyone’s going to try to find a way to make it at least a little cheaper. But it really was research. And I even managed to convince him. Now, I wasn’t traveling from […]
Betwixt Two Hearts Release & Giveaway!
I love new releases! Both mine and my favorite authors! (We won’t talk about how I don’t have enough time to read all the books by all my favorite authors, especially not as soon as they come out.) I had a new release this week. It’s always great fun to see a book baby out […]
The Spare and the Heir Deleted Prequel Scene & Giveaway
Next week, the sixth book in the Crowns & Courtships series releases! YAY! But also… nail biting. Every release is! When I was trying to come up with a blog post for today, I remembered one I did a while back, kind of a deleted scene that happens almost immediately before the action begins in […]
Holiday Traditions
We all have them. Those things we do at holidays, or for birthdays, or for other occasions. Things specific to us and our families or group of friends. I even wrote about one this week in my next release – though it has more to do with royal succession than birthdays or Christmas. Many of […]
New Release! Her Undercover Prince Excerpt!
Hello, InspyRomanceLand! I hope y’all are doing well! Have you ever wondered what authors do on release day?! For me, it involved a bunch of stores, shopping for food to feed 155 band kids the next day, then loading most of it in the truck for our competition. But it kept me from obsessing over […]
When Writing is Hard
Sometimes things are hard. Sometimes raising kids is hard. Sometimes marriage and other relationships are hard. Sometimes, believe it or not, writing is hard. As I’m writing this, I’m sitting in the cafe at church while service is going on (we’re working in here this morning). I’m struggling with this book (which HAS to be […]
Love for the Ages – Novella Giveaway!
As I was trying to figure out what to post about this week, I was skimming my last couple of posts and realized that a couple months ago I mentioned a super secret project then NEVER TOLD YOU WHAT IT WAS ABOUT!!! Oops! ;) So here we go! I wrote the novella Love for the […]
Cover (& Title) Evolution
Five days, y’all! FIVE DAYS! Until my next release! YAY! But whew! What a ride it’s been! This book has been a long time coming – I starting writing it over a year ago, but the idea had been percolating even longer than that. King Benjamin showed up about 18mos ago and surprised me with how […]
New York! It’s Research! Honest!
As writers, almost anything can be considered research. Some things are a little more of a stretch than others (like the cruise my family went on last year… the accountant didn’t buy that one… :p). But a couple weeks ago, I went to the Big Apple with my daughter’s school. Sixteen of us (two teachers, […]
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