Hello, Inspy friends. Well, for me it’s time to sadly say goodbye. This will be my last post in Inspyromance for a while. I have really enjoyed my time here, meeting all of you, and making new friends. However, life has been so busy for me over the last several months, I needed to take […]
Spotlight on Author Debra Ullrick & giveaway
Hello, Inspy Friends! Do I have a treat for you! I wanted to share with all of you a newly released boxed set, Speedway Romance~Racing Series by Author Debra Ullrick. Debra has taken three of her bestselling books and put them all into one wonderful boxed set. Love sneaks up on you when you least expect […]
New Cover Reveal!
Hello Inspy Friends! How is the new year treating you? I hope it’s been a great start for each and every one of you. For me, it’s been a very busy one! (which I’m loving) For one, I’ve started my new year out with a new Bible. It’s called, Mornings with Jesus Daily Bible. It’s […]
Welcoming in the New Year #giveaway
Did everyone have a wonderful Christmas? I sure do hope so. Christmas at my house is always a big deal every year. On Christmas Eve my home is filled to the rim with family and friends, and the noise can be deafening at times, but I LOVE IT!! It’s one of the things I look […]
Saying Goodbye to Thanksgiving and Hello to Christmas!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I’m sure many of us are still eating leftover turkey today for lunch, some of us are resting from such a busy day yesterday, and some may be out grabbing up those super awesome day after Thanksgiving sales. But for me, I don’t do Black Friday, because I […]
Spotlight on Debra Ullrick
Can you believe Christmas is only nine weeks away? Christmas trees, decorations, and all the other wonderful goodies are already lining the shelves in stores. One song that comes to mind every time I go shopping is, “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.” :-) Also, if anyone doesn’t know it already, the Hallmark […]
The First Day of Autumn
Happy first day of Fall, Everyone! I don’t know about all of you, but this is my favorite time of the year!! The changing color of the leaves, cooler temperatures, and football season. (Yes, I am a football fan. Roll Tide!) Here in Alabama we’ve had a very humid and hot Summer to the point […]
Newest Release- A Marriage Worth Waiting For (book-2) The Alabama Brides series #giveaway
It’s here, it’s here, it’s finally here!!!! A MARRIAGE WORTH WAITING FOR is book-2 in the Alabama Brides series. The sequel to A MARRIAGE OF CONVENIENCE. He’s a confirmed bachelor and plans on keeping it that way. Will she be able to change his mind and win his heart? Back cover blurb: Anslee Ryan’s living […]
Christmas Potpourri – Vol. 2 #giveaway
Hello, All! It’s another Christmas in July giveaway. I don’t know about you, but I love reading Christmas stories all year round. However, it’s a little harder to write a Christmas romance when it’s 90 degrees outside :) So, while during the time I was writing A Match Made for Christmas, (which is my novella […]
Book Recommendation– Mirror, Mirror by Staci Stallings
Hello, All! Summer time is finally here! Many of us may be doing some traveling, rather in a car or on a plane. Some of us may be lounging on the beach or just hanging out around our homes in a hammock :) Whichever the case may be, we all would like to fill […]
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