Every day I watch the news that every day shows some part of the continent buried and/or deluged with new snow, new ice, old snow, which all adds up to a new disaster. My heart goes out to everyone who is record-breaking buried, or just plain buried, in the white stuff. I’ve seen videos of […]
Is Christmas really over?
Every year I feel the same thing – with so much prep and excitement leading up to Christmas, suddenly it’s over, and then there’s…. nothing. Except the cleanup and the leftovers. Okay, I like the leftovers. I don’t like the cleanup. Who can still hear the words to an old Christmas song in their head […]
Christmas is really coming!
Up in Canada, I am looking a the upcoming US Thanksgiving and Black Friday. I think Black Friday is great, because that’s when most people start their Christmas shopping. Here in Canada a number of stores and chains are finally jumping in on Black Friday, even though as a Canadian, I don’t get the day off […]
Christmas is coming!
Yes, you read that right. Christmas is coming. But with that, so is my next book, which is a Christmas story. It was really strange because I was writing that Christmas story, a holiday romance, in the middle of the hottest part of the summer. Even though it was hot instead of cold, it was […]
Romantic beginnings
Right now I’m visiting family, and as a romance writer, romantic topics often come up in conversation. Although some of them aren’t so romantic. One topic of conversation was romantic meetings, with people saying – Gail you could use that in one of your books. I heard all sorts of meetings, to work related, meeting […]
Why do we fall in love?
It’s an age-old question. Why do we fall in love? I don’t know if there is an answer to that. The answers are as varied as there are people in love. It’s more than common interests, it’s more than compatibility. It’s complicated, and I’m not sure there’s really an answer. One thing I am finding […]
The most romantic thing I’ve ever seen (big sigh)
This past weekend I attended a wedding. I know, lots of people attend weddings. Most people do get married. But this last wedding was special. Aside from the fact that the groom was one of the trumpet players in my jazz band, it was the most romantic wedding I’ve ever seen. Here is a photo […]
Writers contests and book covers
I might be a little off topic, but this time I want to let you all know that I’m pretty excited, and if you’ve read the subject title you will have a good idea of why. Many months ago I entered a writers contest, and my latest book, The Path To Piney Meadows, is a […]
Spring is…. springing!
I love this time of year. I live on the west coast, and not only is there no snow, all my spring flowers are coming out, and the daffodils are everywhere. In fact, last year I planted daffodil bulbs in my flower garden, and I was very excited to see them come up. Except, I’d […]
Fall in Love With a Good Book
I love to read, and I love to read romance books. The phrase above in the bar just grabbed me, and it still grabs me. I love to fall in love with a good book. Isn’t the best books you read the ones that when it ends, even though you’re smiling at the happy ending […]
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