Happy National Puppy Day! Yep, it’s a thing. How fitting that I’m blogging today, because I definitely have a thing for puppies. Apparently I’m not alone in my obsession affection for these furry friends, either. According to this article in Forbes, the ASPCA estimates 44% of American households own a dog. The American Pet Products Association says […]
Now Hear This: Unraveled is an Audiobook + a Giveaway
Check it out! My first novel, Unraveled, is now available in audio, too. Have you tried listening to a novel yet? Podcasts and audiobooks are a recent addition to my grown-up life. As a little kid, I savored every minute of sitting and listening to a story out loud. Now I feel as though I’ve […]
Escape into an Epic Story: Susan May Warren’s Rescue Me
Here’s the thing. I love to read because I want to experience every twist and turn of the character’s journey. Nothing makes a book more enjoyable for me than the sensation of getting lost in the story. I keep turning those pages because the obstacles seem impossible, the flaws and fears appear to be conquering […]
When Good News Drops In and Saves the Year
I love the feel-good, inspirational stories showing up on social media and in the news this time of year, don’t you? Here are a few examples of stories I’ve heard in recent days: Families enduring displacement after hurricane Matthew and can’t afford Christmas gifts are unexpectedly blessed by the generous contributions of others. A kid […]
10 Reasons Every Sweet Romance Novel Needs a Stars Hollow
About four years ago, I started entering contests hosted by Harlequin Love Inspired in an effort to get my manuscripts in front of a particular editorial team and hopefully receive a publishing contract. This quest morphed into becoming a student of all things Love Inspired. What’s this line of sweet romances all about, anyway? What […]
Character Interview: Caleb Scott from Covering Home
While October might be all about pumpkin spice lattes, football, blanket scarves and jumping in piles of leaves, it’s also about a great American pastime, baseball. In case sports aren’t your thing, here’s the scoop: we are in the final weeks of the professional baseball season here in the States. Fun fact: the Chicago Cubs […]
Balm for the Creative Soul + a #Giveaway
I’m still basking in the glow of attending the American Christian Fiction Writers Conference in Nashville, Tennessee several weeks ago. The corporate worship, intense keynote speaker, fantastic teaching and quality time with my writer peeps felt like fuel for my creative jet pack–filling me up and then launching me back into real life, ready and […]
Book Review: Susan May Warren’s Burnin’ for You
Don’t you love it when an author introduces a series of books that you are soooo excited to have in your possession … yet you don’t want to read them too quickly because–rats! It’s over and now you’re sad … but you just can’t help yourself from devouring every single book the day it lands […]
Character Spotlight: Jake Womack from More than Words
I believe it was Anais Nin who is credited for saying, “We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect.” I’ve also heard many authors say they don’t know exactly what a story is going to be about until they are slogging through that lonely desert experience (also known as writing the […]
10 Fun Facts About Astoria Oregon + A Cover Reveal
Hello, friends. Heidi here offering a peek behind the proverbial curtain at my creative process. Today I’m sharing the inspiration behind my current project, a novella called More than Words. If you’ve ever watched the films The Goonies and Kindergarten Cop, then you’ve caught a glimpse of Astoria, Oregon. Although it has a rather damp and gloomy […]
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