Diseases in Fiction with Janet W. Ferguson Bad things happen in life. Fictional stories would be pretty boring if nothing bad ever happened there too. I like fiction that leaves me with a good feeling at the end, though. So, in my stories, people have accidents or injuries or fires or hurricanes—you name it—that affect […]
Janet W. Ferguson on Redemption and Themes in Fiction
Redemption and Themes in Fiction As a former library media specialist at large public high school, I aided students in the eleventh grade English classes as they were required to write their research papers on a novel. They had to find the literary theme in the novel that they wanted to write about. A theme […]
Audible Book Codes to Share! Plus an eBook Sale!
It’s been a while since I’ve had one of my books produced into audio, so I’m excited to have two Audible versions of my work come out this month! Do you listen to Audio books? I love to have something to listen to while driving, and I’m hopeful that the country will be recovering from […]
Are You in a Book Club?
I’ve been in a local Christian fiction book club for many years—-before I ever thought of writing a novel. Many years ago (maybe 20 years!), a young mother discovered Christian fiction. The books she read impacted her faith so much she started a book club. She felt that God had used those stories to draw her […]
Does a Series Ever Have to End? 99-cent 4-book Southern Hearts Series!
Does a Series Ever Have to End? 99-cent 4-book Southern Hearts Series! I love a good series! How about you? I’ve read a number of book series that I wish had never ended. I was so deep in the story world. I’ve read a series or two where I thought the author stretched the series […]
Friends-to-More with Pepper Basham #Giveaway
Inspy Romance, I’m excited to have Pepper Basham with us today! She’s taking over with a post about the romance trope Friends-to-more! Welcome Pepper! Thank you! If anyone knows me, he/she knows I LOVE romance!! I love figuring out how two unique characters will find their way to each other and grow together through the […]
When Christians Lose Faith–Star Rising #giveaway
When Christians Lose Faith–Star Rising #giveaway Recently, some high profile people in the Christian world —musicians, authors, pastors—- have renounced their faith. Call me weird, but in my latest novel, Star Rising, I wanted to delve into why a Christian might lose their faith. I named my hero Paul, because, in a way, I pictured […]
Meet Jennifer Rodewald’s Latest Hero! Plus Giveaway!
Welcome back, Jennifer! Thank you for having me! Glad to!! We’re excited to meet your latest hero, Craig Erikson! So let’s get started with Craig! Craig, what family member are you closest to and why? I am an only child, and my mom is a single mom. We have always been close, but when I […]
Touring Ireland! Star Rising by Janet W. Ferguson
Isn’t it fun to travel, whether vicariously in a book, or in real life? Last year, I was blessed to get to travel to Ireland with my family. This year, I relived a good bit of that trip when I took my characters on a similar journey! It was so much fun! One particular scene […]
ACFW Conference, Fangirling, & the Christy Awards #giveaway
ACFW Conference, Fangirling, & the Christy Awards #giveaway! Authors are readers and fans too! Most authors started as avid readers, so we have our author heroes. In the past, I was thrilled to meet some of my favorites, Francine Rivers, Charles Martin, Terri Blackstock and Randy Alcorn. Last month at the ACFW conference in […]
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