Oh, to be a princess, even if for but one day! And if you’ve ever been married, you know this fantasy, one enacted by countless little girls of all cultures and from all generations, can and does happen. It’s called your wedding day! A few weeks ago, while perusing antique stores, my daughter and I […]
From Life to the Page–Missional Romance
He was never much of a reader, although I read to him often. When he traveled, I’d send him off with cassette tapes… You know what those are, right? They’re rectangular things a little bigger than a deck of cards with reels and ribbon inside, ribbon that inevitably became a tangled mess. Ah, now you […]
More Than Flowers
Flowers, candy, candles—all signs of a thriving romance, right? But flowers die and candy gives me a belly ache. So what’s a woman to do when the man she pledged her heart to feels distant? Stomp her feet and cry out to God, asking Him to intervene, that’s what! You may be familiar with the […]
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