Okay, I love Christmas time. I love that Christ came as a baby to save us; I love that whether one finds significance in that or not, a feeling of love and kindness pervades our hearts, thoughts, and actions; I love that we are more “other” focused for this glorious bit of time; I love […]
The Classics…
Lately I’ve been digging through the Classics. If you’ve read Dear Mr. Knightley or now Lizzy & Jane, you know I keep returning to these beloved favorites. And I think they are relevant here, on a contemporary blog, because most of these were not written as historical fiction (not that we don’t love historical fiction), […]
2014 Carol Awards
Last weekend, the ACFW Conference met in St. Louis, MO and announced its 2014 Carol Award winners. And the reason I’m posting is because it’s a list of great books — not all contemporary, I know, but still great… Contemporary and Debut Dear Mr. Knightley by Katherine Reay (HarperCollins Christian Publishing) “Katherine Reay’s Dear Mr. […]
Fairy Tales
A few months ago I wrote a couple articles trumpeting the wonder and magic of fairytales. Prime time fairy tales had me hooked. ABC’s Once Upon a Time and Once Upon a Time Wonderland held me the tightest. But there are others such as NBC’s Grimm and Dracula, FOX’s Sleepy Hollow, and the CW’s Beauty and […]
For the Love of a Good Book… 2014 Carol Award Finalists
I’m enjoying this time of year because wonderful and highly convenient lists of fantastic books keep popping up. If you’re like me, you’re always looking for the next great read. So for this blog post, I’d like to start a discussion. These are the finalists for the ACFW’s 2014 Carol Awards. All are wonderful… but […]
The Christy Awards: A Love Affair Between Truth & Storytelling
I was so blessed to attend the Christy Awards this year. Dear Mr. Knightley was nominated and I’m not going to lie – that was super amazingly cool. But what I found more wonderful, and yet not surprising, was the love every writer shared for both storytelling and Christ. The Christy Awards seek to honor […]
How Do You Like Your Romance?
Last week I traveled to New Orleans to attend the Romantic Time’s Booklover’s Convention. I had never been to the city before and never attended a conference with over 2,500 attendees! It was packed, bustling, fun and chaotic! Fascinating and wonderful on all counts. I ate more than I should, walked miles throughout the French […]
Moving is Romantic?
For today’s blog — thinking I should stick with a general theme of romance — I had to most definitely step out of my box… Here’s my box: I write this in a corner of my kitchen as my house is filled with movers helping me pack up all our belongings and furniture to be shipped […]
Puppy Love
Okay, yes this a post about a puppy… but so much more too. A couple weeks ago we got a new puppy. “Patchington Bear from Darkest Montana” – yes, that his name. Thank goodness, we only call him “Patch.” And considering that he joins “Triple Grande Non-Fat Extra Foamy Latte” (called “Trip”), his n […]
Love – In Its Many and Varied Forms
Okay, this is fun! I have had such a wonderful time getting to know you all over the past couple weeks. And I’m so thankful I’m part of this blog! What an amazing group of writers and readers we’re collecting. And… I get to think and write about LOVE here. How fun is that??? Yesterday […]
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