In less than a month, my next book releases! EEE!!! Now is when all the nerves and excitement really start kicking in! Putting the final touches on edits and cover and marketing plans–it’s a whirlwind! I’ve started back to work full time this past year, and this is my first book release since then. I’ll […]
Guest Post and GIVEAWAY by Pepper Basham: My Heart Belongs… in the Blue Ridge, Mountains
Krista here! I’m SO EXCITED to host the fabulous Pepper Basham today! Not only is she an amazing friend and writing pal, she’s also an AMAZING author of Christian Romance. Her newest book, My Heart Belongs in the Blue Ridge Mountains, released last month, so I invited her here today to talk a little about […]
Battling Settings Unknown
This probably breaks some code of authors that I’m unaware to even tell you this but…. Confession: I’ve never been to the Bahamas or any tropical island Another Confession: I’m currently finishing up writing a book that is set–you guessed it–in the Bahamas. This is the first time I’ve written a book set in a […]
The TRUE Meaning of Christmas
Confession: Until this year, I’ve never watched Hallmark Christmas movies at Christmas time. Not for lack of desire–we’re just cheap and don’t have cable. (A little antenna outside gets us a few local channels, but that’s it.) But this year, I decided to splurge. We have a new “smart” TV that has SLING on it, […]
Opposites Attract
Confession: I love writing about opposites in my romances. Maybe partially because my husband and I in many ways are SUPER opposite. He loves tea (like, obsessively so, like we have a wall of shelves devote to loose leaf tea and “teaware” in our house…) and I love Dr. Pepper. (I don’t have a wall […]
Ten Tips for a Fantastic Romance
Today marks 19 years since I walked down the aisle and said “I do” to the man of my dreams. I was a whole whoppin’ 18 years old, but y’all. My heart was head-over-heels. So today, I thought I’d share a few tips for lasting 19 years and being more in love than ever before. […]
Happily-Mostly-After – plus Giveaway!
Sometimes, I feel like happily-ever-after romance gets a bad rap. “It’s not realistic,” the nay-sayers proclaim. “Just wait until AFTER the honeymoon,” they warn. “Endings shouldn’t always be happy!” they demand. And sure, I get it. Relationships take a lot of work, and too many marriages these days end up broken and dissolved. I’d bet […]
Once Upon A Laugh – 8 Novellas, 1 (wildly) Wonderful Sample!
It’s here!! Book releases are SO much fun… all the hours and hours and hours (and hours)… (and more hours…) of endless writing, sleepless nights, wrestling with characters, editing until your eyes feel like they will shrivel up and die, all culminate into fruition because it’s done. Book is out there for people to love, […]
Romantic Comedy: Is it all just a bunch of fluff?
Hello. My name is Krista Phillips, and I write non-fluffy romantic comedy. I know… what? There IS such a thing? How can that possibly be? For those who may not know it exists, I thought I’d enlighten you today! I like to say I write filled-cupcake fiction. Fluffy (fun) on the outside, but when you […]
An “Idol”lic Romance
Please note: I know that it is spelled idyllic. Forgive me a little punny subject line! I watched the new season of American Idol on and off this year, and Maddie and Caleb were always 2 of my favorites. My romantic-leaning heart just about jumped and cheered when they let the cat out of the […]
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