Retreat!! Don’t we all love the word. I know for me, retreats are always special. They don’t happen often, but when they do I’m ready and willing. I’ve done spiritual retreats and writing retreats. They are both wonderful and an amazing way to reset and refocus. There are several reasons why I love going on […]
Cover Reveal
Could the past she kept hidden… Renew an unexpected love? After her adult son survives a plane crash, Nicole St. John believes the one person who can help him heal is his pilot father—who doesn’t know the twenty-four-year-old exists. Now Adam Hawk will do anything to support his son, even spend time with the woman […]
Story Threads
Happy St. Patrick’s day! I will admit to not celebrating this day very much. I usually don’t wear green–I don’t drink green drinks–not sure why. What about you? Do you celebrate this green day? I hope you enjoyed the Inspy Romance birthday bash. It’s always so much fun with so many prizes. I do love […]
Time to Celebrate
Birthday Bash is here! It’s time to celebrate. And there are things to celebrate. First–Inspy Romance! What an amazing place for authors and readers to unite and share their love of good books. Along the way we’ve learned a lot about each other. And it’s been fun! We’ve shared good times, hardships, and everything in […]
The Secret Trope
I know we’ve talked about tropes together before. There are many tropes romance writers use-and the fun part is if you give twenty romance writers one trope you’ll end up with twenty very different stories. I’ve been doing a lot of reading (and writing) lately and have come upon a portion of a trope […]
Ten days until Christmas! Who’s ready? Let the countdown begin, right? We’ve had some Inspy posts regarding Christmas romances. I do love them! And Christmas movies. It’s just the season for goodness and joy and gifts and love. No wonder the books and movies are enticing, drawing us in. One of my favorite things are […]
Romancing the Holidays
Happy Monday! November is half-way through and we’re about to hit Thanksgiving–then full on holiday mode until January! With the holiday season upon us, doesn’t it just bring romance into the air? It does for me. In my romance world I love reading and writing holiday romances. (We won’t even get into the movies, because […]
How Far Will You Go to Meet an Author?
Hi all! Fall is here. I’m being upfront and honest–I don’t care for Pumpkin Spice anything. I hope you’ll keep reading!! Seriously, though, I do need your help. As readers are you interested in meeting the authors whose books you enjoy? I hope the answer is yes. So let’s talk scenarios. Some of you that […]
The Storm Before the Rainbow #giveaway
Back to School Bash time! Always a great time with great books as giveaways. I’m not in the back to school crowd, though, as our children are grown and have their own children. I do remember those days. They’re very different now with all the social media posts. I do remember taking pictures of […]
Lately I’ve been reading a lot of stories that have brought tears to my eyes. Am I in a season? Am I choosing all the same kind of books? Who knows. But I enjoy reading books that bring out emotions, and cause us to think and reflect on life. On the importance of relationships and […]
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