Authors are often told not to read the reviews of their books, but I’m pretty sure most authors can’t resist looking at those reviews. I will admit that I have often read reviews. Of course, I adore the ones where readers say they loved the book or couldn’t book the book down until it was […]
Happy 20th Anniversary to Me
You might be wondering what I’m talking about since Valerie just had a post about Inspy Romance’s 10th anniversary. Well, February is a month for anniversaries. My husband and I were married on Valentine’s Day, and we just celebrated anniversary number 48. So you may be wondering why I have a “Happy 20th Anniversary” as […]
Starting in the Middle
There is a writing book called Write Your Novel from the Middle by James Scott Bell. I confess I have not read it, but I do wonder how that works. I’m what they call a “pantser.” I write by the seat of my pants. I have characters and an inciting incident to start my books. […]
Christmas Joy
Even though Christmas is over, today we’re going to share a little Christmas Joy with an interview with a sweet little girl named Joy. Interviewer: Hi, Joy. Did you have a good Christmas this year? Joy: Joy nods. Christmas is also my birthday. So I get lots and lots of presents. Interviewer: That’s cool. Do […]
LOSS. The word even sounds sad to me, unless you are trying to lose weight. Then it is a happy thing. When I was looking for a photo to use for this post, dozens of photos of people with scales, measuring tapes, and skinny blue jeans were the results of my search. I finally […]
World Pizza Makers Day
The pizza in the photo above is a pizza I made. When I made this pizza, I had no idea there was a day celebrating pizza makers. I make my own dough, but I use pre-made sauce. My family loves my pizza. But whether you pull out a frozen pizza and pop it in the […]
National Love Note Day
As you might suspect, today is National Love Note Day. Since we read and write romance here, it’s a good national day to celebrate. What can be more touching than a simple love note? Whether short or long, it will leave the receiver with a wonderful feeling. The note will lighten someone’s heart. Although this […]
The Storms of Life
The above photo is one I took last week after a microburst hit our neighborhood. We weren’t at home when it happened. When we drove onto our street, we first noticed a downed tree in our neighbor’s yard. We found a large flower pot and the lid to someone’s garbage can in our front yard. […]
National Dog Photography Day
We’ve had our share of dogs over the years, as well as cats, hamsters, and goldfish. Currently we are petless, but I have a number of books that feature dogs. Since today is National Dog Photography Day, I thought I’d share some of those stories. In A MATCH TO CALL OURS the heroine, Brittany Gorman, […]
Does Age Make a Difference
The books I’ve written have a variety of ages for the hero and heroine. I’ve written stories with heroes in their thirties and the heroines in their twenties. I’ve written stories with heroines who are older than the heroes. I’ve written stories with heroes and heroines who are close to the same age. When I […]
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