Cindy Harrington is a recurring character in Robin Merrill’s Greater Life Romance Series. Some might even say that she is the lynchpin that holds the series together. We sat down with her today to ask her about this matchmaking obsession of hers. Hi Cindy! Tell us how you got into the matchmaking business. (chuckles […]
Guest Post from Willow White: Paperback Giveaway!
Hello Inspy Peeps! Can I give away some books? Hooray! I was hoping you’d say that. I write contemporary Christian cowboy romances, and I’ve just completed my third series! So, let’s celebrate! Each of my series features a family of six siblings, who of course, each find love. All of my books take place in […]
Romance Recomendation—Honeysuckle Dreams
I stayed up late last night finishing a book so awesome that I need to tell you about it! But first, you should know that I’m a pretty picky reader. The older I get, the more I DNF books. In fact, I bet I finish less than half of the books I start. (I know […]
An Author’s New Year’s Resolutions
Full disclosure: I’ve had a really rough 2023. For lots of reasons, most of which wouldn’t be very interesting to you. But for this list of resolutions to make any sense, I need to preface: I am one tough cookie, but 2023 still left a lot of bruises. And that’s okay. I’m coming out the other side […]
Free eBook Alert
I was a full-time writer before I ever tried writing a novel. In fact, getting into fiction at all was sort of an accident. (Well, it seemed that way to me. It is likely that it didn’t take God by surprise.) I had only dabbled in fiction, and I mean dabbled. When I was in […]
Christian Romance on Kobo Plus
Whether we love them or hate them, whether they’re truly good or bad for authors, reading subscription programs (and subscription programs in general) seem to be the new norm. I know that a lot of us use Kindle Unlimited, and I’m not suggesting there’s something wrong with that, but I wanted to tell you about […]
A Year of Books
Gift giving is not my love language. I find it difficult and stressful. And on the rare occasion when I think that I do have a good idea and I put a lot of resources into a gift, then it’s crushingly disappointing when it just doesn’t land. It makes me not want to try again. […]
Humor in Romance
I have written a lot of books. I’ve been told they are funny. On some of them, I’ve worked really hard to be funny. And no one has told me that those were funnier than the others. And on some of them, I’ve tried not to be funny … Still funny. It’s like I have […]
Free Christian Audiobooks on YouTube
If you are in the United States or Canada, Happy Labor Day! If you’re somewhere else, Happy Monday! A few months ago, I joined the bandwagon of authors putting their audiobooks up on YouTube. I’ll be honest; I didn’t have big expectations that my shiny new channel would make many waves, but the feedback has […]
Orlando Reads Books
Hi, family! I am super excited to be gearing up for my second (and final, I think) book fair of the year. I have not participated in Orlando Reads Books before, but some authors I really love have, so I figure it must be worth the while. And the more I learn about it, the […]
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