I know everyone is really looking forward to spring right around the corner. Especially all of you who are still getting snow. I’m counting down the days to the end of March for another reason, though. You see, around that time is about the half-way mark for my husband’s deployment. Though the days are […]
3 Reasons Book Covers Get Makeovers
Recently, I made a few readers rather upset with me. You see, I did what one silently considered an unpardonable bookish sin. I changed the covers on all the books in one of my series. *Gasp* I know! It was a really hard decision, trust me, because I loved the original covers to that […]
Tackling Your TBR
If you’re anything like me, you may have a little problem with your TBR (to-be-read) list. Or maybe it’s more like a pile, or a stack, or a mountain, or, let’s be honest, a planet with its own gravitational pull. Some books may have been newly placed on the list, but then there are those […]
Character Inspiration for Kiss Me on Christmas + Giveaway
Happy Tuesday, friends! There’s been lots of talk this month here on InspyRomance about Christmas books…and I’m ready to board that train! I love Christmas, but, surprisingly, before this last year, I had only written one teeny tiny Christmas romance novella in all my 7 years of publishing–12 Days of Snowmen (a free download […]
The Flash…Fiction
Show of hands, how many of you know what flash fiction is? I’m guessing maybe some of you but probably not a majority. Flash fiction is simply a complete story told in under 1,000 words. That’s usually less than 2 pages guys. Kinda crazy, right? While I haven’t written any flash fiction in a long […]
1 Thing I knew I Needed in a Narrator and 2 Things I Didn’t
When I set out to make my Sewing in SoCal series available in audiobook form, I was looking for one specific thing in a narrator. I needed someone who could bring each of these five unique ladies to life and give them each a unique-sounding voice. I didn’t want any one of them to become […]
Modern Biblical Retellings
Do you have a favorite story in the Bible? How about a favorite fictional retelling of that Bible story? Retellings are a pretty popular trope, although you’ll usually see them as fairy tale retellings. However, within Christian fiction, we have some books that are Bible story retellings. More so in a historical setting (I’m sure […]
Personal Facts in Fiction
Ernest Hemingway once said, “There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.” I was talking to my mom on the phone the other day and she was laughing about telling my brother that I had written him into one of my books. This made me […]
You Had Me at Hello
Let’s talk about the first lines of a book. In the industry, they are called the hook. Probably because, like an angular, the author wants to hook the reader right away and reel them into the story. As a reader, I love a really well-written first line/paragraph. They aren’t make it or break it […]
Identifying with the Sewing in SoCal Characters
Show of hands, who all likes to be able to identify with the main character in a story? *Raises hand* It’s such an important aspect—to be able to feel for and care about the fictional people in the books we read. I don’t mean to say that they have to be exactly like us (which […]
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