by: Staci Stallings For years I have said that I can do six things at a time, but the second you add a seventh, I’m done. I get overwhelmed, and nothing gets done very well. Over the past two years, I’ve had to increase that number more and more because I kept adding things without […]
by: Staci Stallings In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, there is a line that says, “There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” The line comes in the immediate aftermath of Hamlet and Horatio seeing the ghost, and Horatio literally can’t believe his eyes nor does he have any experience […]
by: Staci Stallings Let’s start with this: I am not a Lord of the Rings fan. I apologize to those of you who love it, but I must confess that I am not among that number. My children once had the movies on our television in the living room, and I didn’t leave my office […]
Ask the Author
Confession time. I have thought and procrastinated and thought and started and stopped and started and…. I keep coming back to the idea of hosting an Ask the Author Party. So here we are, dear readers! What do you want to know? Do you have burning book questions about one of my books? Are you […]
My Most Personal Story Yet
by: Staci Stallings Some of you know me or know of me. Others may never have heard the name Staci Stallings until this very minute, and that’s okay. In fact, part of me likes not being known. One thing I do know is this: my readers probably know me better than most people who have […]
Filling Inspiration
by: Staci Stallings In the last book I wrote, “Who I am with You” that will be out in December, there is an element of what the heroine, Taylor Grayson, learns that has become relevant in my own writing life recently. It was a take-off on an analogy that says some people are “10-gallon” people. […]
A Time to Write, A Time to Put the Pen Down
by: Staci Stallings As I get older (just turned 51 last Friday), one thing I’ve come to realize is that there really are seasons in life. Looking back, I see there were seasons of growing up, falling in love, going to school, getting married, having kids, having little kids, having bigger kids, their school, them […]
Finding Flow
by: Staci Stallings For the past couple of years I’ve been intensely interested in the concept of flow or flow state. Some call it optimal performance state. Basically, it’s when you go from System 2 thinking (consciously thinking about something) to System 1 thinking (automatic thinking or subconscious thinking). A good way of understanding it […]
Learning to Paint
by: Staci Stallings Life is interesting. First, back in 2014, my niece, Veronica, started coming every so often to talk about life. She, like many young people today, was trying to figure out college and how to get her feet on the ground. She was working through a lot of internal messaging that had culminated […]
Be Do Have–The Ultimate Lesson
by: Staci Stallings Many years ago I wrote an article for a blog called “Be Do Have.” It was about an insight I had recently had about life. In the article, I explained that most people in life get this backward. They believe that they need to have before they can do and they need […]
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