I know we usually review romance books here but I’m breaking the mold to review a movie. This weekend I went to see Cinderella with a girlfriend who had an extra ticket (the young lady she was going to take had to back out – lucky for me!). We all know how fairy tale romances […]
It’s a Love Fest!
Really – could there be a better holiday for the InspyRomance crowd than Valentine’s Day? It’s a holiday just for us because we love love. and everything that goes with it. I believe we love a good romance story because we’re players in the greatest love story ever told. Jesus is the Bridegroom; we’re His […]
A Story Takes Wing
After countless years, rewrites on top of rewrites, hopes raised then dashed then raised again, my childhood dream is about to take flight! Come early March, my first book will be released. (<insert cartwheel here!>) It’s had multiple names, multiple revisions, even multiple covers. It has made its way around contests, critique groups, and beta […]
Is it Inspirational or is it Romance?
My first book will be coming out in February (yes, I’m thrilled!), and I’m in the midst of cover design, edits, setting up marketing (okay, trying to understand marketing), etc. As writers, we hear over and over – know your audience, know your genre, know your story. So while Shattered Image definitely falls in the […]
Releasing the Dream
We all have dreams – for ourselves, our marriage, our kids, our life. Some are a bit pie in the sky, but that doesn’t mean they won’t come true in some form or another. I’ve forgotten who posted this recently (senior moment!) but it has stuck with me… At first I just thought it […]
Now THAT’S Love!
A few months ago, I posted about what real, everyday love looks like – in real life. One of the stories was too long to include so I told her I’d be giving it a full post of it’s own. Here’s Mary’s real-life love story. At 21 I became a wife, 22 a mother, and […]
Who Loves You, Baby?
Around here, we’re all about love. New love, unexpected love. Love that defies the odds and conquers all. That neither snow nor rain nor heat… oh, wait. That’s the unofficial Postal Service motto. Love that always goes above and beyond, that never fails, that always finds a happy (and perfect) ending. Hmm…definitely sounds like something […]
So What Does Romance Really Look Like?
We’re romance readers and writers here at InspyRomance. We love love! And – don’t shoot me – we might tend to “romanticize” it just a wee bit. But we do love to escape the real world for a time and lose ourselves in a good story. Unfortunately for me, I’m one of those people who […]
Love – New, Old and In-between
My husband, Mike, and I have been married 32 years, together for 34. That’s a lot of time spent learning, growing, sharing, fighting, making up, and experiencing life together. Obviously it hasn’t been 32 years of sheer bliss. There’ve been rocky patches, mountaintop experiences, and lots (and lots) of normal everyday stuff. We have two […]
The Great What If
Have you ever wondered how your life would be different IF you’d made a different choice here or there? If you’d bought that house instead of this one? Gone on a date with this guy instead of that one? What if you’d decided to go to a different college instead of the one you went […]
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