I’ve mentioned before how forgiveness is one of the hardest things for me as a person. I want to forgive, but the lingering doubt and sense of betrayal keep me from offering the true ‘forgive and forget’ that I think we’re responsible for. I address this type of betrayal and heartache in my upcoming Love […]
The Cowboy Craze
Have you ever started a book and then it ends up changing directions in the middle or ends different from what you expected? I have this habit of trying to predict what I think will happen in a book, and it’s fun when the author proves me wrong. There are so many things that can […]
New Release and a Giveaway!
Have you had enough turkey and stuffing yet? What about reading time? Is there any such thing as ‘enough’ reading time? I’ve read a lot less these last few months than normal, but I’ve been writing up a storm and while I take a short break from that, I wanted to share some news with […]
Love in Fiction
I’m sure we’ve all seen the memes about how certain movies or stories gave us unrealistic expectations for love. I laugh at them and can sometimes agree. Some things are unrealistic. But then this year my parents celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary and I heard from so many others who are about to hit 60 […]
I’m Sorry I Forgot!
How often do you forget things? As a reader, I feel like I have this weird ability to remember strange points in books, while simultaneously forgetting tons of information. And that all seems to change from book to book. I almost never remember character names, but if you tell me a title and author, I […]
When Life Puts Clouds in Your Way
A few weeks ago, we were hit with one of those series of events where it felt like everything you’d worked for came to a crashing halt. We were hit on every front from health issues to financial fallout. All I wanted to do was fix it. I spent hours trying to figure out a […]
There Once was a Horse
Some of you may recognize this guy. For those who don’t know him, meet Hoss. Hoss is a blind quarter horse that I rescued two years ago. He’s the main inspiration for my upcoming Love Inspired book, THE COWGIRL’S LAST RODEO. I thought I’d share a little excerpt with you today to honor Hoss. This […]
Planning to Read?
Do you schedule time to read? I’ve gone over, under, and around this question for a while, and it’s made me curious about other readers’ habits. I think I could read from sun up to sun down, and most hours of the night, except that my family requires attention. Adulting is hard. My days are […]
(Re)writing the story
As an author, I don’t always get the story right the first time. In that aspect, writing often reminds me a lot of life in general. We start out thinking we know what is going to happen next, but then the characters (or life) throw us a curveball and we adjust our path to compensate. […]
Cowboys and Commitments
I gotta say, I’m excited for 2023. So much happened in 2022 that I’m still processing, but that doesn’t dim the excitement of a new year with new challenges and new books to write. I feel like I failed a lot in 2022, and I was forced to reevaluate my commitments. I’m currently finishing up […]
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