Since I found out about InspyRomance’s closing, I’ve considered a hundred possible blog topics for my very last post… Should I write about being in my “Firefighter Era”? Wax on about whether my books are clean or sweet or Christian or closed-door or minty? (Maybe all of the above? I don’t really understand anything anymore […]
Can you be a Minimalist Bookworm?
Over the past year (and especially in the last 4 months), I’ve been shifting the way I approach… well, everything. With three kids ages 7 and under, my house felt like it was a constant state of chaos. But it wasn’t just the kids, it was everything! My schedule, my office, my to-do list, my […]
How “real life” can influence a story
Do you ever wonder where authors get their ideas? Whether it is my own life, the lives of those around me, or other forms of story, art, and musice — we find inspiration in lots of places! For my recent CCR release The One Who Promised Forever, it was really heavily inspired by real life […]
Redemption Ridge Series Spotlight
Five years ago, I had two books under my belt as an author. I didn’t have much author community and my books weren’t selling. I was still learning ALL the things (still am, as a matter of fact). But I felt the Lord calling me to step out in faith. I made my word of […]
Here’s the Scoop on Buying Directly from Authors (#Giveaway)
Hey there, dear reader. Can I tell you a secret? Being an author is… a lot. It’s writing books, of course. But it is also working with editors. It’s getting reviews that cut you down and reviews that make you cry happy tears. It’s dealing with agents and publishers, or learning the ropes to publish […]
The Dreaded Deadline
I’ve always been a procrastinator. I know that about myself… I work best under pressure, with the clock ticking and someone waiting on me to finish “the thing”. As an student, this meant staying up late writing papers the night before they were due, or studying up to the last minute. As an engineer, it […]
Story Inspiration: The real rodeo cowboy who inspired the book
In the summer of 2022, I created a side character… (in the book Blind Date with a Hero), Jason Keen was Jared’s wayward brother, a rough-and-tumble rodeo cowboy living in Western Colorado. I named him Jason in honor of my own cousin, Jason — the toughest cowboy I know. He’s fifteen or so years older […]
Loving the Grump
I’m finishing up a non-fiction book right now where my editor and I break down ALL the “types” of romance characters that we could think of. Billionaires, Cowboys, Widows, Single Parents, Athletes, Pirates, and on and on. It’s been a super fun project (and I’m learning a lot). When we were only three weeks out […]
The book most likely to…
Last weekend, I attended a writing retreat with a big group of wonderful women. One of the fun things we did was submit “superlative” awards for everyone at the conference. Mine was “Most likely to have a spreadsheet for that” which is 100% accurate and probably tells you a lot about me! So, I thought […]
Rom-com recommendation: Sweet Peach Series
Hello there! While I’m on a deadline, I’m also in procrastination level: expert mode… So I’ve obviously been reading. A lot. I’ve tackled a lot of books on my to-be-read list, but I’ve also detoured and read some books I didn’t plan on. The series I’m going to talk about today is a little bit […]
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