Authors are crazy, but I’m sure you know that by now.
Witness the author who spies the EMTs at a local convenience store. She waits until they’ve left the front counter before approaching them outside. “May I please ask you a question?” Reason: she needs to know how many people can fit in the back of an ambulance since she’s heard conflicting reports and it’s important to her story. It’s always about the story, you see.
Witness the author who rushes up to the fireman at the local 4-H Fair. “Do you mind if I ask you some questions?” Reason: she’s writing a Christmas book about a fire captain in a small town. She’d like to know if schoolchildren are allowed to climb on top of an engine during a firehouse tour. Things like what kind of kid he was and why he’s willing to risk his life for someone else. The difference in mindset between cops and firemen. And why so many firemen marry nurses.
Witness the author who’s in an elevator with a very tall young man. “Excuse me, may I ask you a question?” Reason: she estimates he must be as tall as the male core character in her book series who’s 6’ 5”. No other reason, really, but it’s all about perspective.
Get the picture?
Let me tell you, I’ve fumbled and bumbled my way through many a situation. A lot of authors are quiet and introverted. Not me. I used to be shy back in grade school, believe it or not. Now I have no hesitation whatsoever in asking anyone pretty much anything. Ask my three kids and my husband. They’re proud of my writing pursuits, but there have been times when they look the other way, whistle, talk among themselves, or back away because they’d rather not be associated with the crazy, short blonde woman. Always polite but loony. I used to apologize for my behavior but no more. I’ve liberated myself from saying I’m sorry when my books help pay the mortgage each month. You could say I’ve earned the right to be crazy.
Why am I so willing to make a fool of myself? I think the answer is the same as I’d give when someone asks why I write. I tell them, “I have a story to tell, and I pray there’s someone out there who might want to read it. And, along the way, I hope they might glean one small nugget of truth or inspiration to help them get through their day a little easier.” Words matter, stories matter. Sometimes more than we can possibly know.
It’s all about putting “me” aside to reach deep inside the core of a character. Digging around and fleshing them out. Finding out what makes them tick, what makes them passionate, angry, sad.
We’re only given a set number of days on this earth to fulfill God’s purpose for our lives, and to the best of my ability, I’m trying to live out the calling I feel the Lord has given to me. If that means making a fool of myself, so be it. If that means stretching outside my comfort zone, fine. But, in the end, those characters who have quirks and flaws are the ones readers can perhaps identify with the most because…guess what? They’re just like us! We’re all sinners saved by grace, and it makes us all feel better to know we’re not alone in our life’s journey. Ultimately, it’s also about giving hope and showing through different characters and their stories how grace and forgiveness are freely offered from a heavenly Father who loves us more than we can ever imagine.
As I’m writing this post, I’m finalizing Abide, Book 7 of my long-running Lewis Legacy Series (technically Book 8 if you include Prelude, the series prequel). See the sneak peek excerpt below! Abide is releasing later this week. My heroine is Catherine (“Caty”) Lewis, the youngest sister of my Lewis family in Houston, Texas. As the book opens, she’s about to face her reclusive boss for the first time although she’s worked for the man’s corporation for five years. Rarely intimidated, she’s nervous. And the poor girl fumbles and bumbles her way through a series of amusing and unfortunate incidents before she ever makes it to the 35th floor of the downtown high-rise. Let the adventure begin! This one has the usual components in one of my Lewis books: romance, humor, drama, as well as mystery and suspense.
Here’s an exclusive sneak peek for our Inspy Romance readers from the first chapter of Abide!
“Miss, are you all right?”
Startled by the deep male drawl, Caty spun around a bit too fast, making her teeter on the loose heel. Wasn’t one stumble enough for the afternoon?
Reaching for her, he steadied her with a hand on her arm. “Careful.” He waited a few seconds. “Okay to let go now?”
“I think so, thanks. Just call me Grace.” She smoothed one hand over her hair.
“Bad day?”
Caty stared at him for a long moment as he released his hold. Where had he come from? A momentary panic hit her as she wondered how much he’d witnessed. Oh well, what did it matter now?
“I’m, um, a little embarrassed by being plowed down, nearly falling face-first on the sidewalk, and being fumigated by a city bus. Not to mention narrowly avoiding being drenched by a flashy car driven by a maniac with no apparent regard for pedestrians. And that’s just for starters.” She stopped and laughed under her breath. “I’m sorry. You didn’t need to hear all that. Suffering from a need to blabber apparently ranks right up there, too.”
A few inches taller than her, she estimated the man to be in his mid-to-late 30s. He certainly fit the urban cowboy image—jeans, a tucked-in white dress shirt, and a lived-in brown leather jacket. His eyes were shaded by dark sunglasses although the sky was overcast. Likewise, his jaw sported about a day’s worth of new stubble. A tan Stetson sat pushed back on his forehead, revealing a few strands of thick, medium-length, dark brown hair. Most younger men didn’t wear Stetsons in the city anymore unless they’d come in from the ranch, but she’d always liked the tradition.
Three boxes of Chinese takeout dangled from his hand. Now that was unexpected. Her gaze traveled to his boot-covered feet. He’d walked more than a mile in those boots. Another plus. If she thought she could get away with wearing her red cowgirl boots with her business suit, she’d have them on this second.
The corners of the man’s mouth hitched. “Sounds like you’ve had quite a day, but I was referring to your hand.”
“Oh, that.” She held up her mummified right hand. The tissue stuck to the blood on her palm and fluttered in the wind. “This would be another result of my fall from grace. I’m not usually a complainer or so…seriously inept.” Resisting the urge to chew on her lower lip, Caty set her briefcase on the pavement. She yanked the tissue from her hand and stuffed it in the pocket of her skirt. Based on the warmth in her cheeks, they must be positively flaming.
“They have antibiotic cream and bandages at the front desk in the building straight ahead of you.” He glanced down at her feet. “They might also have glue as a quick fix for that broken heel.”
He’d noticed that, too? “I would not, could not, ask for glue. For my shoe.” Shaking her head, Caty twisted her lips not to burst out laughing. The only other option was to cry.
“Dr. Seuss fan?” Oh my, he had a nice smile. A kind smile. Shivers of awareness rippled through her. Lord, are you serious? You plant a nice guy in front of me now? How was that fair?
I’m giving away three ebook copies of Abide. To qualify, leave a comment and tell me about a situation where you’ve reached outside your personal comfort zone and why. Please share! Winners will be selected on Mother’s Day, May 8, 2016. and promptly sent as an Amazon ebook gift.
Blessings, friends. Until we meet again…
Matthew 5:16
Jill Weatherholt says
Yes! I definitely get the picture, JoAnn! :) Congratulations on your latest release. I enjoyed the excerpt and the cover is fantastic!
Wemble says
Abide looks great:) Hmm stepping outside my comfort zone- pretending to be calm in removing a spider from my classroom full of year 7 students. I DO NOT like spiders and, if I were at home, would leave the room where said spider was, and request that my husband remove it quickly, or suck it up the vacuum cleaner if he is not there! In a class full of students-hmm, wouldn’t do for the teacher (me!) to be such a wimp, and pretend to calmly deal with it, while freaking out inside!!
Priscila says
I just love your books and my all time favorites are the Lewis Legacy series. I’ve been waiting for Abide for a while now and I do hope I get to win a copy. I’ve noticed it’s not available for pre-order yet, but this would be so much better.
Also love how you ask all these questions. It sounds like your life is full of fun moments just like your characters.
JoAnn Durgin says
Thank you, Jill! One of the aspects of publishing I truly enjoy the most is helping to create the cover. When I saw the photo of the red boots in the field of bluebonnets, I knew I had my cover. Blessings. :)
JoAnn Durgin says
Thanks, Wemble! I am SO with you on the spiders! And snakes, and well, pretty much anything that qualifies as a creepy crawlie. It’s funny you say that because Caty hears something in her office at one point and has to investigate, praying all the while it’s NOT a mouse. Her discovery is something else entirely, of course. :) Thank you for teaching our kids. I have all the admiration in the world for what you do. Blessings.
JoAnn Durgin says
Priscila, you humble me. Thank you so much! I’m happy you enjoy the adventures of my TeamWork crew. I don’t do pre-orders for various reasons, but you’ll have it to read VERY soon. Promise! While you’re waiting, if you haven’t read Perchance to Dream, there’s a “sighting” and a nod to a few of my TeamWork members, and even Love So Divine has a nod to Sam Lewis. :) Yes, I try to make my books fun for readers, and I’ll keep asking my questions. Blessings to you!
dlw says
Your book sounds interesting! I learned how to make balloon animals for out reaches our church does. I was afraid they would all pop and I don’t like being in front of people. Now I can do it for two to three hours for a large event serving 2,000 plus people. It is easier than I thought it would be and God gives grace.
Heather says
Haha I love it! I am always outside my comfort zone when all my kiddos are getting into something or making a mess in a store my favorite times (not!) were when my toddler threw his sippy cup over the divider at chipotle and it landed in the guac and they had to switch it out and when sitting in the buggy in the checkout line he snagged a nail polish by the register and threw it down the aisle breaking the top and having fragrant polish all down the aisle, I was thankful it was clear lol.
Priscila says
I loved how you connected the TeamWork crew to Perchance to Dream in the end. It was very touching moment and the connection made it a lot more real (for fans who think the TeamWork crew are actual people you can relate, which I do).
(Love So Divine is in my really-want-to-buy-and-read-right-away list, but haven’t gotten around that yet. I did enjoy Love So Amazing–doesn’t that one have a connection to Lexa?)
Julianne Archer says
Anytime I speak in front of a group of people I’m outside my comfort zone and get very stiff and words do not flow well at all. I look forward to reading Abide! Thanks for following your calling :)
Rosemccauley says
Great post JoAnn Durgin I’ve done some of these things myself!
Cammi says
I’m glad you ask questions when you can. It makes your stories believable. If you ever need to know anything about insurance policies call me. HA! I’m looking forward to Abide and any other book you write. As for stepping outside my comfort zone. Like many, I fear public speaking. I used to immediately say no when I was asked to speak in front of crowds but in the past few years I have said yes just to stretch myself. It’s painful but also very rewarding.
kathleenefriesen says
I love your boldness! Asking questions of strangers is WAY outside my comfort zone, but it is necessary. Today I have to approach someone to find out about the Canadian justice system and how it deals with guilty pleas. (I thought I was going to write a light story!)
This sneak peek at Abide has me drooling in anticipation of the whole story–can’t wait! Congratulations on another fantastic story, JoAnn.
Kimberly Rose Johnson says
LOL, I’ve missed so many opportunities to ask questions. Just this past weekend too! Sigh. Congrats on the new release. Love the cover!
Lindsay DeVries says
So excited for the new release!! :)
For me, going on my first missions trip in 7th grade was way out of my comfort zone… I was terrified but I knew God was calling me to go, so I went. I ended up loving it and grew so much in my faith, I went again the next summer. God is good!!
Ps happy early mother’s day JoAnn!
Beverly Buford says
JoAnn, it is cruel and unusual punishment to tease us with the beginning of a new book! Can’t wait!!! I LOVE your books!!! Thank you!! As a Pastor’s wife, I often step outside my comfort zone. Probably the most uncomfortable was when I sat with the loved one of a family…she was nearing her final hours…while they tried to sleep. I was to call them if I thought she was nearing death. According to the nurse, “It could be hours” but I just felt compelled to wake the family, and she died just a few minutes later. I don’t ever want to be comfortable in a situation like that!
faithdp24 says
Congratulations! Well, you already know that I’m addicted to the Lewis Series in a very serious way! I have been waiting and waiting for this book . . . so I can barely wait for its debut.
Oh, I’ve been in some very uncomfortable situations too. One comes instantly comes to mind which happened at work. I had walked through the long room which was filled with long distance operators all over. Suddenly I realized that something wasn’t quite right with my clothes. What? My slip and dress were stuck in my underwear! What could I do? I didn’t hear any snickers, did I? I hurried through the short distance to the door and went through it to the hallway which was empty of people at the moment. Praise the Lord!!! I put myself back together and one of my friends rushed out to find me. We just lost it in laughter together! Of course, I was mortified and all that. But it was also hilarious! That’s my misadventure that almost caused me to lose my breath! duh
Beth Gillihan says
Great first page! Sounds like a great read. I have been subbing at my kids’ school this year and it is way out of my comfort zone! I have come to enjoy it, but could not be a full time teacher! I am also taking over the schools plant stand this summer and that too is way out of my comfort zone! I am not a very organized person.
Margaret Nelson says
I think I started learning to get out of my comfort zone way back when I was a youngster learning to play the piano. I never got beyond playing the notes on the page, but the Lord started nudging me to volunteer to play at church when no one else would volunteer. Even though there might be better pianists in the audience, at least I was willing to play.
Michele Hayes says
I loved the excerpt. I hate speaking in front of a group of people but for my job I had to travel to various conferences and give a speech on various budget related topics. I hated it, but it had to be done.
Diane Markesbery says
Abide has me hooked…. I long to finish the story now ?. I learned beginning ASL with my son for his second language in high school(we homeschooled). I stepped out of my comfort by signing in our worship service as my husband sang a special ” Who am I ” Casting Crowns. After the service a friend introduced her “deaf” brother, unbeknownst to us, he was visiting that weekend. He signed “thank you it was refreshing to see the song in my language !” Whew ! I still get sweaty palms thinking about how God makes all things work for His glory and our good even “out of our comfort zone”
I look forward to any books you write JoAnn, you are a gifted story teller. ?
Lisa The Health Coach says
Love the cover JoAnn! Very Texan! :) I love that you’re not shy to ask! Who cares if they think you’re nuts, because if you don’t ask, you won’t get the answer you’re looking for! :) I’ve been excited for Abide to come out, but now, after reading the excerpt, I’m REALLLY excited! Hurry up already! lol :D
JoAnn Durgin says
Priscila, I didn’t intend to write the TeamWork connection into Ellie and Ryan’s story, but it just seemed to fit. I actually adjusted the timeline on that one to make it fit. :) And of course they’re real! ;-) I hope you can read Love So Divine soon. Unless I’m forgetting something, there wasn’t a connection with Lexa in Love So Amazing, but only in Perchance to Dream (Ellie recognizes Lexa’s pen name of H.L. Joseph). Thanks again!
JoAnn Durgin says
DLW, that’s an awesome gift and the kids love you, I’m sure! You’re busy crafting something that will bring enjoyment and that’s so wonderful! Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment today. Blessings!
JoAnn Durgin says
Oh my goodness, Heather, you had me cringing and then laughing. I’m thankful the polish was clear. We do have our moments with the kids, don’t we? The joys of motherhood to be sure. Thanks for stopping by Inspy Romance today and leaving a comment! Blessings.
JoAnn Durgin says
Hi Julianne! I used to be PETRIFIED to speak in front of groups. I would memorize oral reports and then stare at the back wall, recite the information from memory, and then run to my desk (and want to hide). I enjoy public speaking, but I believe the Lord has given me more a gift of the written word rather than the spoken. Thanks for your comment! Blessings.
JoAnn Durgin says
Hi Rose! I’m sure you have, but that’s part of being a writer. I’ve come to enjoy being wacky. LOL. ;-) Thanks so much for stopping by Inspy Romance today and leaving a comment! Blessings.
JoAnn Durgin says
So wonderful to see you here today, Cammi! I certainly know to call you if I do have questions. ;-) You’ve already helped me in more ways than I can count (having a beautiful bride cover model, for one thing). See my comment above to Julianne regarding public speaking. Yes, stretching ourselves can indeed by very rewarding. Thanks for stopping by Inspy Romance today! Blessings.
JoAnn Durgin says
Hi Kathleen, and thanks for stopping by Inspy Romance today! If we don’t ask questions, we won’t get the answers. The Internet can only give us so much, but I love that personal connection with people. Hope you get the answers you’re seeking today–sounds interesting! :-) Blessings!
JoAnn Durgin says
Hi Kimberly! I used to miss opportunities and still do at times. Thanks so much, and I’ll confess it’s one of my personal favorite covers. Blessings!
JoAnn Durgin says
Hey, Lindsay! Thanks so much for stopping by Inspy Romance today! I can imagine the missions trip would have been intimidating. In seventh grade, I would have felt the same way. So happy you ended up loving it. God is indeed SO good! :-) Thanks for the Mother’s Day greeting. Blessings!
JoAnn Durgin says
Hi Beverly! Thank you so much for your kind compliment about my books. Some readers like teasers and some don’t, LOL. It won’t be long until you can read Abide. :-) Since I’ve been a pastor’s wife, I can identify with the type of situation you mentioned (and many others; I’m sure we could trade stories). That was a nudge of the Holy Spirit, in my estimation, when you knew to wake the family. Praise the Lord! I appreciate your stopping by Inspy Romance today. Blessings!
Robin Bunting says
From the gorgeous cover alone, plus your name, I would want to read this newest in the Lewis Legacy. Can’t wait. Loved your blog. Funniest most embarrassing incident?????……
JoAnn Durgin says
Hi Faith! I’ll be messaging you later today about our trip to Florida. We’ll be in Jacksonville late Friday night. I’m hoping we can meet for early breakfast on Saturday! Thank you so much for the sweet compliment about my books. I had to laugh because I had the same type of situation at a Women of Faith conference last year. I have very long skirts, and I always try to double check myself. Well, wouldn’t you know, my skirt was, um, hiked up way beyond where it should have been. But I was in a conference center! Thank the Lord for one sweet woman who came running after me. “Ma’am! Ma’am!” Too funny. Thanks for sharing YOUR story and stopping by Inspy Romance today. Blessings, and I’ll be in touch today. :)
JoAnn Durgin says
Hi Beth! I’m with you that I couldn’t be a full-time teacher. For one thing, I simply don’t have the patience, but I have all the appreciation in the world for those who DO teach. Good for you with the subbing! Now, the plant stand? If that’s REAL live plants, that would be outside my comfort zone, too. I’m organized, but I kill plants. I have the proverbial brown thumb. More power to you! Blessings. :-)
JoAnn Durgin says
Margaret, that willingness to follow the Lord’s nudging makes ALL the difference. Good for you! I was never a very proficient piano player, and I admire anyone who has the talent. Thanks for your comment! Blessings.
JoAnn Durgin says
Hi Michele! My oldest daughter’s middle name is spelled the same as yours–very pretty. See my comment above to Julianne about speaking in public. I used to be terrified of giving oral reports in school. Sometimes God pushes us beyond our comfort zone and it turns out to be a blessing in disguise. :-) Thanks for stopping by Inspy Romance today and leaving a comment!
JoAnn Durgin says
Diane, how lovely to see you here! Thank you so much for sharing. I had to do a double take since I first thought you said you sang in the worship service. Then I reread. Ah, signing. One of my dear friends in our church signs for the deaf and she’s educated me a bit (so much so that I’m going to incorporate some of what I learned into the third book of my Wondrous Love Series). I love that song by Casting Crowns, and I’m thankful you could be such a blessing to that young man! God is so good. Thank you for your sweet compliments about my books. I treasure your friendship and readership. Many blessings!
JoAnn Durgin says
I’m working on it, Lisa! Thanks so much for stopping by Inspy Romance and leaving a comment. I’m so happy you’re reallly excited! :-) Hope you enjoy Abide. Blessings to you!
JoAnn Durgin says
Thanks, Robin! If you want to be eligible to win a copy, you need to tell me about a time YOU stepped out of your own personal “comfort zone.” I appreciate your readership, and thanks so much for stopping by Inspy Romance today! :-)
Winnie Thomas says
My most recent step out of my comfort zone was taking care of my 4-year-old granddaughter and barely 2-year-old grandson while their parents went to Paris for a week. While I love them dearly, I knew it would be hard on this old body! It was exhausting, even with my husband here to help! It was SO nice when their parents got home. :) I also don’t like public speaking–I’ve gotten worse instead of better as I’ve gotten older.
Thanks so much for your post and giveaway. I’d love to win a copy. I’ve loved all the books of yours that I’ve read.
Andrea Cox says
JoAnn, so great to see another Lewis Legacy book is coming out!
When did I step outside of my comfort zone? When I asked God to help me overcome my deep-rooted fear of water. See, I almost drowned twice (once as a baby and another time when I was ten). That fear set in lickety-split, and it was paralyzing. But I finally decided I didn’t want to live afraid anymore, yet I had no idea how to go about getting better. Except that I knew God was the One Who would make it happen. So I leaned on Him, and He helped me learn to appreciate water and step out onto docks (still pretty hard for me, but anytime I’m near one now I try to step out onto it, constantly putting myself out of my comfort zone in order to receive God’s healing). I’m not all the way healed from this fear yet, but I’m well on my way, thanks to God’s help and my willingness to be uncomfortable during the process of His healing.
Andrea Cox
Priscila says
Oh, I’ve confused the two situations. Of course Ellie was the one who recognized Lexa’s pen name… and then there’s Will. There at least I can’t confuse the stories. Ellie and Ava are quite similar characters though. They are both very sweet.
JoAnn Durgin says
Hi Winnie! Oh my, that MUST have been quite an experience with two toddlers! We’re having fun with our first grandchild, Amelia Grace, but the energy she has exhausts me, so I can understand how you must have felt. You had double the fun! LOL. :-) How nice you could do that for their parents, though. I know they must have appreciated it so much. Public speaking doesn’t come naturally for most people, it seems. I’m the same way, but it’s like most things, I’ve found. The more you do it, it does become a little easier. Thanks for your comment and the kind compliments about my books. Many blessings!
JoAnn Durgin says
Hi Andrea! It’s been too long, my friend. I still think of you when we sit at the same table at our local Cheddar’s. :) Oh my, the Lord was watching over you, but I can certainly understand why you’d fear going into the water given your past experiences. Good for you in trusting in the Lord, and leaning on Him, to help you move past this fear. I’ll pray for you, as well. Thank you for your faithfulness to Inspy Romance and for sharing your comment with us today. Blessings!
Valerie Comer says
Oh, I loved that excerpt, JoAnn! And thanks for the reminder that I have someone I need to phone today or tomorrow for info for the story I’m working on right now. Sigh. I am really good at putting off those calls!
juliejobe says
Loved the excerpt! Can’t wait to read the book! So, for a time that I stepped out of my comfort zone. Several years ago, my best friend who was a school teacher at the time was going to need to take 6 weeks off from teaching for maternity leave. After we talked about it, I went through the substitute orientation so she could request me to be her sub for the 6 weeks. She wanted to have someone in the classroom she knew well and that she could communicate with on a daily basis to keep up with what was happening while she was gone. At the time, I had to leave my two little girls with my sister each day so I could sub. It was a very long six weeks. Being in the classroom made me nervous and I was outside my comfort zone and I missed my little girls like crazy (like to the point of crying each day I had to leave them), but I was glad to be able to help my friend have peace of mind about her classroom and I was also able to be there for and encourage some of the students who really needed it. I still teach, but I do it through home schooling our 6 kids. I’m much more comfortable doing that than teaching in a classroom.
JoAnn Durgin says
Thanks, Val! And you know something interesting (maybe)? I’d much rather speak with someone in person (even if I’ve never met them before) than call someone on the phone. Weird? Maybe. I think it’s the fact that I can’t SEE the person on the phone. I guess I’m saying that I’d rather see a reaction to KNOW by their facial expression or whatever that people think I’m crazy. Yeah, I’m nuts, and could use a little more sleep… I’m sure you know the feeling. Blessings. :)
JoAnn Durgin says
Hi Julie! And you are an inspiration to me that you can homeschool SIX children. Wow. That is truly amazing, and more power to you. How you find time to read or do anything other than schoolwork is beyond me. You must have a lot of energy! :) I’m sure your schoolteacher friend appreciated you and that very special gift you gave her to step in and substitute. Now that’s the hallmark of a TRUE friend. Thank you for your faithfulness to Inspy Romance and for leaving a comment today. Blessings!
Linda says
I was dressed as a 100 year old lady to celebrate the 100th day of school, and I needed to take my mother to the doctor’s appointment right after school. I had no time to change so I had to sit in the office dressed as someone older than my own mother and explained why I looked that way.
JoAnn Durgin says
Oh, that’s too cute, Linda! I’m sure you were a lovely little old lady. LOL. ;-) For whatever reason, that reminds me of the woman who played Dorothy’s mother on Golden Girls. She was actually about the same age of the other ladies but they dressed and made her up to look older. Too funny. Thanks for visiting Inspy Romance today and sharing your story. Blessings!
Barb Jones says
Hi JoAnn! Can’t wait to read Abide. I miss the Lewis Legacy series. Seems like it’s been forever!?. Anyway. The very first thing that came to mind was an incident where I witnessed a car accident, nothing serious thankfully, but I stopped. When I approached the first car, there was a woman resting her head on the steering wheel crying uncontrollably. I asked if she was ok and she said yes, physically. She then proceeded to tell me about the emotional stress she was under(marital problems, job, family, etc) and this accident was the final straw. I asked if I could pray with her. That is me stepping WAAAAAY outside my comfort zone. I am always way too self conscious to pray out loud, especially with someone I’ve never met before. I prayed with her right there and then. I don’t know if I helped or not but I hope it did. That was probably 12 years ago. The Lord still brings that woman to mind sometimes and I just bow my head and say a quick prayer for her.
Trixi says
I’m not real comfortable with going too far outside my comfort zone, so I haven’t taken up too many opportunities to do so. And plus I am somewhat of an introvert so it’s harder for me to reach out.
Thinking on this, I’ve had a couple of incidents that I can remember God used to reach out to someone. Once, I was traveling back home from visiting my sister-in-law. There’s a particular town I have to go through and I always seem to get stopped by the red light at a particular intersection. I saw a young gal with a sign that says “homeless please help”. Well, I don’t normally tend to do anything, but at this moment I felt God nudge me to give her my last $5 I had in my pocket. So I motioned her to my car ( I was stopped behind a semi-truck), she ran up to the window & I held out the money and told her God bless you and He loves you. She said the same back. The light went green at that time ( I think God was holding it longer than usual), and I almost had to pull over somewhere because I had tears streaming down my face. My heart broke for that young lady, she looked to be around my daughters age of 24 and I just envisioned her there on that corner. It was like I was seeing her through God’s eyes and how much love He has for her. I’ve never experienced that before with anyone! The rest of the way home I prayed for her, it takes about an hour and a half to get home from that particular stoplight. So I had a lot of time to lift her up before the Lord. When I got home and shared with my husband, I again began to cry and we both prayed for her right then.
The other time I can recall was at my grocery store. I had just parked my car & heard someone call my name. It was a woman who comes to our church every so often. She’s not a regular attender, but just here and there. So we got to talking and she was telling me a bunch of stuff that was going on in her life that wasn’t good things. I’ll be honest, she’s not one of my favorite people to talk to because she always seems to have some crisis going on in her life or her family or whatnot. I know there are some people God places in our life that take more grace & love then others. Normally I would try to get out of the conversation in any way I can, but God told me that I needed to minister to her & pray with her. Well, you would think a person would immediately do just that, not me. I was still trying to figure out a way to get out of the conversation. God kept nudging me & finally I said Ok God you can stop yelling at me now (lol)”! I looked at her & blurted out loud in the parking lot “would you like me to pray for you right now?”. She said yes please, right then and there I grabbed her hand & the Lord just put the words in my mouth to pray. I don’t even remember what it was, but God knows. After I got done, you could see the peace restored to her & it was a whole different atmosphere in the air. Even my attitude was changed! We said our goodbyes and I went on into the store, did my shopping and went home with a lighter heart.
What an amazing God we serve & I always try to obey those nudges from God whenever he chooses to do that. It’s not always an easy thing for me, but I’ve found the more obedient I am to that, the more benefits I get from it as well. My heart fells fuller, my attitude better and it just feels good to be used by God. :-)
JoAnn Durgin says
Trixi, what a wonderful, heartfelt response! Thank you for sharing your heart. More importantly, thank you for responding to the nudge of the Holy Spirit to take action in those two instances. When I see those people standing by the side of the road (yes, usually at intersections), it makes me feel guilty that I can’t do more, or I wonder if I should do anything at all, and it’s uncomfortable. It’s one of those situations that makes me squirm, and I’m sure I’m not the only one. I pray that the young girl you helped was blessed and I’m sure you wonder about her even now. I LOVED the story of the woman in your church. It’s just so true, and we all know individuals like that who aren’t the most lovable, but God loves them and He knows. Every time. Again, thank you for obeying that nudge and the call to action. A lot of people would never take that step. THANK YOU for being a blessing to so many others. You’re right, and it’s all about obedience. Blessings, and thanks for your comment.
JoAnn Durgin says
Hi Barb, and it’s so GREAT to see you here at Inspy Romance! I’ve been busy and written a few books since Enchantment. I’ll be honest; it was most likely the longest book in the series (since they were ALL in it and then some!), and it took the wind out of my sails for a bit (only a little bit). I need to write other books to show my range as an author and to try new things and write new stories. Something for everyone, and it also stretches me (sometimes out of my comfort zone). :-) THANK YOU for following the nudge to help that woman who’d been in the accident. I’m sure you gave her a unique blessing. Not many strangers would stop and pray, and that was a gift you offered her, from both you and the Lord. Wherever she is today, I hope that woman can feel your prayers. Many blessings to you, and thank you for your comment!
DK Stevens says
Sitting in my son’s hospital room after his motorcycle accident.. He absolutely refused to let any nurse near him.. Not comfortable being a nurse.. So glad when they figured out he was having a bad reaction to the pain meds.. PTL ~ HE gave me strength to get through those tough days!
JoAnn Durgin says
Hi D.K.! That’s one of the scariest times in a mother’s life. I trust your son is okay now. The one thing my best friend growing up wanted to be was a nurse…and it was the last thing I ever wanted to be. :) I’m glad you were able to be with him, and yes, I’m can imagine your relief when they realized it was a bad reaction to the pain meds. Thanks for your faithful support of Inspy Romance and your comment. Blessings!
Elaine Holt says
So excited for this release! Thanks for the sneak peak & torture waiting for it to come to my Kindle! ;) JoAnn I just love how you do so much research for your stories. It makes them all the more ‘real’ to the reader. There is nothing that bugs me more than a less than accurate telling of an location/area or occupation, etc. I get hung up in the flaw and it detracts from the story. (My OCD is showing) Thank you for your attention to details.
2 weekends ago, my husband and I went to Chama, NM and hiked up to a waterfall nearby. This water fall was flowing high up off the face of a cliff. As we hiked to get closer, the grade of the trail (I use that term loosely) got steeper and steeper. Having a fear of falling, I let it get the best of me and I took a break while my husband hiked ahead to see where the trail went. Once he got to the top of the trail where you can see the waterfall, he yelled down to me. He said that he yelled that the trail was steep and I shouldn’t try it. God had other plans. What God spoke through Greg to my ears was “It’s not much further”! So I decided that I wouldn’t let my fear get the best of me and miss out on the spectacular view. I hiked on up even though the trail was steep and covered with loose rocks. I didn’t realize what I heard wasn’t what he said until he started part way down and found me coming up. He was shocked! But I made it to the top, with his and God’s help, and got to enjoy the glory of God’s creation. Best of all, I stepped out of my comfort zone and took a big step in concurring my fear. :) By the way, I didn’t fall on the way up or the way down.
Judy Burdett says
Being a missionary is outside my comfort zone. I am not real good being in public and for so many years was petrified of speaking in churches or even to my women’s groups here in PNG. I also am a missionary kid who grew up very shy in a backwards country in a tribal situation. But God doesn’t always call the outgoing or the popular. So here I am. I can do what I do because of God in my life and because of my husband. I love reading and keep finding more and more authors I enjoy. Love my Kindle as I can get books now without having to pay to have the books shipped to Papua New Guinea, though I have a whole wall of books from before my kindle. For years we didn’t have tv to watch anything so I read. We now have a tv but not reception so either buy or borrow or are given DVD’s. But I still read lots. I tend to not be able to sleep so reading is a good way to pass the time. God bless in your life as an author. Brings much enjoyment.
JoAnn Durgin says
Oh, Elaine, that scared me just reading about (and thinking about) that hike! Goodness. Sooo thankful you’re okay. Thank you for sharing your story. Stepping out of our comfort zone can lead to unexpected blessings, that’s for sure. I’m sure the waterfall and the view was indeed spectacular! I appreciate your readership, friendship, and thanks for the comment here on Inspy Romance! Stay tuned for Caty’s story very soon. Blessings! :)
JoAnn Durgin says
Judy, I remember that song that Steven Curtis Chapman sang about being a missionary… “Please don’t send me to Africa!” You’re right when you said, “God doesn’t always call the outgoing or the popular.” Thank you for your ministry and missionary work. I have all the respect in the world for you and your husband in reading the people of Papua, New Guinea. The Kindle is a marvelous invention, isn’t it? I’m glad you can enjoy the convenience of downloading and reading books. Thank you for visiting Inspy Romance and leaving a comment today! Many blessings. :-)
JoAnn Durgin says
Um, that should have said “reaching” the people of Papua, New Guinea (instead of “reading”). LOL. Freudian slip, perhaps? :)
Andrea Cox says
Thanks for your prayers, JoAnn! I appreciate you so much.
Beth Courtright says
JoAnn, you know I love your books! My story was while I was in college. I was asked to go to Hawaii for the summer to teach Bible school in different churches. For most people, this would be a dream come true but I am allergic to all grasses, tees, weeds, and bee stings. I also sunburn very easily! So that was really stepping out of my comfort zone! I went and God blessed! I never had to take allergy medicine, didn’t sunburn and actually got a tan! Most importantly, I was introduced to Christian schools and Christian textbooks. Because I stepped out of my comfort zone and did what He told me to, I am now finishing up my 27th year teaching in Christian schools!
kda61 says
I love that first page. I haven’t read any of your books yet; however, you definitely have me hooked now.
I stepped out of my comfort zone when I was called in as a substitute teacher for an eighth grade English class. I wasn’t worried about teaching the class since I had a good grasp of the topics covered at this grade level. Boy was I surprised when I arrived to class and discovered they were diagramming English sentences! I had never diagrammed English sentences before. So, what does one do in this situation?
I quickly looked in the Teacher’s Manual and then called on the student who raised their hand when I asked for a volunteer to solve the sentence on the board. I asked the student to explain each step as they worked the solution on the board. I received a crash course in Sentence Diagramming that day.
JoAnn Durgin says
Hi Beth! Thank you for the kind compliment about my books and for being a faithful reader. Jim and I honeymooned in Hawaii, and it’s so beautiful. If you’re going to step out of your comfort zone, that’s the place to do it! :) I’m thankful you took on the challenge and were blessed. And to think that’s how you were introduced to Christian schools and textbooks! I love how the Lord works. Thank you for visiting Inspy Romance and leaving a comment.
JoAnn Durgin says
Hi kda61! Oh my, I remember diagramming sentences, but it’s been a long time. That would have been a daunting situation for any substitute teacher, I’m sure. :-) You were smart in selecting the student who volunteered and could explain each step. Thank you for the comment and for visiting us here at Inspy Romance. Many blessings.
beechtreehollow says
Hi JoAnn. Abide sounds interesting. I’ve had a few days like Grace myself! As for out of my comfort zone…I have an independent nature, but I’m also an introvert. It has taken me years to look people in the eye and still my first instinct is to look away or look down. I joined a local agency volunteer board of directors because I wanted to serve my community. The director told all the ‘newbies’ that we would be ‘vice’ members and be mentored by the main board members. I was assigned to be ‘vice’ chairman and would be working/mentoring with the chairman of the board so that when his term was over I could confidently take the position. I reluctantly agreed knowing I needed to learn leadership skills and I felt confident the chairman would mentor me. Boy was I wrong! By the second meeting the chairman had joined the air force and I was suddenly the chairman of the board. Talk about out of my comfort zone!!!! But I did speak with leaders of other boards and received some great advice and support and I made it through a 3-year term hopefully leaving the agency on positive ground. It was a challenging experience, and definitely out of my comfort zone, but it was a good experience too and I am thankful that God sent friends to help mentor me through it.
JoAnn Durgin says
Wow, talk about being thrown right into something! Oh my… I’m thankful there were others you could turn to for advice and help! Glad you made it through the term and bravo for you. Unexpected challenges like that can really grow us as a person and in our faith journey, as well. I’m glad you stuck with it! As far as the excerpt, I had to put something from the beginning that wouldn’t give anything away. I have a lot of light, fun moments, but I always have serious and faith-changing moments, as well. Blessings, and thanks for sharing!
Gail says
Hi JoAnn, I really went outside of my comfort zone when i packed up everything i owned, had it loaded into a moving van and emigrated from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada to Texas for a nursing job! Left family, friends and support system behind to go to a place that was not only far far away but where I knew no one. I grew to love my ‘spot of Texas’ and am still here!
Colleen says
Hi Gail! I more or less did the same thing when I left Indiana for Texas! And it would seem our lives were never the same! Thanks for sharing your story; that is indeed a case of stepping WAY beyond your comfort zone! I appreciate your stopping by and leaving a comment. Many blessings!
Colleen says
LOL, that comment was from me (JoAnn). We’ve just arrived at my in-law’s house, and I’m on their computer. Blessings! :-)
Narelle Atkins says
JoAnn, great post! Congrats on your new release :)
JoAnn Durgin says
Thanks so much, Narelle! :)