I’m still basking in the glow of attending the American Christian Fiction Writers Conference in Nashville, Tennessee several weeks ago. The corporate worship, intense keynote speaker, fantastic teaching and quality time with my writer peeps felt like fuel for my creative jet pack–filling me up and then launching me back into real life, ready and inspired to write more and write well. The whole weekend was a balm for my soul.
There’s something uplifting about mingling and learning alongside people who share the same passion, isn’t there? The verse from Exodus chapter thirty-five that I posted above comes to mind. It’s fascinating how God equips each of us with unique gifts and talents, yet also guides each of us on a separate journey. No two roads toward publication look alike. Every author writes with his or her own style. Standing in a hotel ballroom, listening to almost six hundred of those voices praise the original Creator, is truly awe-inspiring.
On a more humorous note: I had to practice some serious self-control not to go all fan girl when Susan May Warren walked by. Lucky for her, we were in the restroom and I knew better than to squeal. Or grab her arm. That might’ve been awkward.
Seeing three of my writing critique partners in real life (as opposed to our weekly and sometimes daily interactions online) was a big highlight.
Left to right: Laura Hodges Poole, Angela K Couch, Janet W. Ferguson and me.
We ventured out into Nashville on Friday evening, walking several blocks until we found a restaurant that could accommodate a large group for dinner. This was our view while we ate a scrumptious meal at Puckett’s. I couldn’t believe I was walking right past the Ryman Auditorium, Country Music Hall of Fame and several other Nashville landmarks that are a huge part of the genre of music I’ve enjoyed my whole life. I kept reminding myself I wasn’t there to be a tourist. There would be other opportunities to come to Nashville, but this time, the conference needed to remain my primary focus.
On the way back to the hotel, we detoured for a few minutes to see what Broadway was all about. My goodness. That whole street was rockin’. Every bar and tavern had a band or a duo or a solo act performing on stage. They were all so talented. Even from our vantage point on the sidewalk outside, I was impressed by their abilities. That’s a lot of dream chasers trying to become the next big thing. I felt relieved that I wasn’t a songwriter or musician trying to catch a break there.
Apart from the conversations and the worship and fantastic meals, Allen Arnold’s teaching on the Two Creative Realms completely blew me away. It’s impossible to sum it all up here, but this journal and the message written on the first page will stay with me for years to come. Check this out: in the months leading up to the conference, he prayerfully considered what to write in each journal. Then he handed them out randomly to each person attending his session. Many other writers who also received journals during the class have shared on social media about the message they received. I’ve been encouraged to hear the different ways the messages have impacted their lives, too.
The notion of creating with God, pursuing our passions and using the gifts He has given us is such a life-giving message. It offers hope and encouragement in a profession with an abundance of solitude and self-doubt. As you can see, I appreciated the conference’s emphasis on caring for one’s soul and viewing the creative process as an adventure with our Creator, as opposed to working in solitude.
If you’d like to hear more about Allen’s teaching, I highly recommend his new release, The Story of With: A Better Way to Live, Love & Create, which is available here.
The conference concluded on Saturday evening with the Awards Gala. It included another delicious meal, everyone dressed in their finest, and the opportunity to celebrate the very best in Christian fiction.
The speeches were both humble and inspiring. My favorite was Jim Rubart, who won a Carol Award and the award for Mentor of the Year, talking about the frustration and disappointment of not winning a Carol Award when he was nominated a few years back. That night, he was one of the last people to leave the ballroom after the Gala was over. He said out loud, “What do I have to do to win one of these things?!”
Someone heard him and said, “That’s easy. Write a better book.”
So Jim took that advice home with him and wrote a better book. The Five Times I Met Myself has definitely had a great run. I was very encouraged by his efforts to persevere and improve his craft.
Your turn: whether you are a writer, a caregiver, an engineer, a stay-at-home mom… whatever you do, how do you rejuvenate your weary soul?
Please share your thoughts in the comments.
One commenter will be selected randomly and will receive a Kindle copy of ONE of this year’s Carol Award winning novels. The selected commenter may choose from one of the following titles:
The Five Times I Met Myself
Crazy Little Thing Called Love
The Art of Losing Yourself.
Contest closes at 11:59pm Eastern time on 9/24/16.
Stationery and knitting photo credit: Giulia Bertelli via Unsplash
All other photos: Heidi
Thanks for sharing your conference experience, Heidi. It sounds like you had a wonderful time. My favorite way to rejuvenate is a trip to the ocean or mountains.
I was there among all the others walking around in a wonderful daze. Yes, it was so intense but also wonderful. I wanted to run up the crowd, yelling, “My people!” (Probably would have been frowned upon.)
Seriously, being around other writers — those who “speak my language” — is always a great thing. Hubbies and children don’t always understand the constant note-taking, need for writing-time and odd questions. Being with other writers rejuvenates me.
We have a get together in England called ACW where we hear inspirational words too. It is so good to be able to mingle with others who are passionate about writing for the honour and glory of God. So glad you were inspired. Blessings Margaret x
Author of How to Make Victoria Sponge.
Thanks for sharing your experience. Nashville is a wonderful place for a conference. As a retired schoolteacher, who is a care giver to my 3 grandchildren 4 days a week, and blessed to live about a mile from the beautiful shores of Lake Michigan. Michigan is beautiful in the fall with bountiful orchards of apples and vineyards, fields of pumpkins, and colorful foliage. God’s wonderful creation, a good book, a cup of coffee, and some chocolate rejuvenates the mind and spirit.
This blog has become that place. Listening to the authors speak about their lives and sharing their passion and their lives reminds me of the faithfulness of God and gives me hope. Interacting with the women on this blog who line my bookshelf is quite honestly really cool! Stopping here each day allows me to take a few moments to take a deep breath before I start my day, As I grab this couple minutes this morning I am preparing to take my second oldest to Boston Children’s Hospital in the hopes of getting answers, stopping here allows me to focus on something besides what consumes my life. Thank you to all the authors of this blog, what you do does make a difference in the lives of others.
Hi, Jill. I love a trip to see the ocean, too. Have a great day!
It was fun to be around kindred spirits, wasn’t it? Thanks for commenting, Angie. Clearly I’m energized by being with other writers, too. :-)
Thanks, Margaret. That sounds like a wonderful gathering, too. Blessings!
I like the way you rejuvenate, Renate. :-) Someday I want to experience Lake Michigan in person. It sounds wonderful.
Robin, thank you for your kind words. That means a lot to us here at Inspy Romance. We want to be that kind of blog for you and our other faithful readers, too. I’m lifting you and your child up in prayer this morning, asking the Lord to provide physicians with the answers you seek. Also boldly asking for total healing.
Now you need to definitely set a specific time to visit Nashville & be the “tourist”. We women tend to NOT treat ourselves to our longings, but defer them to some other time. Sometimes that “other time” doesn’t happen, & then you live with the regret of “if only I had…”.
I know this, & speak from experience—set a date, make the travel arrangements. God doesn’t promise you tomorrow. Your work, your family, your relationships, your health, & your life will benefit. Sometimes, you need to allow your skin to actually experience being there, as well as your others senses.
It sounds like you had a fantastic time and was blessed with all you heard.
I love the quote in your journal! What a sweet reminder that it’s you AND God writing your books.
You asked what I do to refresh my weary soul…..I’d have to say it’s reading great books! Yet it’s also going to the coast if I can. We live about two hours away from the coast so I try to go once in a while. And then the other thing I do is listen to music. Usually it’s Christian music, worship or pop, but sometimes it’s classical or fun 70/80’s music.
Praying for you and your family, Robin. <3
I often rejuvenate by having quiet time to sit and read a good book!
Thanks for sharing your story from the conference.
I like the idea of a place to rejuvenate and It’s actually one of the things I miss while living in a big city, there’s rarely a place to stop. I used to sit in a bench by a park or waterfall (there were many in the middle of the city) in the past and that was such a treat. A quiet moment of praying and letting go. I definitely need to find some place soon.
Great perspective, Esther. Thanks for stopping by.
Thanks, Marylin. I was blessed by that journal comment, too. Love your strategies for refreshing your weary soul.
Great choice, Margaret. Happy reading!
It means a lot to me that we have become that place for you. Praying for you.
Thank you for taking the time to comment, Priscila. I hope you find a quiet place to retreat.
Reading fiction by favorite authors (many of them right here at Inspy Romance!) is definitely my daily getaway. My husband and I love to pull our little holiday trailer beside a mountain stream for a few day several times a summer and soak in God’s nature. For me the best (and more rare) getaway is a trip to Vancouver Island. Something about the crashing waves and the long view soothes my spirit.
Thanks, Valerie. I’m a big fan of long views and crashing waves, as well.
Robin, praying you get some good answers today!
It’s always so fun to see photos from authors who attended the conference! Reading novels is my favorite way to rejuvenate, but a walk on the beach or a hike outdoors does the trick too :)
I recharge by going camping, especially in the fall. Cool, crisp air, campfires, reading, crocheting. And I feel closer to God out among his beautiful creation.
As a family we recharge with a vacation to the mountains or camping at our favorite state park. I love to read and that’s my daily escape. I had my first ever solo mommy’s day out recently at the Christian Fiction Readers Retreat and it was amazing! I left energized and encouraged, my heart was hugely blessed!
I missed going to any conference this year. I hope I get to go to at least one next year.
I’m so glad you had a wonderful time at the conference! I’ve seen so many great pictures and heard so many amazing things about it. Thanks for sharing.
I live in a beautiful valley surrounded by mountains. I love to go for a drive up into the canyons, especially this time of year, when the foliage is so gorgeous. It’s so refreshing and awe-inspiring.
Looks like fun! I love your paragraph about creating with God. I’m not a writer but definitely have areas of my life where I need to remember that I can do the things I’m doing with God, not just for Him.
Robin, thank you for the sweet encouragement. We are blessed by your presence and that of our other blog readers. It’s a community of caring hearts. Please know we’re lifting your loved one in our prayers and tucking you into our prayers as well. Much love!
…and please keep us posted as you’re able. We’ll keep praying and hoping with you for answers and believing God for healing and help. Hugs!
I go to visit my sister-in-law as often as I can and stay for a few days. Barring that, I get lost in a really good book :-)
Loved seeing all the fun pictures and reading about your time at the ACFW conference. I would have fan-girled at every author I recognized & probably gotten kicked out…ha-ha!
Love reading about your conference experience and seeing the photos. One way I rest and rejuvenate is to sit in a chair and listen to the sounds of nature. I turn off the t.v. and radio, and just listen to the sounds of God’s wonders.
All great suggestions, Heidi. Thank you for visiting inspy romance today.
It’s almost camping season around here, too. Our boys are already plotting their next camping adventure.
Hi Beth! I heard that retreat was awesome. Glad you were able to go. I like your suggestions for recharging, too.
I work as a special ed para at an elementary school, which is fun but sometimes quite draining for this introvert. One way I rejuvenate is to be by myself at lunch. I read while I eat. Reading a good book really helps. Listening to Christian music at home is also good for me. It helps me focus more on God.
I hope you can, too, Merrillee. I’d like to meet you in person.
Hi, Winnie. That sounds beautiful. I’m looking forward to the leaves turning here in North Carolina, too. Thank you for sharing.
Hi Katy! That reminder about creating with God was a highlight of the conference for me. I’m glad it resonates with you, too.
It is pretty awesome to walk by and sometimes sit right next to the people who have titles lining our shelves. I love that you find rest and rejuvenation in being with your sister-in-law. That’s a blessing, too. Of course, two thumbs up for getting lost in a good book. We like to hear that around here. :-)
Great idea, mimionlife. Such restoration is found when we disconnect from the noise and listen to God’s creation. Thank you for stopping by today.
Hi, Pam. I can imagine your work might sometimes be intense. I like to read when I’m eating, too. Must be an introvert thing. Thank you for visiting Inspy Romance today and sharing your thoughts.
Thanks for sharing about your trip to Nashville and the wonderful time with fellow writer. I know that can be rejuvenating in itself. Every morning I have quiet time with Jesus to start my day. The mornings I am in a rush and have to put my quiet time till later do not go as smoothly. I guess that is my rejuvenating for me. Reading all the good books on my book shelves is another way after a very long busy day. Love this blog and look forward to reading it each day.
Thank you all who prayed, I can’t begin to express how much I appreciate it and how much they were needed. The end result is that we get to continue to build character as we absorb what the doctor had to say and move for forward. I know that our heavenly father often has plans for us we do not understand, this is where the rubber of faith hits the road of life. May God bless all of you.