I’m delighted to welcome my Aussie author friend Meredith Resce to Inspy Romance. Meredith and I are talking about her upcoming CCR release, Organized Backup (Luella Linley: License to Meddle Book 1) and Meredith is also giving away 2 Kindle ebook copies.
Narelle: What was your inspiration for writing Organized Backup?
Meredith: Funny story. I actually wrote book #3 first about six or seven years ago. I was at a time in life when my children had all left home as young adults, and were living independently—alone. The ‘Mrs Bennet’ in me kicked in and I began to consider possible partners and make suggestions, drop hints, make mental plans. I’m an author, and my imagination came up with all sorts of varied possibilities. However, my children were unimpressed. I learned quickly that my program to get them married and settled was not appreciated. It was almost as an internal reaction to this ‘cease and desist’ order that I turned my imagination to a couple of fictional characters, Pete and Carrie, and created the enigmatic Luella Linley (Regency author and mother), who is Mrs Bennet incarnate, struggling to do her best work in the 21st Century.
When my good friend and editor read this first novel, she liked it, but felt the story of Pete’s sisters had to be told first, to set Luella Linley up as a serial meddler. So Organized Backup is the story of Megan. Luella’s daughter. I probably should take this opportunity to add a disclaimer: meddling in the lives of adult children is not recommended. Do not try this trick at home.
Narelle: Please tell us about the Australian setting for the story.
Meredith: When I first started out, I made the setting generic, as I hope to engage new readers from outside Australia. When I came to look at the language and spelling, I had to make the hard decision to give up Australian spelling, and use US spelling, but decided to maintain the Aussie flavour (flavor). So I decided to set the story in Adelaide, capital city of South Australia. This is not an outback story or a bush adventure, so you won’t read about kangaroos, koalas or platypus, and I don’t use the typical stereotype Aussie language (Crocodile Dundee style). No, ‘g’day mate’. I have included a glossary of terms for readers outside Australia who might not understand what a Tim Tam is, or a tradie, or an ambo. I’ve included references to Aussie sport—particularly AFL, the only football that is really entertaining.
Narelle: Do you have a favourite character in the story?
Meredith: Without a doubt, Luella is my favourite character. She is Mrs Bennet (Pride and Prejudice) and Lady Grantham (Downton Abbey) rolled into one, stuck in the 21st Century, taking charge in situations where a mother’s help is not always needed, or appreciated.
Narelle: Did you have any specific issues to research for the story?
Meredith: I needed to interview one of my friends who is a police officer, and have him talk me through all the intricacies of South Australian law with regard to sexual harassment in the work place and stalking. I hope this particular plot line will help some readers gain courage to take charge in situations where inappropriate behaviour is causing them stress.
Narelle: Please share with us your plans for future stories in the Luella Linley series.
Meredith: As I intimated earlier, this is the first in a series of three stories in the Luella Linely: License to Meddle series. I have already got books 2 and 3 written, and have started the review and editing process. I hope to have both of these ready for release next year.
In Want of a Wife (Book 2 Luella Linley – License to Meddle)
Can she hit the target twice in a row. One daughter safely married; one daughter available; one rich, handsome and single lawyer who must be in need of a wife. But Chloe is fiercely independent and not a fan of her mother’s meddling. Will she take the bait?
All Arranged (Book 3 Luella Linley – License to Meddle)
Covert matchmaking will not work on her broken-hearted son. But he’s too good a catch to leave in grief after being jilted. Luella writes about arranged marriages all the time—they start out stiff and cordial but always end in love. But Pete is a real-life person. Is it likely there would be a suitable and single woman who’d agree to such an archaic practise? The only way to find out: place an ad.
Book Description:
Regency romance author, Luella Linley, arranges her characters’ lives, making sure that they weather all storms and live happily-ever-after. Her characters are putty in her hands, but her 21st Century adult children are not so easily organized. When her daughter, Megan, asks for support with an inappropriate situation at work, Luella decides Megan should get a boyfriend to intimidate her boss. The cop who just pulled Luella over for speeding is a likely candidate.
Cam Fletcher is expecting to be interviewed by a famous author. Instead of sharing insights into his job working in the police force, he is sharing a meal with the famous author and her daughter, Megan. When left alone with Megan, Cam wonders when the interview will begin. The parents’ extended absence gives him a clue, which Megan confirms. Luella Linley is playing matchmaker, but is he willing to play the game?
Narelle’s Thoughts:
Regency romance author Luella Linley has the best of intentions…and can’t understand why her children don’t appreciate her talent for matchmaking. A fake engagement, a daughter in trouble, and a handsome policeman playing the hero—what could possibly go wrong? This funny and charming romantic comedy from Meredith Resce that also touches on the more serious issues of faith and workplace relations will put a smile on your face and give you food for thought. Highly recommended.
Book Giveaway
Thank you, Meredith, for visiting with us. Meredith is kindly offering a giveaway of two Kindle copies of Organized Backup. To enter the giveaway, please leave a comment on this post. The giveaway will close on Thursday and the winners announced in the Sunday Edition.
I have not been to Australia but my son and daughter-in-law went there 3 years ago and loved it. The pictures they took were so beautiful. I have relatives there I have never met. I follow several Australian Christian authors and I plan to add you to my list.
Lol, born in South Australia, educated in Adelaide, some of the terms seem more East Coast to me. Looking forward to reading the series.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book! Looking forward to seeing the others too.
Hope you enjoy Luella Linley’s matchmaking adventures. Perhaps you’ll get a chance to visit Downunder one day. Thanks for commenting.
Hope you enjoy the story. I’ve lived in Victoria some years, so I guess that may influence some of my language. Thanks for commenting.
Thanks Caroline. 💕
Hello from a not so sunny at the moment QLD.
I’m watching the AFL Grand Final at the Gabba in Brisbane as we speak. 🤓 Thanks for commenting.
Looks like a great book
I’ve never been to Australia, though my sister got to go to Perth. I’ve read Marion Ueckermann’s Orphaned Hearts & That’s Amore. I’m reading a supposedly clean book by an author I’d never heard of, Farrah Lee, Mail Order Valentine. (I’m not sure I can recommend it whole-heartedly because it has some slang words that might be offensive to some, but the story is cute so far.)
Oh my goodness-this series sounds fantastic! I have never been to Australia but have always wanted to -I don’t know what to expect but I would love to see the outback. I’ve read Carolyn Miller’s books and absolutely adore them!
Oh, these sound good!! I’ve never been to Australia, but I love the accents!!! I have a niece who has moved to New Zealand, married a Kiwi, and is expecting their third Kiwi in January. I would love to go to the Outback! I’ve got books in my TBR stack by some Aussie’s! I’ve read quite a few of Autumn MacArthur’s books, and while she currently lives in England, I believe she’s originally from Australia.
I’m excited to read this one! I’m slightly obsessed with all things Australian and my BFF lives in Victoria so with good reason! I also adore that you based your character’s personality on Lady Grantham & Mrs. Bennet!
This series sound amazing! I’very never been in Australia, but I will definitely visit it one time! I’ve read a couple books from Juliette Duncan, and the fantasy series from John Flanagan.
I will definitely be checking these books out! Thanks, Narelle, for introducing a new (to me) Aussie author, and thanks, Meredith for sharing today!
This books looks so good!
This book looks great! I have never been to Australia but when I think of the country I think of kangaroos and koalas and the Crocodile Dundee accent.
I usually haven’t felt comfortable with matchmaking stories. I’ve had some moments in life where others tried to tell me what I should be doing for their benefit. Not fun. BUT, this character and the awareness of her targets sounds like the seeds for some hilarity to ensue! I look forward to checking it out.
Great to meet you, Meredith, welcome to IR! :)
Thanks for commenting. I think it is a great book, but I might be biased.
Thanks for your reply, Lila. Perth is a beautiful city on the west coast of Australia. Unlike the west coast of the US, there isn’t much else. Western Australia is mainly desert.
Marion Ueckermann is actually South African, though I believe she’s set at least one book in Australia.
Thanks for your reply, Terressa. I hope you get to read this book and all three in the series, once I get them out.
The outback is not usually accessible unless you make a decision to go there, which most international tourists do. Carolyn Miller is a good friend of mine, and a fantastic author. She is also a huge encouragement to me.
Thanks for commenting, Trudy. Yes, Autumn is originally from Australia. I’ve never been to New Zealand, though a lot of Kiwi’s live in Australia. Our accents – believe it or not – are vastly different. We are huge rivals in the rugby and cricket.
The outback is a place you have to make a plan to visit as it is not accessible to the cities. But most international tourists make a plan to visit.
Thanks for commenting, Teri. I hope your BFF is doing OK as Victoria has been locked down for months. We have friends in Melbourne who have been struggling with being locked down for so long. We’re hoping they’re going to get some freedom to move about soon. The rest of Australia have coped well with the pandemic, and have almost no cases, which is great.
I’m just rewatching the Downton Abbey series, and Lady Grantham is a favourite.
Thanks for commenting Marilene. I hope you do get to visit downunder one day. I’ve not heard of the two author’s you’ve mentioned.
Thanks for commenting Jaycee. Yes, I do thank Narelle for introducing me to some new readers. I hope you do get to read this series. I had fun writing it.
Hi Angeline. Thanks for commenting. I like this book – but I might be a bit biased. Hope you get to read it one day soon.
Hi Jessica. Thanks for commenting.
Yes, kangaroos, Koalas and Crocodile Dundee are iconic symbols of Australia. Of course, you have to be in the right place to see the wildlife, and the Dundee accent is what we would call Occa (you might call hick or country). Our accents in Australia do not vary to widely, but there are subtle differences between different places. Not the broad and recognizable accents like New York or Texas.
Thanks Lincoln. Yes, matchmaking is a practice fraught with problems. I would only recommend it if one had an excellent relationship with the parties involved, and with their permission. Let’s just call this fantasy – like Mrs Bennett from Pride and Prejudice – because relationships in real life are fragile in a world where it is easy to split. Thanks for commenting and for your sensitivity.
So I’ve heard! Kiwi’s talk pretty fast, too!! Or, at least, my niece’s husband does! My niece has picked up the accent, not surprising, as she’d pulled off an English accent before she married and someone from England actually asked her what part of England she was from, her accent was so good! She loved the accent and decided she use it! Now, she’s throwing in Kiwi terms, so it’s sometimes a little difficult to figure out what the US term is! However, I had to explain Boxing Day!
Hi Lori, I hope you’ll have an opportunity to visit Australia and meet your Aussie family. Thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Dianne, In the early 2000’s we moved from Sydney to Melbourne to Canberra within 3 years. Growing up in Sydney, I knew the regional differences in accent and slang within the city. That said, I was surprised by the big differences between the three cities that are all located within a day’s drive of each other. Plus the ‘local’ pronunciation for places eg. Castlemaine near Melbourne and Manuka in Canberra. I’m always interested in learning more about how the locals speak. Thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Carolyn, I agree! Thanks for stopping by. 😊
Hi Mary, It’s cloudy and rainy here in Canberra this weekend. For those who aren’t familiar with AFL, the Grand Final is the equivalent to the Super Bowl in the States. Thank you, Meredith, for checking in and replying to our comments during the big match! 😊
Hi Yvonne, I hope you’ll have an opportunity to read Organized Backup. 😊
Hi Lila, Perth is a pretty city. Marion’s Aussie book is Melbourne Memories (a Christmas novella). Marion is well traveled and has published multiple books set on a number of continents including North America, Europe, Africa and Australia. Thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Terressa, I hope you’ll have a chance to read Meredith’s series. I’m a big Carolyn Miller fan and she has her first CCR releasing later this year. You’ll hear all about it when she visits with me here at Inspy Romance. Thanks for stopping by. 😊
I’ve always wanted to visit Australia, so I enjoy reading books set there. This one sounds so good! I love the idea of a modern day Mrs. Bennet.
Hi Trudy, I hope you’ll have an opportunity to visit the outback and New Zealand. Boxing Day is an important holiday for us, and especially for the Aussies who love yacht racing and cricket. Interestingly, I often find it easier to follow an American or Canadian accent than a New Zealand accent. A few years ago Autumn and I discovered we were born at the same hospital in Sydney. It’s a small world, lol. Thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Teri, I hope you’ll have a chance to read Organized Backup soon. I can’t wait to read books 2 and 3 early next year. Thanks for commenting. 😊
This book looks very interesting
The book looks good.
Hi Marilene, I have a few Juliette Duncan books in my way-too-long Kindle tbr list. Thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Jaycee, You’re very welcome. It’s always fun when our author friends visit with us at Inspy Romance. 😊
Hi Angeline, I hope you’ll have a chance to read Organized Backup. Thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Jessica, The Crocodile Dundee movies are fun. I often see kangaroos when I’m out and about in Canberra, and it’s the koalas we’re concerned about regarding their habitats. The devastating bush fires last summer sadly impacted too many of our native animals. Thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Lincoln, yes, fictional matchmaking is more fun and less risky than real life matchmaking. There are many LOL moments in Organized Backup and Luella is an endearing character. Thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Megan, I hope you’ll have an opportunity to visit Australia and read Meredith’s series. Thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Amy, I hope you’ll have a chance to read Organized Backup. Thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Sylvain, I hope you’ll have an opportunity to read Meredith’s book. Thanks for commenting. 😊
I have never been to Australia but it’s a dream destination spot for me! I think the one thing that would identify something as Australian would be someone’s accent :-) Other than that, I wouldn’t probably know. I have read one book by Lisa Renee entitled “Polarized Love” and she’s an Australian author. I’ve also met an Australian author, Carolyn Miller who writes Regency :-)
I love the sound of “Organized Backup” :-)
Hi, I have never visited Australia, when I think of Australia the first thing that comes to my mind are the Kangaroos and the Koala bears. This book sounds like a very good read and a fun one. Have a Great weekend and stay safe.
I have never been to Australia. I love to see the pictures of your beautiful country. My heart ached watching the wildfires sweep through your country. Thank you for the opportunity. God Bless you.
Hi Megan, Thanks for commenting.
I hope you enjoy this story, and I hope you get to visit Australia one day. It’s a long way from anywhere, but it’s a great place.
Hi Amy. Thanks for commenting. I hope you get the chance to read Organized Backup soon, and I hope you enjoy it.
Hi Sylvain,
Thanks for commenting. I think the book is great, and I’m sure I’m biased. Hope you can read it one day.
Hi Trixi,
If you do plan a trip downunder one day, put Adelaide, South Australia on your list of places to visit. This is where I’m based, and South Australia has some wonderful places to visit, beaches, wine country and outback ranges. Lisa Renee, I believe, is from Western Australia, and Carolyn ( a good friend of mine) is from New South Wales.
Thanks for commenting
Thanks, Alicia,
The funny thing about Koalas is how folks outside Australia call them Koala Bears. Of course they look a bit like a small cuddly kind of bear, but aren’t really a bear. Australians have made up a myth about wild aggressive koalas called drop bears. If you ever read about them on the internet, just letting you know it is a myth meant to poke fun at international tourists who think everything in Australia is dangerous.
I hope you get to read Organized Backup.
Hi Debra,
We have had a crazy year since late last October – the wildfires (which we call bushfires) started after a dry winter, and an early start to summer (our seasons are opposite to yours). The bushfires went from October through to February, and it was a tense and crazy time right around the country. We hadn’t even mopped up all the fires when the pandemic broke out, and since then, we’ve been trying to keep that all safe- with lock downs and all the measures to stop the spread. Things are reasonably stable in most states of Australia at the moment (except Victoria), and we’re hoping for a better year coming up.
Thanks for commenting, and I hope you enjoy reading Organized Backup sometime soon.
Thanks Narelle, for introducing us to Meredith!! The new book sounds like a lot of fun. I actually looked up Meredith’s other books and have just bought & read “Falling for Maddie Grace”. Being a good Queenslander, I’m more into Rugby League, but that’s ok. I could handle AFL, aka “aerial pingpong”!!
Another Aussie author I enjoy is Kristen M Fraser. From what I’ve read, most of her stories are based in Queensland.
Hi Margaret,
Thanks for having a read of Falling for Maddie Grace. Yes, I am from South Australia, so AFL is the game we immerse ourselves in, though I know you Queenslanders are mad Rugby League fans. The State of Origin is apparently going to be played in Adelaide soon, which is strange, as we don’t do rugby down here. However, there are loads of Queenslanders, New South Wales and Canberrian folks who live here, who I’m sure will enjoy the opportunity to attend. I hope you get a chance to enjoy the new book, Organized Backup.
Thanks for your reply! No idea why they’re taking the Origin series to SA, but that’s ok. In these Covid mad days anything ‘s possible!
I must admit I find AFL easier to follow than American football — it’s a complete mystery.
As for your upcoming release, I have almost talked myself into a pre-order. It’s my birthday soon so I deserve to treat myself, right?? Lol. Bless you!
Hi, No, I have never been to Australia, but I do have a great nephew, his wife and a great-great nephew and niece there. Happy Fall everyone, and enjoy the son all you who live in Australia while we are snowed under soon. Blessings,
Hi Sandra, Thanks for commenting. You must live north in America, if you’re getting ready for snow. We’re having a slow start to spring, which is good, because the weather pattern has been bringing more rain than usual, and cooler temperatures. This is great following a number of years of low rainfall and early bushfire danger.
I love to watch the Christmas movies that come out in abundance from the US. Usually stories around your fall, thanksgiving (which we don’t have here, but it wouldn’t hurt to be thankful), and your lovely snowy Christmas season. Our Christmases are usually characterised by hot weather and our summer holidays. We paint frost on our windows and have displays with fake snow. But it’s all fun.
Love TimTams. We can buy them at Target in the US. Three different varieties.
Brilliant. Nothing like a TimTam with a cup of Milo. 🤓 Thanks for commenting.
I have not visited Australia…yet!
What sorts of things do you imagine that identify something as Australian? Kangaroo ;)
Have you read any books by Australian Christian fiction authors? Yes, Christine Dillon!
I have never been to Australia. I have read a few books written by Australian authors…Liane Moriarty. I also recently watched to Autralian version of Married at First Sight. It was a bit different from our version but I really enjoyed it. Maybe they will do it again next year.
Hi Natalya,
I’m glad you have read Christine Dillon. She is one of our Australian Christian fiction friends.
Thanks for commenting, and hope you get to visit Australia one day.
Hi Linda,
I haven’t heard of Liane Moriarty. How funny that they run Married at First Sight in different countries, then show them in other countries. My third novel in this series has a bit of a theme like that show. Not quite the same, but in that general direction.
Thanks for commenting.
Hi Trixi, I’m very excited that Carolyn Miller has her first CCR releasing in December. Thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Alicia, I hope you’ll have a chance to read Organized Backup. Thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Debra, COVID happening straight after the fires has been very challenging for the people impacted by the fires in regional areas who rely on tourism. In Canberra we wore masks during summer due to all the smoke and our southern suburbs were at risk from fires, too. In the middle of all this in Canberra we had a massive summer hail storm that trashed thousands of cars as it quickly swept through the centre of the city. I’m praying the California fires that are currently burning won’t be destructive and empathise with the people impacted. I hope you’ll have an opportunity to read Organized Backup. Thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Margaret, You’re very welcome. Enjoy reading Falling for Maddie Grace. My dad still refers to AFL as aerial pingpong, lol, having lived most of his life in Sydney with Rugby Union and Rugby League as the main football codes. I remember being in primary school when AFL was being introduced to kids in Sydney and I thought it was cool because girls were allowed to play! When I was younger I’d occasionally play touch footy with church friends. Thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Sandra, I’m enjoying the spring rains, but not so much the hay fever symptoms that accompany it. Stay warm and thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Denise, We have so many varieties of Tim Tams on the shelves that it can be hard to make a decision, lol. The original is still my favourite. I’m glad you can buy them in the US. Costco is my go-to place for US treats. Thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Natalya, I love the strong faith element in Christine Dillon’s Grace series. Thanks for commenting. 😊
Hi Linda, I enjoyed watching Big Little Lies (based on Liane Moriarty’s book) that was originally set on the northern beaches in Sydney. It’s interesting how reality tv is different depending on the country. Thanks for commenting. 😊