This year I’m trying to read more. I’m on Goodreads (Hey, find me there if you are on it too!), and for the first time I’m doing the yearly reading challenge. My goal is 52 books in the year. You can do the math on how many books each week I need to read. So far? So good.
I think the very first book of the year I read was Tammy L. Gray’s My Hope Next Door. Tammy writes about people who’ve come from messed-up pasts and messy backgrounds. Yet she keeps her stories clearly in the Christian fiction market. I love everything about that combination!
My Hope Next Door is about the town bad girl, Katie Stone, who comes home years after leaving town — and she’s a changed woman now. She’s given her life to God and has turned over a new leaf in a new town in a new state. And then she finds out that her very dysfunctional family needs some help.
Time to go back to the scene of her crimes.
Gray does an excellent job of showing the struggle someone can have to be a new person in a place that used to have such a tight, evil grip on them. She doesn’t gloss over this struggle to be the new creature salvation has made Katie, to escape the people who keep trying to pull her back to what she used to be, to escape the things she did that affected others in ways she still feels horribly guilty over. Sometimes she fails, fails big. That imperfection, that reality, was refreshing to see.
I might not have the past or the struggles that Katie did, but I found myself identifying with her over and over. My sin nature is still there, and man, does it get a hold of me some times. I hate that. And seeing Katie fight, get discouraged, and then receive encouragement from someone to not quit was such a needed reminder to me.
Did I mention there’s romance in this book? There is, and it’s a sweet one.
Have you read My Hope Next Door yet? Or any of Tammy’s other books? She’s got a few that I haven’t had a chance to get to yet. I’d love to hear what you’ve enjoyed about her books.
Wemble says
Hi Sally, I have not read this book, but have read others of Tammy Gray’s (Shattered Rose, Shackled Lily, Splintered Oak) and enjoyed them.
I like your goal of 52 books, it gives you a great excuse to read, and there are so many good books to read. Do you have any new books coming out soon?
Priscila says
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this book. I haven’t read anything from Tammy even though I’ve had her Winsor Series books in my TBR list.
Pat says
So many good books! I would like to read more too. I like your goal of 52 books this year. I hope to read a lot of new authors. Blessings !
Jill Weatherholt says
Hi Sally! I haven’t read this yet, but it’s going on my list. It sounds like a great read. Thanks for the recommendation!
Renate says
Hi Sally! My Goodreads 2017 goal is 100 books. So far I have read 13 books and started several new ones, but none caught my interest and so I am 2 books behind schedule. February in Michigan has been an interesting month with the unusual warm spring weather – Seven days with 60 degrees temperature set a new weather record. I spent this unseasonable warm time outdoors with my granddaughter, soaking up the sun (relief after six weeks of gloomy rainy weather). Today temperatures are in the 30s. It is snowing and the winds are howling. Maybe March will come in as a lion and go out as a lamb, so Michiganders really experience spring.
Thanks for sharing Tammy L. Gray’s book My Hope Next Door. I read Shattered Rose, two years ago. Best wishes. Enjoy your weekend. Happy Writing and Reading!
Melanie D. Snitker (@MelanieDSnitker) says
This book sounds really good!
Merrillee Whren says
Another fun book! I made a goal of 50 books. I am already behind. :)
Beth Gillihan says
Thanks for the recommendation! I haven’t read any of Tammy’s books. This sounds like a good one. Have a great day!
Carrie says
I loved My Hope Next Door!!
Valerie Comer says
Thanks for the recommendation!
Sally Bradley says
Wemble, I actually haven’t read the books by Tammy that you’ve read. I’ll have to get on that one of these days. :)
Yes, I have another book coming out as soon as I can make it happening. I’m trying for this spring. It’s Shelf Life, and I’m really getting excited about it. I’d love to start talking about it, but we’re not quite there yet. Stay tuned, right?
Thanks for asking.
Sally Bradley says
This is the third book of hers that I’ve read, and I’ve enjoyed them all. I hope you do too, Priscila.
Sally Bradley says
Isn’t discovering new authors fun? Have fun reading, Pat!
Sally Bradley says
Hope you enjoy it, Jill!
Sally Bradley says
Renata, we’ve had the same weather pattern here in Kansas! We actually hit 80 a couple days ago, and we’ve had almost ten days of sixties and seventies weather. It’s crazy. It’s a month ahead, temperaturewise, of where we normally are. And yes, now it’s cold here too!
I was at a writer friend’s speaking engagement earlier this week, and it was such a gorgeous day. I joked then that good weather is bad for books, at least late in the fall or early in spring. Everyone wants to get outside and enjoy that weather. :)
Sally Bradley says
It is, Melanie! I hope you enjoy it.
Sally Bradley says
Well, Merrillee, you’re just gonna have to spend the weekend reading, right? :)
Sally Bradley says
Oh, yay! I love introducing people to new-to-them authors. So fun!
Sally Bradley says
Carrie, you have excellent taste. ;)
Sally Bradley says
My pleasure, Valerie. :)
Kara Grant says
I actually have this book, but haven’t read it yet :) I’ve only read a few of Tammy’s books, Mercy’s Fight and Just One Summer collection, but I love her stories and look forward to more of them! Cheering you on as you meet your reading goal on goodreads, such a great site and the only way I can keep track of the books I love :)
Marylin Furumasu says
Hi Sally,
I hope to some day read My Hope Next Door. I’ve heard a lot about it. I’ve read one book of Tammy’s it’s Mercy’s Fight. It truly made an impacted on my heart. I would recommend it.
Winnie Thomas says
I’ve read My Hope Next Door and loved it! I’ve also read most of the rest of Tammy’s books. They were all wonderful. She’s one of my fav writers.
Carrie says
why, thank you ;)
Sally Bradley says
Mercy’s Fight was another good one of hers, wasn’t it? Happy reading, Kara!
Sally Bradley says
Marylin, I felt that My Hope Next Door was an even better book than Mercy’s Fight! I’d love to hear what you think of it when you read it.
Sally Bradley says
She’s a good one! I’m looking forward to hearing what’s next from her.
Jackie Smith says
I am an avid reader (24 this year) but have not read any of Tammy’s books….need to correct that! I have one of yours, Sally, on my Kindle to read…must get to it.
Colleen says
Thanks for the book recommendation. I have not read a book from Tammy before. Hopefully I will sometime this year.
Diana says
It sounds interesting. I love Christian fiction!
Bree Herron says
I know the feeling of a challenge to read all the books! I think I set mine this year at 100. I love your number of 52 more! This book is new to me as well, I am going to check it out now. Thanks for sharing!
mimionlife says
I have not read this book, but, it looks like one I will want to add to my list of “to be read”. :-)
Sally Bradley says
Sounds like you’ve got lots of reading fun in store, Jackie. Enjoy!
Sally Bradley says
Go for it, Colleen! Hope you enjoy her.
Sally Bradley says
Me too, Diana. I’m so glad we have options that don’t drag us down. :) Hope you enjoy it!
Sally Bradley says
100 books! I’d love to read that many, Bree. Have fun!
Sally Bradley says
May I recommend that you put it up high on your list? :)
Margaret Nelson says
I don’t think I’ve read any of her books yet. Sounds interesting.
Linda Herold says
Hi Sally! She is a new author to me. I love finding new authors!
Susanne says
Would love to read this!
mimionlife says
A great idea! :-)
Sally Shupe says
I have not read any of her books. Will have to check them out!
Sherri G says
This book sounds right up my alley. I’ve read the Windsor series and loved it.