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We here at Inspy Romance are like family, right? Well, I have a confession. I hope you won’t think differently of me.
I’m a hoarder…of books. Not only are my bookshelves and tabletops stacked with books to read, but also my Kindle could crash any moment from the massive amount of pre-loaded treasures.
I’ve been known to mistakenly buy the same paper book twice. Fortunately, when I purchase novels or novellas for my Kindle, Amazon is kind enough to tell me, Hello, you’ve already bought this one.
Thank you, Amazon. You’ve saved me a ton of money.
Once upon a time, I was embarrassed by my problem. When guests visited our home, they’d witness the Leaning Tower of Piza books. With a red face, I’d make excuses. No more! Now, I embrace my desire to buy a book, after falling in love with the blurb.
Thankfully, with the invention of the Kindle, I no longer buy duplicates, but the best thing is, I can hide my obsession. No one will ever know that inside the cover of my skinny e-reader, lives hundreds of books.
Here are just a few of my favorite reads, so far this summer:
- Whispers of Love: 12 Christian Romance Novels by: Kimberly Rae Jordan, Leah Atwood, Sally Bradley, Valerie Comer, Christina Coryell, JoAnn Durgin, Autumn Macarthur, Lesley Ann McDaniel, Carol Moncado, Staci Stallings, Jan Thompson & Marion Ueckermann
- The Goodbye Bride by Denise Hunter
- Small-Town Nanny by Lee Tobin McClain
- Falling for the Millionaire by Merrillee Whren
Almost Like Being in Love (Destination Wedding) by Beth Vogt
Please, help me to feel better about my problem passion, and tell me you continue to purchase books despite having more than enough to read.
Mmmm . . . My kindle seems to have a problem!! It keeps acquiring more and more books!! It must know I can’t read over a 1000 books., but there seems to be no end to my kindle’s hunger!!! Hehehe ;-)
Oh Jill, what a question to start your post with! The answer is most definitely NOT! Too many books…impossible! And we fondly revisit books, and remember the stories and feel like we are visiting old friends when we re-read. I joke (not really joke!!) all the time that if our house was on fire, and my family were out, then my Kindle would be the most important thing to go in and rescue. Bless the inventor of e-book readers! I am currently re-reading Walks Along by Sandi Rog, great story!
I love to read and I love books. I have books in every room of my house. My bookshelves are overloaded and I have books in boxes, after all I was a high school English teacher.
Amazon and my Kindle account saved my marriage. My husband does not like clutter, and therefore hated my Leaning Tower of Books in my office, the bedroom, the living room, the family room, and even the bathroom. Now all thousand books are stored neatly in my Kindle account. Unfortunately I have not had the time to read them all.
I too have saved a ton of money. I enjoy the ease of the electronic age, as I can access my books wherever I am on my cell phone, tablet, or e-reader. I am amazed at the generosity of authors, who through free or inexpensive books make this all possible.
My favorite are boxed sets. Through these collection of stories, I have been introduced to many new authors. But sometimes I still purchase a book I already read – Amazon unfortunately cannot tell me, if I read the book in a boxed set.
Thanks for your blog, Jill. Have a good day at work. Have to run my TBR list is calling.
I’ve lost track of how many books I have on my Kindle, but I’m sure I’ll get to them all some day (hopefully). It hasn’t stopped me from buying for books though :)
Ha ha ha! Great post, Jill. I’m the same way. But my Kindle crashed! Thankfully, I have the Kindle app on my phone. Three of my bookshelves also crashed. So I have some books in boxes. I also purchased the same book twice. I have two copies of Pride and Prejudice and The Three Musketeers. I have at least three copies of Fellowship of the Ring, but only because the first two have pages falling out of them.
Sorry I meant to say “buying more books though”.
Oh, too funny! And I have a friend who wants to come over and help me get rid of some of my clutter (books)! I keep putting her off. Yes, my kindle has lots of books on it – but I prefer a real book so I have them in my closet (where my husband can’t see them) and all over the house!
I have heaps of books on my kindle, but I still prefer printed books…. I have heaps, including a tub of books my kids have grown out of that I don’t really want to keep, but can’t seem to part with!!
You could have been describing me in your post! I have book piles in every room, too. I tell people I have them sorted (and I kinda do) but in reality I rearrange them to make room for the new batch of books I just bought. And I, too, try to buy the same Kindle book twice. I guess that means I know what I like when I scroll through those new releases and best-seller lists. So, Jill, take heart. You are not alone. You belong to a special club of book lovers just like you.
This author has been a reader longer than I’ve been a writer. Reading was one of my first loves in life, and without a doubt, it will always remain so. I believe authors who are well-read are more informed and therefore more in-depth and, yes, better writers themselves. When I was raising our children, I couldn’t keep my eyes open long enough to read before bed, so now I’m making up for that time (not “lost” time, but time otherwise well spent, of course). I have several bookcases double-stacked with paperback and hardback books on each shelf (bowed under their weight, I might add). I’m a little more selective about what is on my Kindle, but the advent of Kindle Unlimited has been great for me since it’s like a virtual lending library. I’m able to sample lots of books that way and either linger…or move on quickly. If I really like a book I’ve read in ebook format, I’ll often pick up the paperback version. Thanks for the post, Jill! I’m glad you enjoyed Whispers of Love. Blessings.
LOVED your post. I think you struck a familiar chord with all of us here! :)
Guilty… I had to purge my Kindle of read books to make room for more :)
Yes yes yes. But my other problem is being a busy momma of 4 AND a writer AND working from home and trying to find to READ all those books. They just keep piling up……
I’ve decided that as soon as my writing schedule slows down a bit, I’m going to take a month off from at least that and just enjoy binge reading again!!! It probably won’t make a dent in my pile… but I can try!
Jill, loved your post. I can relate. If I hadn’t moved numerous times in my life and been forced to get rid of lots of books every time we moved, I would have shelves and shelves of them. I love having an ereader because it holds so many books, and I don’t have to worry about where to put them. They are in the cloud, thankfully, since I lost my Nook on the train in Belgium. I will have to get a new ereader, but I can recover everyone of those books. Yay!
Jill, I’m like you except I didn’t have the vast books before my kindle. I would have to go to the library and so MANY TIMES they didn’t have the book I wanted in. I really hated that!
My husband got me an old generation one kindle many years ago and since then i have been reading tons. (Confession……I actually now have that old kindle, but also three more…..it’s like phones….when the latest one comes out I just have to get it.?)
Today I have all “to be read” books broken down into genres on my kindle. When I finish a book I put it in a collection titled, “books I’ve read.” Have so many in the wait collections still doesn’t stop me from buying more!?
Whenever I hear of a good book or when one of my favorite authors writes a new one or when I get a book to pre-read I just add them to my collection. Sometimes I feel guilty for not reading one of the older one and I’ll read it then get caught up in that author.
Oh the pains of living to read!
Unfortunately, I do have a day job, so I’ll be known to walk around the house with my kindle reading. One of my husband’s fun comment each night is asking, “So what a red you going to do tonight?” DUH!
I love summers because I’m off so I can read as much as I like.
The funny thing is that when I was younger I was in the remedial reading class, I struggled to read, but not now!
Oops auto correct did it again…..My husband’s comment is actually, “So what are you going to do tonight?”
I think I share the same problem, I mean, passion with you. Many books (print and kindle—I fear my kindle will also crash someday because of too many books).
My dad build me a book shelf when I moved into new apartment so I would have enough space to put all my books. I still needed to get two more book shelves after that, but it was all worth it. Fortunately my husband shares a similar passion (he’s much more contained though–we’re pretty sure only about 30% of our books were originally his), but we realized we had a few duplicate books after we got married. (I ended up leaving my copies with my sister.)
Thanks for recommending a few books to add to my collection (I know some, but not all of them). I’m always looking for something new to get.
Thanks, Jill, for your confession of too many books!! I think we all have that in us, as we can never have too many. I have two full bookcases and my kindle is filling up also, but there is room for more! We are very fortunate to live in a free country and have access to all the books we want.
Yes! I buy so many books even when I already have more than I can read!! But, I can’t stand to miss a good deal on a book, so it keeps happening.
LOL. I’ve done the same thing–buy a book I already owned. Now I have so many kindle books I sometimes buy the print book forgetting that I have it on kindle.
I was looking through my kindle library last night, and I was astounded by how many books I have that I’ve never read.
If I never buy another book, I’d still probably not finish reading what I already own. LOL Even after that huge supply of books, I still purchased a new one last night, which I started reading this morning. :) I guarantee I’ll continue to purchase books–I’m addicted. They are my biggest weakness.
Loved your post and I have been an avid reader since the 2 grade. I read 100 during that year.
I have had loads of bookcases but thankfully I discovered Kindle.
I can spend lots of money on books now I read and review books and get lots to read for free.
If it weren’t for Kindle, I’d have to stack my books 3 deep on my bookshelves (they’re just at 2 deep now)! I think one of my deepest fears is running out of a new book to read!!
I absolutely do have too many books, and continually want more! You author dudes are so prolific, what’s a fan to do?
I prefer calling it “literary enhancement” or “library creation” or something similar instead of book hoarding. LOL I finally put my books (mostly bought at thrift shops and book sales, and a lot of them unread as of yet) in boxes in my storage room. I alphabetized them, and scanned them on an app, so I know what I have. Then I labeled them with a post-it note, which I can change, if needed. I put all the ones I’ve read but want to keep in a box. My tastes in books have changed over time–I now read mostly Christian fiction–so I recently went through and pulled out all the books I didn’t think I’d ever read and donated them to our library. I reduced the boxes from 10 down to 5. I still have way more than I’ll ever read. Then there are the ones on my Kindle. I usually keep only a few on my actual Kindle, and the rest are in the cloud. I know I have over 2000 books in the cloud. If I read every minute of every day and night, I could never finish them before I die! LOL At least I know I’ll never run out of reading material! And after reading these comments, it sounds like I’m in good company!
What can I say? I have the same passion. I am so grateful for ebooks, though. I can’t imagine what my house would look like if I didn’t have my Kindle. When I moved to this smaller place I had literally a truck load of books I donated to our public library. Of course i have more books than anyone could read in a lifetime but hey, you never know when you might want something to read and at least we have choices.
LOL! I think you’re on to something, Carlien. It’s the Kindle who has the problem, not us, right? They seem to be bottomless pits. Thanks so much for reading and taking the time to comment.
Thank you for making me feel normal, Wemble! Honestly, I think if I were to never buy another book, (no way will that happen) I’d have enough to last me if I lived to be 100 years-old. I’m with you on the house fire, girl! Thanks for sharing your obsession today.
“Amazon and my Kindle account saved my marriage.” I love this, Renate! Although I still love to hold a paper book, my favorite thing about my Kindle is that I can make the font extra-large for my aging eyes.
You might be able to answer my question. Do you know if there’s a way to remove a book you’ve read from the main listing? Thanks so much for visiting today!
I’m with you, Lientjie…I have no idea how many books I have stored on my Kindle. I wonder if there’s a limit to how much it will hold. Like yourself, I continue to purchase more and more. It’s nice to be in good company. Thanks for stopping by today!
Ack! L. Marie, that’s my biggest nightmare. My mother’s Kindle recently crashed too. I was pleased to know that even if it crashes, you can access the books on Amazon and reload them on to a new Kindle…phew! Oh no, your bookshelves crashed too? LOL! I’ve crashed a few clothing racks in my closet. Thanks so much for reading.
I don’t blame you for putting off your friend, JK…calling your books “clutter.” The nerve! :) I do agree with you, there’s nothing like holding a real paper book, not to mention drooling over a beautiful cover. I appreciate you stopping by today.
Hi Melissa! If all of the books loaded on my Kindle were real books, we’d have no room for furniture. I do agree with you on paper books. I enjoy seeing the book’s cover and we don’t get that with the e-readers. Thanks for visiting today!
Your comment has made me feel so normal, Jenny…and in good company! Not that I want to contribute to your obsession, but do you subscribe to Inspired Reads? Each day they email discounted inspirational books…it’s wonderful! Thanks so much for stopping by today.
I also have that love for books which started many years ago when I was in elementary school.
Little by little I have been thinning out my print books since I prefer reading on my Kindle.
I had to laugh Jill when I read that you get that friendly reminder from Amazon that you already own a book. That has happened to me too. I have to thank Amazon for saving me some money.
I am still in such awe of my Kindle how an e-book can magically appear after ordering it online!
What a fun blog topic Jill!
Reading was definitely my first love too, JoAnn. Your bookcases sound exactly like mine. I’d love to have an office with floor to ceiling bookshelves on three walls, and a window seat where I can sit and read. I’ve heard of Kindle Unlimited, but I never looked into it…you’ve got me curious now. Yes, I really enjoyed Whispers of Love…such beautiful stories. Thanks for reading!
Thanks, Roxanne! I had no idea I’d be in such good company. Thanks for reading today!
I appreciate your confession, DK! Moving the read books is something I need to figure out how to do. At least I’d feel like I was making a dent in the never-ending list. Thank you for stopping by today!
I feel your pain, Krista. There’s just never enough time, is there? My dream is to have a week off to do nothing but binge read. Recently, I re-read Sandwich, With a Side of Romance…such a cute story. Thanks for reading today!
Thank you, Merrillee! Oh, my heart sank when I read on Facebook that you’d lost your Nook. That’s like losing a dear friend. But, unlike losing a paper book, it’s not lost forever thanks to computers. It sounds like it’s time to go shopping! I appreciate you reading today.
Oh Marylin, your comment made me smile. You are the Kindle Queen! I had no idea you could do all of those things. I might need to get a lesson from you. My read and to be read books are all jumbled together. It sounds as though your remedial reading class created a monster…in a good way! Thank you for your sweet comment.
Hi Priscila! By the way, I love your name. I’ve come to the conclusion that like books, one can never have enough bookshelves either. Somehow, they mysteriously become filled in the blink of an eye. That’s wonderful you and your husband share the same passion for reading. You’re welcome for the recommendations, they’re all great stories. Thanks so much for reading today!
Thank you for reminding us how fortunate we are, Carol. It’s amazing that we’re able to finish a book and have a new one delivered right to our Kindle, if we choose. I love this when I’m reading a series. Thanks so much for reading and commenting.
That’s so true, Melynda! Do you get the email deals offered by Book Bub and Inspired Reads? Those deals are just too good to pass up. Honestly, I don’t think I could ever read all of the books I’ve got stockpiled. J I appreciate you stopping by today!
Oh my gosh, Kimberly, I’ve done the same, bought the print when I already had the Kindle version. This usually happens when I’m browsing all of the wonderful covers at the book store. Who needs shoes when you have a book addiction, right? Thanks for reading today.
Thanks, Linda! One hundred books in the 2nd grade…wow! You were born to read! I’m curious, as an adult do you still keep track of the number of books you read each year? Sadly, since I started writing, my yearly count has dropped and my stockpile has continued to multiply. I love free books! Thanks so much for stopping by today. Happy reading!
Keep working on those stacks, Margaret…you’ll get there! One of my fears is getting caught in a major traffic jam without a book to read. I’ve got a little mobile library in my car. Thanks for visiting today!
LOL! We ‘author dudes’ love you reader dudes, so thank you for encouraging us to continue to write. Thanks for stopping by today, Connie.
One question, are you available for hire, Winnie? Wow! You’re so organized with your books. Did you ever work in a library? If not, you’ve missed your calling, girl. Thank you for sharing your obsession with us. And all of this time, I thought I was alone with my problem. Thanks for reading today!
I know! My house would be exploding at the seams if I didn’t have a Kindle. That’s nice that you donated so many to the library. Last winter, I donated several boxes to our local used book store. I’m with you, Sharon, we’ve got to have our choices! Thanks so much for reading today.
Well, thank you. I know it hasn’t been a common name in a few years in the US, but it makes me feel unique in some way and also happy to have one of the few not-overly-used and not-so-weird biblical names (Romans 16:4: “Greet Priscilla and Aquila my helpers in Christ Jesus”).
I’m so happy you enjoyed the post, Nancy! We’re quite the bunch, aren’t we? Like you, I’ve been sizing down my print books, but I still can’t resist a pretty beachy cover…they always pull me in. I’m serious about Amazon. They’ve saved me hundreds of dollars with those friendly reminders. I know what you mean about the magic of the Kindle. Each time I download a new book, I wonder what my grandmother would have thought about this technology. Thanks so much for reading today!
Anytime you need help with your Kindle just let me know! I’d be happy to help!
Kimberly, That’s me exactly!
I think I have enough books on my “to be read list” to last a year maybe but yet I still have to get “just that next book.” Especially when an author does a series and I get the first one free or just happen upon it. UGH!!
I think we need to form a new support group for the OCR&BBD…(Obsessive, Compulsive, Reading & Buying Books, Disorder)
What say you?
I’m really not that organized, Jill. I just got tired of having them all sitting around with no place to put them, so I stuck them in boxes (also because it was embarrassing to have that many books sitting around). It was totally out of necessity! Also, when I first starting organizing, I found that I had two copies of several books (not intentionally). That’s why I decided I needed an app for when I was book scavenging. I can pull up my list to see if I already have it. I don’t buy nearly as many print books now. I do a lot of read and review for authors and get quite a few books that way, and I’ve also won some in contests. It keeps me busy reading and I love doing it!
No, I never worked in a library, except as an assistant in our school library when I was in Jr. High. I always thought it would be a fun job, though!
That is definitely me too.
I think my husband is getting a little tired of seeing the amount of books I have! I simply can’t help it and am drawn to them like a moth to flame :-) The only purpose for me to go into a thrift store (Goodwill) is to browse their used book section (is that a bad thing?). Or I prowl yard sales, garage sales, rummage sales and the like for the same reason. Yea, so what I have HUNDREDS of titles on my bookshelf already clamoring for my attention. And yes, I’ve made the mistake of buying the same paperback twice; and like you, I’m so grateful to Amazon for letting me know if I’ve already purchased that particular title already. I tend to load up my Kindle with TONS of free books, but I’ve only read a small fraction of them…lol!
I love, love, love being on review teams for various authors! I can un-guiltily read (horde) my favorite authors new titles to my hearts content. But it’s no chore to leave reviews since they are feeding my voracious reading habit (obsession) & in turn, they are getting valuable feedback and online exposure for their books! It’s a win/win situation for us both ;-) And I readily share those titles with my sister-in-law who then passes them on to her local library once she’s finished.
Jill—Never!! We finished out our basement and my dh built me a library! It’s full of all my books–and his, too. And like you, I’ve bought the same book twice. A Kindle saving grace for sure. I think readers can talk about books all day! I’m reading The Forgotten Room right now. AMAZING–Karen White, Beatriz Williams and Lauren Willig. I just finished A Noble Masquerade, by Kristi Ann Hunt– A Rita winner! So many great books to read.
Thanks, Marylin…I might have to take you up on that offer. :)
LOL! We might have to trademark that name, Marylin. :)
We moved recently and I have boxes of books with not enough shelf space to put them on=( I know I have so many books that I will never read, so I am trying to go through them and pull those ones out… I will try to find them good homes.
I rarely buy new books anymore, only a very few select authors who have new releases get my hard earned money. Now if I win an Amazon gift card, that’s another thing!
Ah…finding that dreaded second copy that you never knew you had…been there. I’ve always wanted to work either in a library or book store. Being surrounded by all of those books, it sure wouldn’t feel like work. :) I hope to do some giveaways once my book is available in late February, 2017. Maybe I can add to your collection.
Welcome to the club, Ann! Do you prefer paper or an e-reader? Thanks for stopping by today!
Well, Trixi, I must say, you’ve got a great little gig going there. You’re right, it is a win/win for all involved. You must be the Trixi I see over on Seekerville…or you have an identical twin. :)
My Kindle is packed with the free books too. Do you subscribe to Inspired Reads or Book Bub? They have some great offers. Thanks so much for sharing your obsession with us today!
Agreed, Lindi! I’ll bet your library is nice. Is that where you do your writing also? You’re right, there are so many great book out there, I can’t keep up with all of them. I’ve got The Forgotten Room on my Kindle…I’ll have to move it up in my queue. I just finished The Things We Knew by Cathy West. I love it and wish there’d be a sequel. Thanks for reading today…enjoy that library.
I’m sure you’ll find good homes for your books, Patty. The local library is a good place to start. Oh, I’m with you on the Amazon gift cards. That’s my favorite gift to receive. Thanks so much for stopping by today…happy reading!
I used to have hundreds of book. No, thousands. But then, my guy and I moved cross country, and from a large house to a smaller condo. Downsizing was necessary. I cried when I gave most of my books away – to the local libraries, who had summer sales and loved my books – and to some donation trucks, who also loved being able to share my books with those who can’t afford to buy them. I tried to stop my book obsession — I really did. We gave up most of our bookshelves, even. But, please, don’t look under my bed, or on top of my closets, or the hope chest at the end of our bed (well, actually, you can’t see the bed for the pile of dozens of books on that chest). The Kindle has saved me even more embarrassment. But yes, I have hundreds of books in my Kindle either read or ready-to-be-read. Sigh. I would not want to live, without reading…and then writing more books. :-)
I am laughing out loud because this is me!!!! haha! I am glad Amazon let’s me know that I have already purchased a book. I do tend to order more than I can read, but, I will read them all one day. :-) I usually take a book or my Kindle with me wherever I go. I love to read. :-)
It really is a beautiful name, Priscila.
Too many good books out there and not enough time in this lifetime to read them all. But since I have had my Kindle it is too easy to download books. I still have a monthly budget and get alot of mine on Kindle Unlimited. I live overseas in Papua New Guinea and it was getting too expensive to buy books and have them shipped. But I sitll have a two walls of books. Of course here, no one wants them as they are getting books on Kindle. Though I kept an extensive list on what books I have, I still would buy the same one again. So thankful for Kindle.
Took me awhile to get used to a Kindle. There is just something about holding a book and turning the pages. One of these days we will leave PNG and what will I do with all of my books. I cannot ship them all home. I do have my favorites that I will still keep in book form.
haha, oooh, I have gotten that same message from Amazon. But since I’m in downsize mode and rarely read print books anymore, I finally cleared out my bookshelves and carted a ton of books to the library and gave some to a women’s shelter. Don’t feel bad, Jill. You are not alone and reading is a good habit, right? :)
Happy Tuesday! xo
LOL! Your comment had me laughing, Trixi. I appreciate your honesty. It sounds like you’ve got a good little gig going, and it is a win/win for everyone. Good for you! You must be the Trixi I see on Seekerville…or you have an identical twin. :) Thanks for stopping over today!
Oh, I bet that library is wonderful, Lindi! You’re right, there are so many great books out there, it’s hard to keep up. i’ve got The Forgotten Room on my Kindle. I might have to move it up in my queue. I recently finished The Things We Knew by Cathy West…I loved it. I wish she’d write a sequel. Thanks for reading today!
Hi Pam! It’s great to see you here today. I’m sorry to hear about your traumatic experience, but I’m sure all of your books ended up on fellow book lover’s shelves. Purchasing books is a tough habit to break, that’s for sure. I’d choose a book over food. :) Thank you so much for visiting today.
I knew we had a lot in common, Melissa! :) Since I’m purchasing books faster than I’m reading them, I think my Kindle will always be well stocked. Do you share your Kindle books? It’s a great feature by Amazon. Thanks so much for stopping by today.
I agree, Judy! There isn’t enough time to read all of the wonderful books out there. I’m going to have to look into the Kindle Unlimited. It took me a long time to get used to my Kindle too. In fact, when they first came out, I swore I’d never make the switch, but then my eyesight deteriorated with age. I love to my the font HUGE…it makes me feel young again. I hope you’re able to find homes for your paper books when you move. Thank you so much for visiting today.
LOL! I figured you’ve gotten that message from Amazon, Tori! I think it’s very kind of them. They could make a fortune off of me if they stopped that feature. :) Although I’ve donated a ton of my paper books, I still can pass up purchasing that special cover that grabs my attention while browsing through Barnes and Noble. Yes, reading is a great habit! Thanks for visiting today! xo
Wow, I didn’t know that our Kindle books can be shared. That is awesome! I will have to check into doing that. :-) Yes, we have a lot in common. haha!
Yes, I believe you’re allowed to lend to another Kindle reader for a month…something like that. Maybe we should do some swapping! :)
I envy you your books. When I moved over to the USA from the UK, I had to have a cull of everything but the books I hated to give up the most. My Kindle since I came here however has now got over 200 books .
I’m sorry to hear you had to part with your belongings, Lorraine, but at least you’ve got that Kindle. Check out the Inspired Reads website, they have great deals on inspirational readings. Thanks for stopping by today!
Lord have mercy if I have a twin out there (think TWICE the amount of books)! Yes, I’m the one and same on on Seekerville :-) I’ve not met another one with my name, so it certainly makes me unique!
Nice to see you over on Inspy Romance Jill! :-)
I refuse to think of my multitude of books as a problem. I do have to sometimes go through my books to see which ones I can part with, since I can’t help acquiring more. How can I not? Authors keep writing such good books and then there are older books also to be discovered. It’s just impossible not to succumb to some of the ebook freebies from Amazon. I will probably never get all of them read, but I’ll sure have fun trying!
Thank you for the tip, Jill. I just went to their site and it looks like they list the very same kinds of books I love to read. I quickly subscribed. For anyone else who may be interested: http://www.InspiredReads.com for “Christian Kindle books on a budget.”
Hands down, you’ve won this debate, Pam! This makes perfect sense to me. Thank you so much for reading and taking the time to comment. Happy reading, my friend! :)
You can never have too many books! I’ve got shelves full, stacks everywhere, and I’m starting to download them to my Kindle. Wouldn’t dream of getting rid of them. Great post, Jill!
I have books in every room of my house, including the attic! The only way my husband lets me get more is if I donate what I’ve read and reviewed to our church library.
Shhhh, I do keep ones autographed to me personally…..
I haven’t ever lent or borrowed one before, but I’ve heard that you can lend it to one person for 14 days. Some books cannot be loaned to others. If you go to Amazon under Your Account then go to Manage Your Content and Devices, you can select a book, then click on Actions, it will tell you if you can loan that book. Then you click on Loan This Book and it will tell you how to do it.
It was easy to leave most things as I donated them to a homeless charity for when they find homes but I miss my books. I know though that the hospice charity that got the books will have made some money.
All’s well that ends well.
I’m glad you signed up, Jenny! They have some great deals. :)
LOL! It’s nice to see you here too, Trixi! :)
Great! Thanks for the information, Winnie!
Your books went to a great cause, Lorraine.
Thanks, Laura! It’s always nice to see you here. :) I had a feeling your shelves were bulging like mine. :)
LOL! Your secret is safe here, Gail. :) That sounds like a fair deal to donate each time you purchase new books. Thanks for stopping by!
Oh my goodness, Jill. My husband calls me a Kindle Addict and Book-a-holic. Thankfully, he has no idea of the number of books I have on my kindle. I think he would go into overload if he knew that in addition to the ones he sees on my book shelves, end table, nightstand, and well, wherever I can find a safe, secure place to stack them, that I have probably 1000+ books on the kindle. Besides there are worse addictions to have that harm the body. Books boost the brain’s power and provide instant entertainment and therapy. The only harm they do is irritate my cat when a stack falls on her because she decided to rub against it a bit too much (LOL!) There are just so many wonderful stories to own and read…sigh…you can never have too many books!
Jill, I share your passion. I have over 900 unread books on Kindle as well as many books on my bookshelf and in drawers. I love to read and no I won’t live long enough to read all these books.
LOL! Well, it sounds like your set for life in the book department, Stacey. And that’s a good thing! :) I can’t stop buying books, but why should we? As you said, reading is boosting our brain power. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. Thanks for reading today!
Oh my…you do have a lot on your Kindle, Linda. :) I think you’ve got me beat there. Could you imagine taking a month off from life and doing nothing but read? Ahh…that would be wonderful. Thanks for stopping by!
I know I can never have enough books. I am just so happy that the kindle is invented otherwise I would have books stacked up too.
You can never have too many books lol
JIll, I have 900+ titles on my kindle to be read (1,675 total) and about 75 unread print copies. I still check my Amazon wishlist every morning for freebies and 99 cent deals. Whoever came up with that “items with price drops” filter feature deserves a bonus.
I’m with you, Kaleen! Thanks for stopping by!
I’m so happy you agree, Shelia! Thanks so much for visiting.
Oh yes! I love that feature, Beth! Thanks for stopping by.