Do nice people annoy you? I’m not talking about someone who is polite and well-mannered – we all appreciate that. I’m referring to people who are a little ‘too’ kind. Those who give away more than they can afford – of their time, their money and whatever other resources can be shared. Even worse, they do so with a smile on their face and never complain about the consequences. People like that can be annoying … I wonder why? Could it be that, when forced to compare their behavior with my own, I am found wanting? While I might be something of a soft touch when I hear a sad story, I only give within my budget. Once it runs out, I’m likely to say ‘sorry’ but unlikely to go into debt on behalf of a stranger (or even a friend). And if I observe someone who is in worse financial straits than I am, giving to that cause anyway … it annoys me! I’m ashamed to admit it, but I might even look for reason to criticize that unselfish giver, accusing her of less than wise stewardship, or asking who is supposed to pay her bills if she goes broke being good to others.
Billie D’Allesandro is the sort of character whose generosity would bother my conscience. She feels blessed by her success, even if it isn’t much to brag about. She looks for opportunities to share with friends and family, without waiting to be asked. But rather than return her kindness with grateful thanks, most of them rebuke Billie for playing the fool.
That’s exactly how Chad Moore feels when he stays at Billie’s B&B and sees her charitable nature in action. She annoys him, especially when she ignores his advice. At the same time, Billie’s sweet nature intrigues him … and gradually wins his heart.
I wish I could be as good a person as Billie D’Allesandro. Writing about her made me feel ashamed of my less than Christian attitude, and that’s a good start!
beechtreehollow says
Oh! I certainly identify. I guess I’ve often helped but not till it hurts. At the same time I was raised to be a good steward of all my possessions and not be a burden to others. How to find balance and serve Christ fully? Looks like I’m in need of some time on my knees.
Britney Adams says
Thank you for sharing the thought-provoking post, Diane!
Diane Adams says
Thanks so much for your comments, beechtreehollow and Britney Adams. I think about this a lot and wonder where to draw the line. It’s nice to know I’m not alone!
Trixi O. says
While I agree that kindness is a good trait most of the time, I often wonder about some people’s motives for being “kind”. Are they doing it to get something, or to be publicly praised or noticed, or for one more thing to add to their works to get to heaven? And then I need to turn it around and question my own motives for being kind sometimes. Am I doing it so people can notice ME and praise ME or so that I can get something from someone? It changes when we look within ourselves doesn’t it, at least it does for me! I want to be kind so that I can put a smile on someones face (without being selfish), or so that I can be one bright spot to their day or so that their faith in other people is restored. I NEVER want to be selfish in my kindness! I want it to be the genuine fruit of the Spirit that comes from God, His nature showing through my humanity to touch someone else’s life! Now isn’t that the ultimate kindness?
Diane Lil Adams says
Thanks so much for your comment, Trixie. I love what you said and hope it will help me catch myself when I’m only being kind to benefit myself.