Did you know that April is National Afternoon Tea Month? Tea drinkers worldwide already celebrate this every day, right? I love tea, but I can’t have caffeinated tea any more, so these days I have to drink non-caffeinated tea. How about you? Do you like tea — or coffee or hot chocolate or all of […]
Character Interview with K. Leah + Giveaway
I love revisiting my stories. Each time I go back and read one of my books, I fall in love with the characters all over again. It’s been a while since I’ve done a character interview, so today, I want to introduce you to Chase and Cait from When I Found You, book two, in […]
Character Interview: Meet Toni Wakefield from Muskoka
Today I’d like to welcome Toni Wakefield to the readers of Inspy Romance. Toni is a mother and an artist based in the beautiful Muskoka region of Ontario, Canada. Welcome, Toni. Thanks so much for having me today. So, let’s begin. Tell us how long you’ve been living in Muskoka. My brother and I moved […]
Husband and Wife Q and A (Part 2)
Hi Inspy Romancers! We’re diving into part two of our Q & A session with the characters from my newest release, Second Chance with the Hero. Last month we had Jack Gilbert interview his wife Josephine (if you missed that post, you can catch up on it HERE). Today, the tables are turned and Jack […]
Another Cape Cod Christmas Interview 😁
Prior to my last post, I’d never written a character interview. I had so much fun writing Chloe’s interview, though, that I decided to do a matching interview for her hero, Steve. Enjoy! ***** LOCAL NEWS: Ho, ho, ho and happy holidays, folks! Christmas is just around the corner here on Cape Cod, and you know […]
Husband and Wife Q and A (Part 1)
I got a chance to sit down with the characters from my upcoming release and do a Q&A session with them! I thought this would be a good (and fun!) way to introduce you to Josephine and Jack Gilbert from Second Chance with the Hero. We’ll start with Josephine, and have Jack ask her these […]
A Cape Cod Christmas Interview with Chloe Richardson
Good morning, folks. It’s Christmastime here on Cape Cod, and you know what that means! Wychmere Bay’s Local TV News Channel is running its annual “Man on the Street” feature from now until New Year’s. So sit down, grab a Christmas cookie and find out if your neighbors have been naughty or nice! LOCAL NEWS: […]
Interview with Farrier Noah Cavanagh
Valerie: Hey, good morning, Noah! Thanks for coming by Inspy Romance today. Noah: Hi, everyone. Good to be here. I think. Valerie: Tell me a bit about your family. Noah: Do you have all day? (laughs) It’s a his, hers, and theirs kind of family. I’m one of “hers” along with my twin, Nathaniel, and […]
Interviewing Emma and a Giveaway
INTERVIEWER: Today I’m hosting Emma Fitzpatrick from A Reason to Stay. Good morning, Emma, and welcome to the blog. EMMA: Thanks for having me. INTERVIEWER: Let’s start with why you’re in Whispering Pines, Colorado in the first place. It’s a small mountain town, and you come from LA. That’s a huge change. EMMA: Well, I […]
Meet Whitney Hall, The Billionaire’s Nanny
“Knock, knock? Is this where I’m supposed to be?” Yes. Hi, come on in. Have a seat. I’m Elizabeth. “Whitney Hall. It’s nice to meet you. I brought headshots and…do you mind if I say this doesn’t look like any audition I’ve been on before? I expected to see more people waiting.” Oh, well. This […]