Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday are all happening this month. How are you celebrating Easter Sunday, or Resurrection Sunday, as I prefer to call it? For many years in Georgia, this is the time of year when lots of people in my church, as well as my family and I attended an annual […]
One Theme to Rule Them All
I guess it’s no surprise when I look back over all the books I’ve released in the past seven years to see some familiar themes. All of my books can be considered overtly Christian. (All except one co-written rom-com, Daring Mr Darcy, which sits as more clean than Christian, and doesn’t contain any real faith […]
Coincidence or God-incidence?
“Good timing.” “Couldn’t have planned that better if I’d tried.” “In the right place at the right time.” “It just so happened…” We have all kinds of sayings like this, don’t we? But how often do we stop and wonder why we happened to be in the right place at the right time or how […]
Before They Call
One of my favorite Bible verses is Isaiah 65:24. About eight years ago, at the end of January, I was hoping to attend a conference later in the year but didn’t have the required funds. The deadline for the discounted registration price was the next day, and if I wasn’t able to meet that, I […]
In all my years on this earth, I’ve never been one who chooses a word for the year. Or one who feels that God has given me a word. In fact, I’ve always been a little jealous of people who could and would confidently assert “This year, my word is X.” How did they know? […]
Confessions of a Part-Timer
I have a confession to make. I work 40 hours a week as the Director of Communications and Public Relations for a national higher education non-profit organization. I also provide freelance graphic design and social media management for a few other small organizations, sit on a few committees at church, and am on the theatre […]
Christian Christmas Reading!
I’m amazed that this is my last blog post for 2023. My next InspyRomance blog post will be in…2024! Can you believe a whole year has pretty much zipped by? How many books did you read in 2023? Thanks to everything that went on in my life this year, I only wrote two new novels. […]
Even in the Storm
Since joining the InspyRomance team last spring, I’ve always worked ahead on my posts. When November arrived, I said, “God, please give me a message for this month’s blog post. But not about Thanksgiving. Everyone else will be posting about that.” Do you know what happens when we give God directions? He laughs! As my […]
Wishing You a Happy Thanksgiving (plus #FreeBook)
Last Sunday at church, we sang “Above All,” a modern hymn written by Lenny LeBlanc and Paul Baloche, and popularized by Michael W. Smith over twenty years ago. When the congregation reached the chorus and hit the word “crucified,” a lot of things went through my mind. As I sang the word “crucified” aloud, it […]
More Than Enough
Part of a romance author’s writing process involves getting inside our characters heads and understanding how they think. One of the most important parts of this process is asking, “what is his/her lie?” A”lie” is the false belief they live with that shapes how the he or she reacts to situations and other characters. Overcoming […]