Lots of authors nowadays enjoy writing and sharing bonus scenes with their readers. These are scenes that didn’t appear in the book, but that the author makes available via their newsletter, website or a service like Bookfunnel. They’re a little extra treat, if you will, for people who enjoyed the book and don’t want to […]
That First Kiss
Hello, Inspy Romance family! I’m Erin, and I’ve been a fellow subscriber for the past few years. I enjoy the interaction and have been introduced to a lot of terrific authors and books. I’m humbled and excited to have been invited to join the blogging team. I love contemporary Christian romance and invite you to […]
The One with No Kissing
My first romance novel contains no kissing. That poor couple never got to seal the dawning of their happily ever after with true love’s kiss. I didn’t set out to write a kiss-free book. In the back of my mind, I knew they’d probably have to have that moment, and I was working up to […]
Why I love kissing books + #Giveaway
Narelle here. In a recent StoryChats @InspyRomance episode #7 with Jaycee Weaver we talked about kisses in CCR (contemporary Christian romance) books. Our conversation started me thinking about why I love kissing books and why I like kissing to be included in romance novels. In a romance story, the main characters are falling in love […]
Turning Up the Heat (with #giveaway )
A couple of months ago, I finally got a contemporary Christian romance new(ish) release that was much heralded by friends, acquaintances, and random people I see in various Facebook groups. I was excited. It was (according to all comers) one of the best books they’d ever read, etc. etc. Let me start by saying right […]
Two Favorite Movies Where They (Gasp!) Don’t Ride Into the Sunset Together (Plus Gift Card Giveaway)
Today I’d like to talk about movies. Specifically, romances. Sure, we could go on and on about favorite date movies and romances, but hold on a moment. I’m not just talking about the movies with a heart-stopping hero, witty dialogue, maybe a touch of intrigue or suspense, at least one thrilling kiss…and a happily ever […]
Romance and the Art of Kissing
Okay, okay. I know it’s not Christmas. You probably know that, too. The thing is, I was thinking about romance topics to blog about, and I settled on first kisses. Since I’m writing a series, I decided that it made the most sense to share the first kiss from the first book in the series. […]
The Getaway – part 2
Last month, I started a serial story for you. If you missed it or need a reminder, you can find it here: The Getaway, part 1. Here’s part two… The Getaway, part 2 Peter raised his head from the heart-stopping kiss. He didn’t believe in love-at-first-sight, but what about love-at-first-kiss? Jada had to feel his […]
Ferris Wheels or Roller Coasters?
The recent announcement that a beloved classic roller coaster will retire in July caused quite a stir. Fans of Thunder Road at Carowinds in Charlotte, North Carolina bemoaned the loss of their favorite ride and started a social media campaign to save the thirty-nine-year-old wooden coaster. While I applaud their enthusiasm and recognize that the […]
Thank You, Donny Osmond
Thank you, Donny Osmond. I can say in part that I owe my romance writing career to him. He prompted that first spark of infatuation in this young girl’s heart (well, someone had to do it eventually). I’d better explain. Yes, they called it puppy love (the name of one of his songs). When I […]