I have a big favor to ask. You see, I’ve been sitting on a contemporary romance story idea for a long time. One that will likely eventually kick off a new series! In fact, I’ve even started writing it. However, for several months I’ve let other things take top pilling over getting it done. Important […]
Are Romances Predictable?
Authors are often told not to read the reviews of their books, but I’m pretty sure most authors can’t resist looking at those reviews. I will admit that I have often read reviews. Of course, I adore the ones where readers say they loved the book or couldn’t book the book down until it was […]
Where to Next?
I spent last week sorting and shifting rooms around and packing up my daughter to move out of home for university studies. It was tiring, especially with my husband and son working interstate, so a lot of it fell on my shoulders. (Sometimes literally. Hello, old primary school books!) But in the midst of rediscovering […]
How do you choose your next read?
Recently, I surprised someone by saying I don’t choose my next read based on the main tropes in the story. Immediately, they asked how I do choose. “Um … author?” My answer came out like a question because even at the time, it didn’t seem quite right. I often put books on my TBR (to-be-read […]
Starting in the Middle
There is a writing book called Write Your Novel from the Middle by James Scott Bell. I confess I have not read it, but I do wonder how that works. I’m what they call a “pantser.” I write by the seat of my pants. I have characters and an inciting incident to start my books. […]
Inspy Romance
As I was considering the topic for this month’s Inspy Romance blog, my mind wandered to the title of the blog itself. What does it mean that I write Inspy romance? Inspirational? Christian? What defines my novels as compared to others on the market? What do readers expect when they pick up a book written […]
Seasons of Change
The new year is a time of change and transition. For some, it’s no more than a changing of the page on the calendar, true. For others, though, it’s a time of making plans, changing the way we see ourselves, and modifying life habits so that we become more like who we want to be. […]
Your Review=Someone Else’s Preview
Hello friends! So, I know we’ve talked about reviews here on Inspy before, but it’s been a long minute. But why oh why would she want to talk reviews in December you ask? Well, I would love to answer that question. First though let’s talk about reviews for a minute. They are a funny […]
What’s Your Ideal Series Length?
Greetings! Today I’m coming at you with another question from an author who wants to know what readers think: what is YOUR ideal series length for Christian contemporary romance books? I love writing in series. I’m pretty sure it was Narelle Atkins who first encouraged me to write books in series, and now I’m wholly […]
A Season of Change
Do you handle change well? I don’t. Which means that right now, I’m struggling. You see, I worked part-time from home for the past five years while I stayed home with my kids. In August of this year, my youngest went to Kindergarten, and this mom rejoined the full-time workforce. Talk about change. While the […]