Hello Readers! Today, I want to talk about something that we all encounter at some point in our lives: the need to pivot. Whether it’s in our personal journeys, career paths, or creative pursuits, change is inevitable. And sometimes, having a Plan B becomes essential. Life doesn’t always follow the script we’ve written. Unexpected challenges, […]
To Everything There is a Season
On March 30th, The Billionaire’s Wife will finally make its way into the hands of readers. This book, y’all, I had plans for it. It was supposed to release in December. Early December! Then, I thought, January for sure. No? Well, okay, February definitely. And we all can laugh, because I talked about this here […]
Memories, Books and Adventures, Oh My!
I have pictures saved to One Drive, so every day I receive my “Look what happened 5 years ago” or however long ago I took the pictures. It’s a fun way to be reminded of what had been going on in my life in the past. Six years ago this week, my husband and […]
Can you be a Minimalist Bookworm?
Over the past year (and especially in the last 4 months), I’ve been shifting the way I approach… well, everything. With three kids ages 7 and under, my house felt like it was a constant state of chaos. But it wasn’t just the kids, it was everything! My schedule, my office, my to-do list, my […]
Happy 20th Anniversary to Me
You might be wondering what I’m talking about since Valerie just had a post about Inspy Romance’s 10th anniversary. Well, February is a month for anniversaries. My husband and I were married on Valentine’s Day, and we just celebrated anniversary number 48. So you may be wondering why I have a “Happy 20th Anniversary” as […]
You’re Speaking My (love) Language
Have you ever gotten a gift from your partner that was just…really bad? I remember the first Mother’s Day gift my husband purchased for me. It was a coat rack. At the time, I was only seven months postpartum with a colicky baby who still had me quite sleep deprived. Rather than being gracious, I […]
Real Life Tropes
It’s the love month and my romance loving heart is full. I love seeing people talk about love, how couples met, and of course reading about love. Today I thought I’d merge the talk of real-life love with books I’ve written, but trope style. You see when the huge craze on Insta was going around […]
Confessions of a Part-Timer
I have a confession to make. I work 40 hours a week as the Director of Communications and Public Relations for a national higher education non-profit organization. I also provide freelance graphic design and social media management for a few other small organizations, sit on a few committees at church, and am on the theatre […]
The Best Laid Plans
You know the quote, right? Steinbeck used it as a title. But I had to do a little Googling to find it’s origin is in a Robert Burns poem. (I’ll admit to not loving Burns as much as someone who says they enjoy poetry probably ought. But I’ve always preferred Yeats or Wordsworth. And that’s […]
Seasons of Change
The new year is a time of change and transition. For some, it’s no more than a changing of the page on the calendar, true. For others, though, it’s a time of making plans, changing the way we see ourselves, and modifying life habits so that we become more like who we want to be. […]