If you want to catch up before reading the conclusion, you can find Valor, part 1 here and Valor, part 2 here. And now for the much-anticipated conclusion… (A little over-hype never hurt anyone, right? 😉) **** Savannah stared as Marcus walked in the door to the conference room. What was he doing there? She […]
Valor, part 2 (a short story)
If you’d like to read Valor, part 1, you can find it here. Now for part two… *** Savannah was half-way through her first day on the job. She’d been shadowing Pamela, who worked in acquisitions. She’d learned about how Valor Enterprises raised outside funds to help support its philanthropic endeavors. She’d sat through numerous […]
Valor, part 1 (a short story)
I’ll be honest. I’m still working on the title. I kind of like “Valuing Valor” – but I’m not sure. My love affair with alliteration can only go so far… If you have any title suggestions, feel free to put them in the comments! I expect this to be a 3-part short story, but we’ll […]
The Joy of Anticipation – and how to make checking your email fun again
The hero moves closer. The heroine tentatively reaches out. Cue the inviting head tilts and gazes wandering to lips. But then! The phone rings or in walks the roommate/best friend/coworker. Suddenly, the kiss that was just a breath away must wait, probably for a few chapters as the hero and heroine ruminate on a million […]
A Day in the Life (part 12) – final installment
Wow! What a crazy, fun, wonderful ride this has been. As with the ending of every story, I’m a little bit sad that it’s over. I can remember, though, when I despaired of these two ever finding their way to each other. There’s a certain kind of satisfaction that comes from seeing that hard work […]
A Day in the Life (part 11)
I hope everyone’s having a wonderful summer! It’s been hot here lately, and I find myself increasingly thankful for air conditioning. I’ve also discovered the joy of playing video games with my husband and son. I’m terrible at video games. My character is constantly dying. I can never remember which buttons to push for what. […]
A Day in the Life (part 10)
The story’s all done, and if memory serves (which it doesn’t always), there are only two more installments after this one. That kind of blows my mind. That means I’ll have spent an entire year on this. I’ve made a few corrections along the way as I’ve struggled with how much to say about the […]
A Day in the Life (part 9)
I hope you’re having a wonderful May! So far this month, I’ve attended a wedding and had a birthday. Pretty soon, it’ll be time for final exams and that big breath of relief that we all take when finals are over. And graduations! Do you know anyone who’s graduating this year? I do a weekly […]
A Day in the Life (part 8)
When we left our intrepid couple last month, things were getting just a little bit flirty between them. In a slightly awkward kind of way, of course. If you want to refresh your memory on any of the previous installments, you can find them here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6. and Part […]
A Day in the Life (part 7) & a #Giveaway
Welcome to the blog today! I’m glad you’re here! The end of this fun little more-than-a-short-story is finally in sight. I think I’ll have it wrapped up in another couple of months (two…or three…probably three). If you’d like to catch up on what’s already happened in the wonderful and slightly wacky world of Zephyra Prentice, […]