Happy Tuesday! I hope your week has gotten off to a great start. We had a wonderful time last week watching the eclipse with both of our boys home for the event. It was an amazing experience. I had no idea what to expect and really didn’t understand all the hype until it happened, then I got it. In the days leading up to the eclipse our city was so quiet. I think we were all afraid to venture out because of all the traffic and crowds predicted since we had 100% totality. As it turned out the traffic was only an issue right after the eclipse.
Now that the eclipse is past a season of change has begun at my house. School is back in session and my boys are at their respective universities. My days are focused on writing, rather than spending time with my youngest, who spent the summer at home. My house is so quiet! I thrive in quiet so it’s a welcome change.
I look forward to finishing a book I started over three years ago but had to set aside to work on contracted work. The project really different from anything I’ve had published because it’s not category romance. I have no idea what will come of it, but I’m enjoying the change.
I know change isn’t always embraced, but change can be healthy. For me it keeps life interesting and gets me out of ruts. It’s fun to change things up. I do that with the books I read too by changing genres about every two or three books.
What about you? Do you embrace change or run from it? I’d also love to hear your eclipse stories.
In case you missed it, I’ve re-published the series pictured below. All the books are available to read for free if you subscribe to Kindle Unlimited. Until next time, happy reading and God bless.
Hi Kimberly- what a great photo, did you take it? I think we have to wait until mid 2020 something before even a partial eclipse here, so it is great to see photos from the recent one in the Northern Hemisphere. I don’t mind change; working at a school, change takes A LONG TIME to happen, which can be frustrating!
Love your book covers.
What an amazing photograph, Kimberly. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve learned to accept change as nothing ever stays the same. Love your covers!
Hi Kimberly! Great picture of the eclipse. In SW Michigan we experienced about 85% darkness and watched the eclipse unfold with our 4 grandchildren ages 12, 10, 4, and 7 months old. They had glasses and my husband made a viewing box just like the one he made when he was about 12. At first the kids enjoyed watching and had lots of questions, but soon tired of the experience. Unfortunately at the peak it became darker and was cloud covered. One of the disadvantages of living one mile from Lake Michigan.
School starts next Tuesday and that brings a new routine, since I watch the four grandchildren Monday thru Thursday. Their schedule keeps this retired teacher on her toes. My daughter-in-law is an elementary school principal and the grandkids attend three different schools – Middle School (7. grade), Elementary school (4. grade), and Preschool for the 4 year old. While I am not fond of change, teaching & caring first for my parents and now my grandchildren taught me to be flexible. I also enjoy quiet, so I can read and think. Best wishes.
Change is not always bad. It is a challenge though. Mornings and early afternoons will be more quiet when kids are back in school but late afternoons and evenings will definitely get more hectic with after-school activities and sports. Changing of the seasons brings new challenges…
I do love alternating genres when I read, too. I actually alternate genre with every book I read. I just finished a contemporary romance and now am knee-deep in contemporary suspense. Will head over to historical romance after I get my fill of suspense then maybe read either Biblical fiction or YA dystopian afterwards.
I wish I could take a picture like that. I purchased it from Depositphotos. Jackie Castle, who blogs on inspyromance, is the cover artist. :) I love those covers too.
It’s so nice that you could make a family experience out of it. I’m sorry those clouds had such bad timing!
Hi, Wemble. The picture was purchase for depositphotos.com I purchased an amazing package for photos there so it’s a great deal. My son could have taken the photo if he’d thought to buy a solar filter and had the correct lens.:)
It seems that not so long ago, Heather wrote about changes too (https://www.inspyromance.com/times-they-are-a-changin/). I think you’re all in sync these days… or you’re getting inspired by each others posts.
My personal opinion is that we often come to appreciate change after a while, sometimes not immediately when it happens. Though it mostly depends on the kind of change.. there are staying at home mom to getting a job kind of change and there are holidays and vacations kind of change of routine. The former tend to be a lot harder to process than the latter.
Wow, you really switch it up, MH. You’ll never get sick of a genre that way for sure. :)
I’d forgotten about Heather’s post, Priscilla. It’s so hard to remember all of them when there is a new on everyday. I’m impressed with your memory. I wish mine was that good. Half the time I can’t even remember what I was going to say or why I got onto my computer.
It’s true, some changes are definitely harder to process than others.
Renate, I was on my phone when I replied the first time and missed seeing your entire second paragraph. I think it’s you who has a DIL or daughter with a broken limb so you were able to have only one grandchild to watch this summer. If so, how is she doing? You mentioned having all the grandkids again, so does that mean she’s recovered now?
Hi Kimberly! Thanks for remembering. Yes, she is recovered. My oldest son’s wife broke her right wrist in June, but returned to work on July 31st. The doctor removed her cast the beginning of July and she had a brace. I watch their 3 children for all of August. Gave us time to bond with our newest granddaughter. They are all good kids.
We had 88% totality here, and I was underimpressed. It did dim and cool off, but didn’t get as dark as I’d thought! Still interesting, for sure.
Change… more around me than in our home, as we’re empty nesters. Two of the grandgirls (including the one next door) start kindergarten on Tuesday. No more random visits any day of the week from the out-of-town kids!
I’m happy to hear she’s recovered. :)
I really think you had to be in 100% or nearly 100% totality for the eclipse to be impressive. We were very fortunate in that regard.
I’m a part-time empty nester lol. Exciting times for your family. Kindergarten was such a big deal for my boys. They loved it.
changes are not a very easy thing for me, I usually can take them better when I got time to prepare for them. it’s hard to change old habits and that is sometimes very good, but there are other changes you can just appreciate long after they’ve happened
So true, Laura. Some changes need time and space to appreciate.
I know that many changes are for the better in the long run, but frankly, I’m afraid of them.
Beautiful photograph. Here in Mechanicsville VA, the sky only turned cloudy, not dark. I enjoyed seeing photos and hearing about different experiences with the eclipse in other areas. There are times when I embrace change and other times not so much. :-)
We’ve had lots of change this past year. Our youngest graduated college, married and moved to Tennessee joining her siblings in moving to Tennessee and Kentucky. We followed…. sold our house and bought a house in Kentucky near our oldest. We watched the eclipse with our grand kids and our oldest daughter and a friend who drove from Virginia to see it. We watched it on a dairy farm 20 minutes from our house to be able to see totality. It was really impressive. Fortunately we had clear skies.
It’s wonderful being close enough to visit our family easily.
We didn’t get to see the eclipse, except on the computer, because it was fogged in on the California coast until 2 p.m. that afternoon :-(
I’m definitely in the run from change category although as I’ve grown up I have gotten better about accepting changes in some areas.
I’m sorry they scare you, Alexa. Some changes are overwhelming and scary. I’m so glad we have the Lord to help us through those times.
Those clouds ruined it for a lot of people. We were a little concerned here about clouds and then forest fire smoke, but it turned out to be a clear day and the smoke moved into the area that afternoon, well after the eclipse. I hear you about change.
That is wonderful on all accounts, Diana!
Ugh. What a bummer, but it’s great that you could watch it later on the computer. After we saw it we went inside and watch news coverage of it. It was fun to see it from the perspective of others.
I appreciate, Jessica B. how age and maturity give us perspective. :)
I tend to like my changes in cycles and seasons. Knowing that I can return to something is comforting. Too much change is unsettling and too little change makes me restless.
We’re empty nesters, and there is little change, especially because our weather is still hot, hot, hot.
You are very perceptive, Dalyn. I think you nailed exactly how feel too.
I not a fan of hot weather but sure have had it this summer. Along with the smoke from forest fires and it’s been awful. I can’t go outside because the air quality is very bad and I have asthma. I imagine you’re looking forward to the season change. :)
Not in the path of totality like I thought, but it was still awesome to look out my side sliding glass door at the thumbnail sliver of the sun. We had some really heavy fog roll in so it “filtered” the light quite a bit. Pretty eerie to see all that fog though, like so many horror movies I used to watch as a teen! Thankfully I had no where to go so I didn’t have to fight traffic. Not sure there was much in the first place, not like two hours down the coast where they were in the path of totality. Watching the news of all the people trying to return home via car or walking in town. Glad it wasn’t me :-)
I don’t like change, but I also realize the older I get, the more things change in my life. I can’t do all the things I used to, while it bothers me a bit, it’s nice to slow down too. I’ve learned to embrace the things we have instead of wishing for things we really don’t need. Things that used to be important to me are no longer that way. Maybe my priorities have changed. Change can be good and not always something to stretch us out of our comfort zones.
I agree with Trixi on change…as I get older, the more things change in my life….esp. healthwise!
We watched the eclipse on tv.
It sounds like an interesting experience nonetheless, Trixi. I like your perspective on change.
I’ve noticed that too, Jackie–especially once I passed forty.
In northern Utah, we had somewhere around 95% totality. I stayed home with my 3-year-old grandson, while my husband and my daughter and her husband took 3 other kids and went to totality. I really didn’t want to get up at 4:00 a.m. and drive for 3 hours partially on a dirt road in a truck, then back again afterward. Since my husband knew of some back roads, they didn’t have any trouble getting there or back. They had a great time. Even without totality, the drop in temperature was very noticeable.
We don’t have too much change around our house. We’re both retired, and I guess the most change right now is that we’re getting older and not liking how our bodies have quit cooperating with us!
That temperature drop was really something. I imagine you had a pretty good show at 95% totality.:)
embrace it
I can deal with planned change. If it is an unexpected change that comes quickly, then it can take time to adjust.
Very good observation, Susanne.
I’m usually excited by change. As for the eclipse, I was disappointed. We had 80% blockage and I thought that meant it would get 80% darker but it only dimmed a little, which was neat, but not what I was expecting.
That would be disappointing, Ellie.
I like change occasionally but I’m usually content in routine
We didn’t get to see the eclipse , was cloudy here !
Ugh. I’m sorry.
That makes sense.:)
Our town was packed for the eclipse. We were a totality town. Offered free parking to some visitors. It was ridiculous what people were charging just to park.
The crowds were something else in areas of totality! I know there were places charging to park in key viewing area here too.
Hi Kimberly Rose,
I don’t do well with change but I do like variety. I look upon them as different things. IF things aren’t varied I get bored easily, but change for me is a negative word. Maybe I need to rethink that. I adapt though and life goes on…lol