Cindy Harrington is a recurring character in Robin Merrill’s Greater Life Romance Series. Some might even say that she is the lynchpin that holds the series together. We sat down with her today to ask her about this matchmaking obsession of hers.
Hi Cindy! Tell us how you got into the matchmaking business.
(chuckles uneasily) I don’t think it’s much of a business. I certainly don’t charge anyone any money.
That makes sense. We’ve heard that sometimes your matchmakees aren’t willing customers.
(laughs again) I wouldn’t say that. I don’t force people into romantic relationships.
Not force, necessarily, but rumor has it you can be pretty persuasive.
Maybe. I think it’s more that I can just see into the future a little bit.
See into the future? Are you a prophet?
No! Not at all. But these single people, they’re so busy in their day-to-day life. I think it can be hard for them to see the big picture. And sometimes I can. Because I’m not inside their lives, I can look at everything from a step back, and I can sometimes see how people might complement each other. Plus, there is some value in having made some trips around the sun. I’d like to think my many years of marriage have given me some insight into the workings of the heart.
Have you ever been wrong?
Oh sure. But that becomes clear pretty quickly, and then I stop trying to bring two particular people together, and hey! You can’t call me pushy when sometimes I do it by accident.
What does that mean?
I mean sometimes I don’t even see it coming. Sometimes I just find myself in the middle of a budding romance.
And then what happens?
Well, then I try to be of help.
So who has been your favorite couple? What’s your greatest success story?
You can’t ask me that. That’s like asking me to choose my favorite child. I love them all. Although … helping Paige and Trace get together was pretty special just because I saw so much healing for both of them. It was truly watching God in action.
Can you tell us more about them?
Sure. It was the most unexpected series of events, but Paige was in a dark place. She’d been through a lot, and well, she almost died. Trace was the first paramedic on the scene, and he truly became her hero in every sense of the word. I’d always been a big fan of Trace, so it was wonderful to see him find a new version of himself in that love.
Aw, that’s so sweet! So you haven’t really answered our original question yet.
What was it again?
What made you get into your matchmaking … hobby? Was it unintentional, or did you do it on purpose?
Oh no, I definitely did it on purpose! You see, I had a great husband. He wasn’t perfect, and our marriage wasn’t perfect, but we were married for forty years, and for every day of those forty years, I felt loved, I felt precious, I felt wanted and safe. And I just want that kind of happiness for all women everywhere. When Frank went to heaven, I was so crushed. It was hard for me to find my way through the day. I had trouble finding reasons to leave the house, to be around other people, and so I got this idea that maybe I could help some of these singles in my church to find other singles.
That’s quite a mission.
I know. And I’m enjoying it very much.
To learn more about Cindy and her matchmaking business, I mean, hobby, visit Robin Merrill’s online bookstore.
For a free eBook copy of the first book in the series, use the code FREECINDY.
Oh, this sounds good, and funny!!! I’m also thinking someone needs to turn it back on her, and find her another hubby!
Hi, I enjoyed reading this interview! It is pretty cute, I loved it. Thank you for sharing it. Have a great day and a great week.
I love an interview post! This sounds a great series, thank you for the free book code.
Thank you so much for sharing. God bless you.
You’re not the first person to suggest that! :)
Thank you, Alicia! You have a great week too!
You’re welcome! I hope you enjoy the book! :)
You’re welcome! God bless you too! :)
You write so well and have such fabulous stories, I’ll be following you on social media. Take care.