My first novel, Chocolate Beach, was released by Bethany House Publishers about twenty years ago. (How can that be??) At that time, chick-lit was all the rage. (Think: Bridget Jones’ Diary).
So I wrote Chocolate Beach in that genre, only my heroine didn’t quite fit the mold. She quoted Scripture, couldn’t cook (except for baking brownies), and frankly, she was more of an anti-chick. She had the fast-talking, first person voice vibe of chick-lit, but not the penchant for buying high-end bags and shoes. In fact, she hated shopping!
What can I say? I’m a rebel.
Some writers just don’t talk about their first books. Instead, they quietly wish they would go away (Lol).
But … I loved that first story (and still do) because it ushered me into my novel-writing career, mistakes and all. Before that, I had written and published hundreds of articles for a variety of magazines and newspapers, so writing fiction was all very exciting for me!
After getting rights back from the publisher, I updated the covers of all three books in the Chocolate series. I even updated some of the content since they were written well before cellphones were in everyone’s purse!
Unfortunately, I had to republish them because of changes in the eBook market, which was making it difficult for readers to move them from device to device. (Technical stuff. Yawn. I know.)
When I did that, Amazon removed hundreds of reviews. Weirdly, they left really bad ones and took away many of the good ones. Such is life!
Here’s the thing about that first book: Some people LOVED Chocolate Beach. I received a ton of “fan” snail mail that I still have in my possession—soooo sweet and humbling!!
Others, well, they hated it. (I heard about that too 😳)
So, chick-lit style writing isn’t for everyone. But it is for so many, which is why I keep Chocolate Beach, and the two books that followed her—Truffles by the Sea and Mocha Sunrise—live and available. (And weirdly, I think of my heroines Bri, Gaby, and Livi often and wonder what they’re up to. ☺️)
If you’re a fan of chick-lit (one of my favorite authors is Kristin Billerbeck, who does it so well), and if you like chocolate and the beach (✅✅✅) then I invite you to check these books out on Amazon, Apple, or my Shop.
Did you read them way-back-when? Do you read chick-lit? Please drop a comment. Oh, and if you dare, tell me your favorite type of chocolate too! (Mine is See’s Candy.)
I honestly don’t read what you’d call chick-lit, and I don’t really care for romcoms. Yeah, I know, I’m a tad on the strange/weird side! As for my favorite chocolate, it’s got to Ferrero Rocher’s and Ghirardelli Dark Chocolate.
Good morning yes I like Rom Coms. My favorite chocolates are the Ferrero Rochers and Peanut M&Ms. Have a great day and a great week.
That’s okay, of course! As I said, it’s kind of a love it or not so much kind of read 😂. I like both of those chocolates, too!
Hi Alicia! Wow, you and Trudy (see comment above) both like the same chocolate!
I will read chick-lit if it is clean and grabs my interest. I tried Lindor Truffles last Valentine’s when my daughter-in-law bought me a bag. I think that is my favorite kind of chocolate now.
Is chick lit the same as rom com? I’m not up with labels, guess I’m a bit of a rebel too, lol! Love a good laugh in books though. Anything rich and dark and orange wrt chocolate and I’m happy! Though I tried some tart raspberry dark artisan chocolate from a specialist chocolate maker in Canberra, Australia and I am extremely glad they are too far away for me to be able to buy that deliciousness except for a couple of times a year. I love that you love your first novels!
Ahhh, yes to Lindor, Bonnie! I used to buy those and give them away at book signings! Readers loved them 🍫
Hi Dianne, Yes, I’d say Romcom is Chick-lit repackaged 🤭. And, hey, I’m open to anything with artisan and chocolate in the name – sounds delish!
I enjoy chick lit style books, I used to read a lot of them at one time and I also enjoy romcoms.
I often wonder about how ther heroines of my favourite re-reads are doing, thinking things like they must have had their 10th anniversary, their kids would be teens now, so I understand you thinking about your heroines!
I’m in the UK, so not sure if my favourite chocolate is available elsewhere, but I love Cadbury’s mini eggs (small milk chocolate eggs in a sugar shell) – luckily they are already on sale for Easter!
Glad to hear it, Ruthie! That’s so sweet that you remember certain characters and wonder about them. Oh, and Cadbury is here, but I’ve heard it’s even better in England! Our daughter lives in London and has on and off for years. She’s introduced us to a lot of sugary goodness from out there 😀
I do enjoy reading chick lit. I love anything milk chocolate. I enjoy Hershey, Lindt and Cadberry. Thank you so much for sharing. God bless you.
Thank you and God bless you, too, Debra ☺️
As an author and reader, I want chick-lit to return. I loved Chocolate Beach and have a signed copy. Kristin’s Ashley Stockingdale’s series was everything. My first series was first person/chick lit style, but as opposite of CA life as can be. It was fun to write, although I’ve grown so much since then.
My favorite chocolate? Dove. M & M’s. Hershey’s…
Hi Julie! We’ve crossed paths a few times around the web, haven’t we? Sounds like we have similar tastes ☺️. I love that. Oh, and of the three you mentioned, Dove is top! So silky, right?
I like reading chick lit and have read and enjoyed several of Kristin’s books. I like M&M’s, Lindt dark chocolate truffles, Dove dark chocolate, Hershey’s Kisses, and most other kinds of chocolate, too. Also, most any kind of chocolate dessert like pies, brownies, pots de creme, cookies, etc. I’m a certified chocoholic.