Throughout our lives we are faced with choices. Some affect our lives greatly. Others are inconsequential. Where should I live? What job should I take? Who should I marry? Which car should I buy? What should I have for lunch? Here’s a path. Should I take it?
As writers we create characters who must make choices. The reader gets to live vicariously through the characters while they make their choices. Have you ever read a book where you wanted to jump inside the pages and have a heart-to-heart with the character and tell them that they were making the wrong decision? If so, the author has brought you into the story. We may cry when the character makes a wrong decision, or we may cheer when the character finally makes that right one.
Many of my characters try to rely on the Lord to help them make decisions, but sometimes they aren’t always sure what God is trying to tell them. They struggle with their choices.
When I face choices, I hope I will remember what Joshua says in the last part of Joshua 24:15. “But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” That is the best choice of all.
What book have you read where the character’s choices made you cheer or cry?
Wow! Lots of books have had characters in the where I cried or cheered for their choices. One that stands out is Home Run by Travis Thrasher. I wanted to yell at the main character LOTS of times….lol; yell at the main character’s dad…basically there were a lot of places I wanted to yell…lol. :)
Mippy, I haven’t read Home Run. I’ll have to check that one out. Thanks for your comment.