Greetings, Inspyromance readers! I have a question for you: do Christian writers always, and only, write for the Christian market?
No, not always and only. I’m a Christian writer, and the author of many Christian romances, but I have a new series of books coming out with HQN books (the first one released yesterday) They are not Christian books.
They’re not not Christian, either, nor are they racy or full of bad language. They’re sweet and wholesome books that include characters of faith and references to God. However, unlike my Love Inspired, Sacred Bond, and Arcadia Valley books, the Safe Haven series doesn’t include a significant faith journey for any of the main characters. In fact, the editor of the first book asked me to remove some Christian references so that the books would have a broader appeal, and I did so.
Why? Believe it or not, it’s got a lot to do with my mom.
I have always gotten along well with seekers, disillusioned Christians, people of different faiths, agnostics, and atheists. I have a lot of experience with those folks. Not only have I spent my working life in the diverse world of academia, but my mother became disillusioned with Christians and religion after some negative experiences in the church. She left the faith and, sadly to me, never came back. I’m sure many of you know how heartbreaking it is to watch someone you love go through something terrible (in Mom’s case, pancreatic cancer) without faith in God or belief in an afterlife.
Talking with Mom about faith was like approaching a terrified feral cat: you had to be careful, and delicate, and slow, and pretend you weren’t even all that interested… and sometimes she’d still attack back. If some guy bounded up like a cheery Labrador Retriever, sharing what Jesus was doing in his life, forget it–a figurative claws-out bat to the nose and Mom was out of there.
When I was given the opportunity to write books that someone like Mom would willingly read, I seized it. The Safe Haven books start out with a bare minimum of faith (Low Country Hero), then a little more (Low Country Dreams), and then actual church visits and prayer (Low Country Christmas). My hope is that readers on all types of faith journeys–or none–will read their way through the books and find them uplifting. And hey… if they like my style enough to turn to my Love Inspired books (I’m still writing two per year)–that would be a terrific bonus.
I’m not trying directly to bring readers to Christ with these books or with any of my books–evangelism isn’t my spiritual gift. But if I can show readers some really appealing doorways, maybe they’ll come close enough for God to usher them through. That would be a beautiful thing.
I’d love to know what Inspy readers think of the Safe Haven series. And so, I’m giving away three Amazon gift cards, $10 each, that I hope you’ll use to purchase Low Country Hero, with a little left over to buy something else. For a chance to win a gift card, just write a comment below–today, February 27th. And if you win… please let me know what you think of this new series via an email or an Amazon review.
What’s Low Country Hero about? A heroine with her five-year-old special-needs twins, starting over in a South Carolina beach town to escape domestic abuse… A hero who’s a wounded veteran with a chip on his shoulder and a vow not to love again… a fifty-something waitress with amnesia who ends up with a romance of her own… stuff like that.
I hope you’ll check it out! And you can always sign up for my newsletter to stay updated on this series or on my Love Inspired books.
“Sweet and wholesome” works for me too. Sounds like a series I will enjoy.
I have loved your Love Inspired books, but I gotta be honest…domestic abuse issues is not a subject I can read about. My mom was murdered by my half sister’s father when she tried to leave him, I wasn’t quite two yet…And he got away with it due to not enough evidence and the only witness too young to testify, so I avoid those story lines. But I hope it does well for you.
Mmmm . . . Actually about a month ago I deleted all the books on my Kindle that is not faith based. Nothing against sweet romance, but for me, I wanted books that inspire and promote relationship with God. I can totally understand the need for clean books without promoting God as my son is also not in the faith. Just like your mom, he does not want to hear anything connected to faith. You can not talk about God to them you can only live your relationship with God. I know your pain.
Hi Lee, what a great opportunity to gently share another worldview. Thank for writing general market books that are still clean and not full of foul language! I have no problem with a Christian author writing for the secular market- I just get frustrated when I buy a book expecting it to be clean- and it’s really not! Not sure how an author who is Christian can write that…
Anyway, I have plenty of family and friends who will not read a Christian book, but appreciate a clean, well written story…and many have gone on to read the actual Christian published ones by the same author.
Good morning, Lee. First, condolences on your mom, that is a very tough situation. I am glad to hear that the Safe Haven is still a sweet series, as then I know I would still enjoy reading. While I do prefer faith journey novels, I never turn down a sweet read!❤️
Praying for your mom. I think that uplifting, sweet romances is a good introduction for people who are not Christian or affiliated with other religious beliefs. I think it’s something that’s needed too. You never know what could encourage someone or give them hope or start asking questions.
New author for me.
I have no problem with fiction that is clean, but not evangelistic. We need all kinds. ?
Hi Lee! Insightful blog! As an avid reader, I like to be diverse in my reading – variety of authors, genres, settings, characters and themes. Having worked retail, corporate and in academic settings, I have interacted with people from all walks of life – Christian, agnostic, and atheists. Therefore, I like my reading to be authentic. I enjoyed reading your Arcadia Valley series. Would gladly read your new series with a different perspective. Best wishes on your new release. Thanks for your honesty and generous spirit.
Oh my goodness, I’m glad you saw the topic before buying the book. I’m so sorry for your loss and hope you’ll continue to enjoy my lighter books.
That’s great, Mary!
There’s that quote that’s attributed to St. Francis (incorrectly, I believe):
“Preach the Gospel at all times. When necessary, use words.” Whoever said it, it makes sense. Hugs.
Thank you for the encouragement, Wemble!
Thank you, Paula!
Thanks for sharing this Lee. I wholehrartedly agree with you. Books do not have to be overtly “Christian” with Bible verses and the way of salvation. Many of those stories turn me off. Many of the classics such as Lord of the Rings or Narnia resonate with many people. While I was on a cruise I met a woman in Dubrovnik whose life was changed through reading the shack. I pray that through your stories people will be drawn to The Story. God bless.
Exactly my hope, Chanel. Thanks for commenting.
Thanks, Jolene!
What a lovely comment, Renate–thank you!
Hi Judy, thanks for mentioning Narnia… I’d never be so bold as to compare my writing to CS Lewis but I greatly admire his work and his outreach.
I love the spirit of this and your message which very closely mimics my own writing philosophy. I don’t want to be heavy-handed with faith in my books but I won’t avoid including it either, as (I hope at least) it makes it more accessible and realistic. I’d love to read your books!
Hi Lee,
I finished your new book yesterday and I enjoyed it. My favorite part was the diversity of the characters. You really captured the essence of a southern small town. I knew your series was written for the general market so I didn’t expect an overt faith journey for any of the characters, yet there is a subtle message of hope woven throughout the story. Nicely done! I’m looking forward to book 2.
I don’t mind a Christian writer writing for the secular market at all. Like you said someone might read one of these sweet and clean books. and then pick up you other more ‘christian’ books.
Although I do prefer my books with a stronger element of faith, I can see that these would be great for an elderly client of mine who loves romance but thinks the books I loan her are too spiritual and so won’t read any of them! But I help her order books off Amazon so I think I will see if she wouldn’t like one of yours!
Best wishes on your new series. Thanks for your honesty and sharing. I do enjoy faith based books, and that’s my preference in reading. However, I understand your Mom’s situation as I worked many years in Christian Ministry and saw people who felt as your Mom.
This sounds like a wonderful new series. Good reading to everyone and God bless you and your writing
I have not read the series. It is now on my radar.
Great approach and thinking. I believe these books give you another avenue to perhaps plant a seed. I’m very excited for you, and I enjoy clean romance too. ?
Lee–the new series sounds great. I believe writing from a Christian worldview is an awesome thing. True love flows from Christ, so when there’s true love involved, well….:)
This is wonderful. Much praise to you for using your talent to reach out to those who are non christian. I don’t know, but I hope other christian writers do this also. This is one way to bring the gentle word of God into a seeking mind. I remember listening to Amy Grant, I loved her music and messages. And when she went to songs that anyone would enjoy, yet still bring truth to others, well, I was giddy with happiness. Prayers for you
I enjoy sweet and wholesome romance as long as it really is sweet and not racy. Your new series sounds interesting. I was abused and neglected for part of my teenage years and thank God for His grace and healing. It is interesting when I read about it as long as eventually they get out of it
Wow. I’ve known authors who write both faith-based and sweet and wholesome stories, but I’ve never known the reason as to why they make the difference in their writing. Thank you for sharing! I, personally, enjoy both, so I’d give any of your books a chance (new to me author ;) ).
This sounds great. When I write, in the back of my mind is always the thought of non-Christians reading them, and how can I be a blessing to them without pushing them so hard it pushes them away? My daughter is marrying into a family of the Jewish faith – non practicing. His mother has read my first two books, which did not have overt salvation themes, but more dependence on God and how much God loves us. The third one, however, is a little different, and I’ll admit I’m a little nervous about her reading it. Thanks for your post, and for your encouragement!
At first I was “Hmm, not sure.” But then when I thought about it…
We know there are so many unbelieving authors out there writing books and listing them on Amazon as Christian. At least half the books in the Amazon Christian Contemporary Romance bestseller list are written by authors who don’t know and love Jesus. That is so, so sad.
So I love that that you’re doing the opposite and getting books written by a genuinely Christian author out into the secular market. This, totally: “if I can show readers some really appealing doorways, maybe they’ll come close enough for God to usher them through. That would be a beautiful thing.”
That really WOULD be a beautiful thing!
I always enjoy your books, so I’m sure I’ll enjoy these too. Thanks for the enjoyment I’ve gotten from your books.
It’s good to meet a kindred spirit! Thanks for commenting.
Heidi, thanks so much for reading LOW COUNTRY HERO! I appreciate the positive reaction from a fellow author.
Thanks, Patty!
That’s a great plan, Kris… let me know how she likes them!
Thank you for the good wishes, Jackie!
Thank you, Brenda.
I’m glad, Kelley, and hope you decide to read these or others of my books. This blog has so many excellent authors.
Thank you, Tammy… yes, it’s all about planting those seeds!
Thank you for the encouragement, Lindi!
Thank you so much for the encouragement, Lori. And I agree, Amy Grant is such a wonderful artist.
You’ll definitely find a happy ending in all of my books… and not too much darkness on the way to getting there.
Welcome, Priscila… I’m so glad you enjoy both types of books.
It’s such a delicate balance, isn’t it? Best of luck with your, what would you call it… “co-mother-in-law?” Anyway, best of luck with her reading and enjoying book three.
Thank you so much, Autumn… your encouragement means a lot. One of my fears with moving in this direction was the reaction of my dear CCR friends. I’m glad yours was positive upon reflection.
You’re welcome… thanks for reading!
I think it is great that you are writing this series. You have an opportunity to plant seeds in someone’s life who would never pick up a Christian book. I applaud you for it and wish you lots of success!
I loved this book. And I am glad you shared the reason you wrote it like you did.
I have no problem with sweet, clean reads by Christian authors. Like others have said, I just don’t like when they try to make them racier to fit in the general fiction market. I understand story plots may run deep but I appreciate that the Christian author won’t tell us everything. Thanks for reaching out to a new market Lee.
<3 Praying this new series sells wonderfully well.
Lee, I pray that your new series will be used by the Spirit to soften hearts towards God. I have no problem with Christian authors writing clean, wholesome books outside the Christian fiction genre.
I pray that God will use your heart for Him to woo others . Blessings
I like your theory of hoping that your non-Christian romances spur people to read your Christian ones!
I have to admit, I try to only read Christian; however, this book sounds good!! I’m just now finding some clean and wholesome books that I’d like to read, after many years of only Christian ones. I understand why you’re doing it, and even applaud your efforts!
I have relatives that read purely Christian romance books, and still don’t get it. So, if someone who doesn’t read Christian will pick up this and start searching, that’s worth it!
Thank you, Kerri!
Thank you so much for your support, Susan!
Thanks for being so open-minded, Andrea!
Amen, Lisa! Thank you for the encouragement.
Thank you, Lucy–that is my prayer, too.
I’m not sure how to track it but I am hoping!
Trudy, I totally understand people wanting to read exclusively Christian books… and there are so many wonderful ones listed on the book section of this blog, so I don’t think you’ll run out anytime soon!
I read Low Country Hero and enjoyed it. Thanks.
This sounds like a wonderful series. I look forward to reading it. Thanks for the giveaway.
I like both types of books. As long as they are clean books, they are an enjoyable escape from your daily life. You never know what little thought that is brought over in a book can have on a person’s life. Sometimes a clean book that touches on something relevant in life, can make a person see that their life can be made better just like the character in the book was. It could pull a person out of feelings of destruction and decide there is more to life than they had previously felt. Any help brought to someone’s life is a win in my mind.
I enjoy sweet reads too. I make sure most of my reading is Christian but I don’t feel it all has to be. I just avoid smut, foul language, and dark mysteries.
I enjoy sweet reads also. No smut or foul language. And who knows what a sweet read might inspire.
Interesting perspective Lee! I love sweet clean stories too. I’m so sorry for your mom’s journey…especially as a cancer survivor I don’t know how I would go through this without my faith. My mom is not a believer, we’re praying for her salvation. Thank you for sharing!
I don’t have a problem with Christian authors writing for the secular market as long as they avoid obscenity and sexual affairs.
My sympathies for the journey you are on with your Mom. I have prayed for you.
Thank you for the chance to win the gift.
Looks like a Great Book ?
Thanks for sharing this book with us ?❤?
Thanks for the chance to win ????
Thank you so much for reading and reviewing!
I will read both “Christian” books and non but I would love if authors could easily let us know how the book was classified. As a church librarian, I have to be careful of the books that I put into our church library and it gets confusing when a “Christian” author writes both.
Sorry to hear about your mom’s experience. My dad died of colon cancer so I understand the journey. However, his faith remained strong to the end and his life was an inspiration to us kids. Hugs.
I like reading a variety of genres, so an evangelical book is not something I insist on. I appreciate that these are “clean” reads without profanity and steamy scenes. That means I could let my teenager read them without being too worried!
Havent read but sounds like a great book to read I love these kind of books Thank you for the chance to win!
Sounds like a great series!