My new book cover may be my favorite cover yet. It reminds me of other books I’ve read recently and enjoyed. But let’s talk about what I think you’ll appreciate about this book.
First of all, I like the title. As the second novel in my Love Off Script series, I’d been calling it Hero Rehearsals, but my publishing team renamed it Hero Debut. This fits my heroine’s desire to make her mark in the world. Gemma Bennett is an aspiring screenwriter who takes citizen’s police academy as research for her story and ends up causing all kinds of trouble for the law enforcement officer teaching the class.
Next, I like the reflection in Gemma’s sunglasses. She’s a bit flighty and can get lost in thought, but this visual symbolizes where her mind is throughout the story.
Third, I like how it’s cartoony with bright colors, which both give it a both a vintage Hollywood vibe as well as superhero feel.
And in case anyone questions the genre, there are plenty of hearts to ensure this novel will make readers swoon.
Now, if you’re ready to see the cover as a whole, I invite you to play detective for yourself and put the puzzle pieces together by clicking here.
If you’d rather skip the games and go straight to the fun, click here to view the cover on Amazon and/or pre-order your own copy! Hero Debut releases August 29!!! I’ll have another book coming out in September, so be watching for that cover reveal, as well.
What makes a cover stand out for you?
Bonnie says
Woohoo! I got the puzzle built in 30 seconds. I love the cover.
Amy Anguish says
Really cute! And happy birthday to me. This releases the day after so I know what’s on my list. ;) I loved the first book.
Nora St Laurent says
Fun cover. Looking forward to reading this book.
Ginger says
Love it!
I’ve been waiting and waiting and waiting for this book.
And, love YOU.
Laurie Larsen says
I love the cover! And the puzzle was fun. I got it in 48 seconds.
Jessica B. says
I love covers that are a little bit unexpected for their genre. I’ve seen a lot of great illustrated covers recently, including yours.
Angela strong says
Well done! Glad you like it.
Angela strong says
Yay! I’ll be at Storyfest with early copies if you are interested in celebrating your birthday with me in St. Louis!
Angela strong says
Thanks! I’m excited to share.
Angela strong says
Thanks, Mommers.
Angela strong says
Nice job! Glad you like it.
Angela strong says
Same! And thank you.
Kathleen Mattingly says
I look forward to reading the book!! Love the cover, too!!
RuthieH says
I’m not usually good at puzzles but I managed this eventually – I loved that some of the pieces were heart shaped! It’s a great cover.
I like crazy Gers that are fun and bright and stand out when I’m flicking through my e-reader.
RuthieH says
Not sure where crazy Gers came from, I meant covers lol
Alicia Haney says
Good morning, your book cover is beautiful and I enjoyed doing the puzzle , thank you so much for working my brain. Have a great weekend.
Megan says
I’m soexcited for this book!! I really like the bright covers and I think illustrated covers can be so pretty when done as well as this one was.
Trudy says
I like covers with scenery and no people the best, to be honest! I like to imagine the characters for myself. The scenery draws me in and makes me want the story. I’ll admit, I’m not crazy about the cartoony covers. Maybe that’s an age thing? I did love the puzzle, and did it in 31 seconds.
Kendra Muonio says
I did the puzzle in 19 seconds I like the book cover hope to read it. I do puzzles year long.
Today is snowing and marks 3 years since my grandma passed away .
Angela strong says
Yay! Glad you like it.
Angela strong says
Isn’t that cute???
Angela strong says
Lol I figured that’s what you meant.
Angela strong says
Oh fun! Thanks for playing. Hope you have a great weekend too.
Angela strong says
Thanks. I’m excited to share!
Angela strong says
I’m glad you enjoyed the puzzle. As for cover preferences, wouldn’t the world be boring if we all liked the same things? I do hope you enjoy the story though.
Angela strong says
I’m sorry to hear about your grandmother. Glad you enjoy puzzles, and I think you set a record with this one.
bn100 says
fun cover
Debra Pruss says
The bright colors draw my attention. Thank you so much for sharing. God bless you.
Angela strong says
I’m glad you think so too!
Angela strong says
Thank you. God bless you too.
Ausjenny says
I too enjoyed the puzzle. I like the cover.
I am not sure what makes a cover stand out. I think colours do. I too am not a cartoon fan but as you said we would be boring if we all liked the same thing. (Rom-Com isn’t my favorite genre)
I do like blues and yellows and reds. I am enjoying the ones for the Easter books as they are light and I think the sky and greens look just right for them. I have been known to buy a book cos of the cat on the cover (in one case it was the cat and the dog).