Could the past she kept hidden…
Renew an unexpected love?
After her adult son survives a plane crash, Nicole St. John believes the one person who can help him heal is his pilot father—who doesn’t know the twenty-four-year-old exists. Now Adam Hawk will do anything to support his son, even spend time with the woman who kept him a secret. But as old feelings resurface, can Adam convince Nicole she’s the final piece in their new family?
Back cover copy from my release coming in September. In February I did a post about selling to Love Inspired. A dream come true. There are many aspects involved and seeing your cover for the first time is one of them. They ask you to describe three scenes and describe the characters. It helps them develop a great cover for the book as it relates to the story. Even with my Indie books, I always hired somebody because I have no vision in that area. I’ve been blessed with some great covers because of the people I hired.
So, when I sent in the visuals and the scene descriptions I really had no idea what they would do with it. But when I did receive the cover through the email, I was thrilled. And that back copy. It summed up the story perfectly!
Before I get to the cover, I wanted to talk about how important covers are to me. I pick up books that have beautiful covers. The cover sets the scene for me, and I’m sure it does for you as well. If it’s a scenery only cover I automatically think family saga type of novel. Of course a couple will lead me down the romance path. Covers with weapons are not my normal forte. I do like a good mystery, but a knife dripping blood will probably not be in the cart when I check out.
A lot of covers now are using more anime or cartoon images and font. I usually have to read the back blurb, because they are in all different genres it seems. They are not an auto turn-off for me, though.
Love Inspired has an amazing handle on what type of stories their readers like. And they know how to create covers that will draw their readers to the book. I know for me, even though we know the stories are family oriented, and God centered, I still love the diversity of the covers. Kids, pets, a woman, a man, a woman with children, or a man with a child, or children. And the scenery! They do a great job on giving the reader a visual of the story setting. Whether it is set in Alaska, on a ranch, or the mountains, you know what you’re buying when you pick up the book.
So, in taking in the above blurb, tell me how you think they did with my beautiful cover!
So, I’d love to hear from you what you think. Not only about my cover, but about covers in general. Are there auto buys for you? Auto put backs? It’s also available for pre-order here.
Pam Whorwell says
Love your cover. I like cover yours that show the area the story takes place òr gives us an idea of what the couple looks like or what they might do for a living! Not a fan of anime covers.
Renate says
Hi Lindi from chilly Michigan. After a week of 70+ temperatures and sunshine, we are back to gloomy frigid days. Beautiful cover. I enjoy looking at books at my local independent bookstore and Meijer’s (a Michigan based grocery store chain). Yes, I am drawn to Love Inspired books because of the tastefully done covers showing the setting and couple. Valerie Comer’s Farm Fresh series I loved the covers, but as you stated not usually drawn to anime or cartoon covers. Most cozy mysteries have tastefully done covers. Hope Callaghan a cozy mystery writer’s covers are cartoon and fun covers and delightful reads. Best wishes on your upcoming release. Thanks for sharing.
Lindi Peterson says
Pam–Thank you. Yes, LI does a great job with the settings. :)
Lindi Peterson says
Renate–Hi—I understand your weather issues. In Georgia we had a gorgeous few days in March and then yesterday chilly and rainy. I wish spring would sprung! But not straight into summer.
I am always looking at covers like you. I do love Valerie’s covers. They are fun and set the tone for her books. They have a distinct look and you know it’s a Val cover! That’s a great way to build readership, too. Praying you get some warmer weather soon.
Trudy says
My honest first thought is the couple on the cover don’t look old enough to have an adult son! lol!! I’m more drawn to covers with only men on them, or to just scenery. I like to picture the characters for myself. I usually pick a book for the author, and then read the back blurb. For some authors, I don’t even read the back blurb, the author is enough for me!
Lori Smanski says
thanks for sharing today. yes I love your cover. but I really love the description of this book. an older couple, yesssss. I have come more to love books that have older couples. coming back together and maybe making things right this time. this sounds wonderful
Lindi Peterson says
Trudy—Ha—don’t we all want to look that young! But they were nineteen when said child was born—so there’s that……And like you there are authors I buy no matter what! I understand about wanting to picture the characters. :)
Lindi Peterson says
Lori–So I have found that second chance romances are some of my favorites!! I love them…
Kathleen Mattingly says
I really like the cover! I like looking at the covers on books, but I read the blurbs to decide if I want to buy the book.
Bonnie Heringer says
Renate, visiting Michigan this week. Today is chilly and cloudy, but that’s okay. Just looking out at the bay and reading. ❤🤗
Bonnie Heringer says
Hi Lindi! Great cover. I am a cover person. Sometimes the cover totally sells me. I wasn’t one much for the cartoony covers, but I am coming around. I like color, scenery, and people.
Lindi Peterson says
That sounds like a great day!
Lindi Peterson says
Thank you, Kathleen!! I love reading blurbs, too.
Lindi Peterson says
Bonnie—Yes, the cartoony covers are really cute sometime. I’ve wrested with changing some of mine….but, time!! Who has it? Maybe one day when I retire from day job…Ha!!
Kendra Muonio says
I like the cover I will be waiting to read it I have read lots of love inspired books and like all the ones I have read.
Lindi Peterson says
Kendra–Thank you!! I read a lot of them as well. :)
RuthieH says
Great cover! It must be so exciting to see how others have pictured the characters you described. I agree that Love Inspired do a good job with covers, I really like how the settings are captured so well.
Kathy Blair says
I’m with Kathleen–the cover might draw me in, but it’s the blurb that will usually influence my decision the most.
bn100 says
nice cover
Lindi Peterson says
Thank you, Ruthie. Yes, it was refreshing to see on the cover what I envisioned in my head while writing.
Lindi Peterson says
Kathy—I do love a good blurb!
Lindi Peterson says
Thank you!
Debra Pruss says
I love your cover. I am drawn to covers with bright colors. It is hard to describe what drawns me in. It is something that just clicks in my brain. Thank you so much for sharing. God bless you.
Ausjenny says
I am so late. I am not made on the anime and cartoon character covers but expect them to be rom com which are not my favourite genre. the covers don’t appeal to me so I tend to not be drawn to them. I do love the LI covers. They aways do a good job with them. Covers really do sell or not sell a book. I read a historical only because I won it and I loved it, learnt so much and was glad I had a chance to read it. If I had seen it in the shop I wouldn’t even have looked at the blurb. the cover wasn’t good and didn’t really protray what it was. I didn’t buy another book due to the cover thinking it was suspense cos of the dark cover. It was Contemporary and a light read but due to the cover I just couldn’t even look any further.
Meghann Whistler says
Love it, Lindi!
Lindi Peterson says
Meghann, Thank you!
Lindi Peterson says
Jenny—That’s cool about winning the book and really loving it, despite the cover–but like you said, the cover didn’t really portray what the book was about. And I’ve been looking into a branding type tag line–and photos–and yes, I was drawn to the dark, dramatic pictures, BUT, that’s not my brand while writing! So glad you brought this up.
Lindi Peterson says
Debra–Thank you!! I do love the LI covers.
Dianne says
For me a cover isn’t that important. I like your cover it portrays family to me though I was a bit surprised by how young the couple looked given a 20 something son.
The blurb is where I look and if I’m unsure I’ll look inside and read a few pages before I choose.
Lindi Peterson says
Dianne–thank you!! Yes, the couple was young when they had their child. So they’re in their early 40s now…. :)